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Gathering Performance Information: Overview



Appraisal Forms Characteristics of Appraisal Forms Determining Overall Rating Appraisal Period and Number of Meetings

Overview (continued)


Who Should Provide Performance Information? A Model of Rater Motivation Preventing Rating Distortion through Rater Training Programs

Appraisal Forms:
9 Major Components
1. 2.

Basic Employee Information Signatures

Appraisal Forms:
9 Major Components (continued)

Accountabilities, Objectives, and Standards Competencies and Indicators Major Achievements and Contributions Stakeholder Input Employee Comments

4. 5.

6. 7.

Appraisal Forms:
9 Major Components (continued)
(These could be included in a separate form)

8. 9.

Developmental Achievements Developmental

Needs Plans Goals

Appraisal Forms:
8 Desirable Features
1. 2. 3. 4.

Simplicity Relevancy Descriptiveness Adaptability

Appraisal Forms:
8 Desirable Features (continued)
5. 6. 7. 8.

Comprehensiveness Definitional Clarity Communication Time Orientation

Determining Overall Rating

Judgmental strategy Mechanical strategy

Appraisal period
Number of Meetings
Annual Semi-annual Semi Quarterly

Who Should Provide Performance Information?

Employees should be involved in selecting  Which sources evaluate  Which performance dimensions When employees are actively involved  Higher acceptance of results  Perception that system is fair

Who Should Provide Performance Information? Direct knowledge of employee performance


Supervisors Peers Subordinates Self Customers


Best position to evaluate performance vs. strategic goals Make decisions about rewards Able to differentiate among performance dimensions

Supervisor may not be able to directly observe performance Evaluations may be biased


Assess teamwork

Possible friendship bias May be less discriminating Context effects


Accurate when used for developmental purposes Good position to assess some competencies

Inflated when used for administrative purposes May fear retaliation (confidentiality is key)


Increased acceptance of decisions Decreased defensiveness during appraisal interview Good position to track activities during review period

May be more lenient and biased

Customers (external and internal)

Employees become more focused on meeting customer expectations

Time Money

Disagreement Across Sources


Expect disagreement Ensure employee receives feedback by source Assign differential weights to scores by source, depending on importance Ensure employees take active role in selecting which sources will rate which dimensions

A Model of Rater Motivation

Expected Positive and Negative Consequences of Rating Accuracy Motivation to Provide Accurate Ratings Probability of Experiencing Positive and Negative Consequences

Rating Behavior

Expected Positive and Negative Consequences of Rating Distortion

Motivation to Distort Ratings

Probability of Experiencing Positive and Negative Consequences

Motivations for Rating Inflation

Maximize merit raise/rewards Encourage employees Avoid creating written record Avoid confrontation with employees Promote undesired employees out of unit Make manager look good to his/her supervisor

Motivations for Rating Deflation

Shock employees Teach a lesson Send a message to employee Build a written record of poor performance

Preventing Rating Distortion through Rater Training Programs

Rater Training Programs should cover:


Information Motivation Identifying, observing, recording and evaluating performance How to interact with employees when they receive performance information

Information - how the system works

Reasons for implementing the performance management system Information on the appraisal form and system mechanics

Motivation Whats in it for me?

Benefits of providing accurate ratings Tools for providing accurate ratings

Identifying, observing, recording, and evaluating performance

How to identify and rank job activities How to observe, record, measure performance How to minimize rating errors

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