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English 1106 Assignments Date Topic Reading Syllabus 24-Aug Course Overview 26-Aug Syllabus Q & A Comp Chapter

11 31-Aug Oral Presentation 2-Sep MLA Quickstart Lesson 7-Sep How to find Scholarly Sources/ Database Searching 9-Sep Developing ties between Analysis "Squatting" (Identity) and Research "What's In a Name" 14-Sep "Flying Air 16-Sep Critical Reading and Response (Language)Jordan" (Stereotypes & Prejudice)

21-Sep The Research Project 23-Sep Critical Reading and Response 28-Sep Fieldwork: Types and Methods 30-Sep Critical Reading and Response 5-Oct Library Tutorial Session 7-Oct Critical Reading and Response 12-Oct 14-Oct 19-Oct 21-Oct
Researched Writing Fieldwork Assignment MLA Workshop Researched Writing

"Stolen Party" Chapter 13 "Champion of the World" (Relationships and Power) "Let Gays Marry," "Leave Marriage Alone" (Controversial Issues) Chapters 12, 14, 15

26-Oct 28-Oct 2-Nov Evaluating Sources and Avoiding


4-Nov 9-Nov Organization 11-Nov Peer Reviews 16-Nov Conferences 18-Nov 23-Nov 25-Nov 30-Nov 2-Dec 7-Dec Semester Farewell


Assignments Due Syllabus Questions

Critical Inquiry due, Group 1 presents Critical Inquiry due Critical Inquiry due, Group 2 presents

Critical Inquiry due, Group 3 presents

Critical Inquiry due, Group 4 presents Literacy Unit (quiz, tour, tutorial) Critical Inquiry due, Group 5 presents

"MLA Refresher" Worksheet due Research Question due, Fieldwork Collection Fieldwork Collection Proof due Research Proposal Due Survey Question Approval due Annotated Bibliography due Survey Link and Synopsis due Research Paper draft due, Print and Bring the Peer Review Sheet Individual Presentations Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break Individual Presentations Individual Presentations Research Paper due

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