Steps To Be Followed For Siebel Component Crashes

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Steps to be followed for One Siebel Production crashes (SIG error like SIGBUS, SIGBRT, SIGSEV, SIGGILL etc)

1) Logon to the Unix box (Siebel server where crash has occurred): /siebel/os*/sieb*/bin 2) You will find a core file there, which matches the timstamp when the error was reported in the Enterprise logs Ex : $ ls -ltr core* -rw------- 1 siebel sbladm 464289332 Jun 30 01:41 core.siebmtshmw.8171 3) Run the cmd : (through Siebel login only) pstack <core file> > pstack_<siebsrvr name>_<pid>.txt i.e pstack core.siebmtshmw.8171 > pstack_siebsrvr3_8171.txt 4) A new file 'pstack_siebsrvr3_8171.txt' , will be created, FTP this file. 5) Open the pstack file with Wordpad 6) In this youll get the core file name , from that take the pid of the core file i.e For ex: core.siebmtshmw.8171 , you need to take 8171 And you also need to take thread# pid (which you can get from the second line of the file) 7) Then you need to search this eComm file in the log directory: cd /siebel/osprd/siebsrvr/enterprises/osPRDent/siebsrvr*/log Run the following command (through Siebel login only) grep <corefile pid thread# pid> eComm* for ex : grep 8171 1760 eComm* Note: 1760 is the thread # pid which have taken from pstack file. 8) You will get the eComm filename; FTP it to your machine, open it and u will see a user id (EIN). From the BT dir find details and give a call to user and ask him , what exactly he was doing at the time of the crash. Screens and Order num will be there in the eComm log file.

9) Apart from this you need to get the fdr file , you can get this file in the bin dir cd /siebel/osprd/siebsrvr/bin Run the command (through Siebel login only) ls ltr *fdr* Note : The timestamp of creation of fdr file will be same as of the core file i.e if crash has occurred 08:10 , the core file and fdr file has stamped with 08:10 only. sarmanalyzer -x -o <filename.csv> -f <filename.fdr> For ex: sarmanalyzer -x -o T200505101604_P018406.csv -f T200505101604_P018406.fdr After you have got all the files Place all these details in following path \\converge\Teamdata\Production Crashes Make a subfolder in above location, with the name of the Bridge case and date. Put all the log files that you have got there.

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