The Mechanisms of Labor Occur To The Fetus During Delivery

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00The Mechanisms of Labor occur to the fetus during delivery.

Knowledge of these mechanisms enables the nurse to proceed with normal delivery and detect if any abnormalities are occurring during delivery that can enable the health care team to perform measures that could prevent possible complications. You can be guided by the acronym EDFIERERE.

E = Engagement
It is the mechanism wherein the fetus engages to the pelvis. It is also called lightening or dropping.

D = Descent
Descent is the mechanism where the fetal head begins its journey through the pelvis. Assessment measurement is termed as station.

F = Flexion
Is the mechanism where the fetal head is nodding or flexing forward toward its chest.

IR = Internal Rotation
This occurs from the occiput transverse position to the occiput anterior position while descending.

E = Extension
This enables the head to emerge when the fetus is in cephalic position. This begins when the head is crowning.

R = Restitution
It is the realignment of the head of the fetus with the body as the fetus head emerges.

ER = External Rotation
This mechanism is where the shoulders rotate externally once the head emerges and restitution occurs so that the shoulders would be in the anteroposterior diameter of the mothers pelvis.

E = Expulsion
It is the birth of the entire body of the fetus.

Other Terminologies and Procedures

Crowning. The fetal head distends the labial and perineal tissue and the anus is stretched wide.

Ritgen Maneuver. Pressure is applied to the fetal chin through the perineum at the same time pressure is applied to the occiput. This aids the mechanism of extension as the fetal head comes under the symphysis.

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