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Alt+F File

Open the file menu.

Ctrl+N New document

Open a new document for

Ctrl+O Open
Open an existing document for

Ctrl +y repeat typing

Ctrl+S Save
Save the current document. If it
has never been saved, you will Ctrl + h replace
be prompted for a file name.

Ctrl+W Close
Close the current document. If it
has not been saved, you will be
prompted to save.

Ctrl+P Print
Print the HTML for the current

Ctrl+Z Undo
Undo the last change.

Ctrl+Q Repeat Tag

Re-type the last tag that was

Ctrl+X Cut
Cut the selected text and put it
on the clipboard.

Ctrl+C Copy
Copy the selected text and put it
on the clipboard.

Ctrl+V Paste
Paste the text on the clipboard
at the cursor location.

Ctrl+A Select All

Select all the text in the window.

Ctrl+K Toggle Bookmark

Turn a bookmark on or off on t

Ctrl+G Go to
Go to the line number or
character position you specify.

Ctrl+F Find
Search within the current
document for text.

Ctrl+R Replace

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