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Advertising message formulation and design and layout

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What is an advertising message?

The visual and/or auditory information prepared by an advertiser to inform and/or persuade an audience regarding a product, organization, or idea. Formulation process of

advertising message?
1. 2.

Designing advertising Copy Layout structure so that USP of firm is HALOED












Lets Know what's advertising copy?

Advertising Copy :- Text of a print, radio, or television advertising message that aims at catching and holding the interest of the prospective buyer, and at persuading him or her to make a purchase all within a few short seconds. Copywriting is the process ofwritingthe words that promote 4/7/12 aperson,business,opinion, or

Creation Stage

1. 2. 3.

Idea generation Copywriting Layout


Advertisement Copy

Copy is the soul of advertisement. An advertising copy is all the written or spoken matter in an advertisement expressed in words or sentences and figures designed to convey the desired message to the target consumers.


Advertisement Copy

Copywriting is a specialized form of communicating ideas that are meant to serve the requirements of modern marketing -George Clarke


Requisites of Effective Advertisement Copyimp

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Attractive Interesting Retention value Believable Appropriate appeal Suggestive Educative AIR BASE


Attribute of Effective ad Copy-imp

F.W. Jefkins said a good copy should comply with the following guidelines Be precise SINCERE b. Be concise AIM With c. Aim to sell CONFIDENCE d. Be sincere e. Addressed to the right audience f. Influence the readers thoughts and / or action g. Stimulate interest h. Creative desire 4/7/12 i. Inspire confidence



Objectives of an advertising copy?

DIRECT ACTION-Objective is to cause immediate direct action on the part of the consumer. USPs are very strongly mentioned INDIRECT ACTIONEstablishes favorable attitude towards the company/brand/idea/servic e. Buying happens in course of time.

Components of Advertising Copy?

4/7/12 Headline, sub headline, illustration, logo type,slogan and brand name

Starting point of Copy writing

Starting point of Copy writing = Visualization Copy writer needs to VISUALIZE FIRST before writing a copy. Process process of visioning Its a creativeof visualization/or imagining BEFORE COPY CAN BE Steps for the problem. visualization Orientation- Point out WRITTEN.

1. 2.

Prep information gather information for the problem 3.Analysis Analyze information collected 4.Ideation- Create solution from information collected 4/7/12

Process of visualization contd..

5. Incubation- Think or sit on idea. 6.Synthesis- Give a shape to idea as a whole or solid. 7.Verification- Verify if idea is worth
Ideation + incubation = visualization


The elements of writing a good advertising copy




powerful headline or an opening statement an effective headline is a simple formula Present a statement that begs a question. For example, Dale Carnegies How to win friends and influence people begs the question of how to win friends or influence people. The Basic Story- This is where you will deliver a one-sentence snapshot of what your company does. Do you sell cellular phones and electronics? Maybe it should read, Get connected instantly to your friends with our cellular phones The Proposition- The proposition should reflect 4/7/12 your powerful headline and provide a

4. The Exact Offer-The exact offer is often times the first part of your guarantee. State what you promise to do in your copy. There was a tremendously successful used car commercial running on the Las Vegas airwaves which read, His name is John Barr, hes gonna sell you a car. You cannot get any more spot on than that. 5. A Guarantee-Dont promise anything you cannot deliver, but if you can include a guarantee in your script, do so. 6. Immediacy-Call now! Act Now! Time is running out! Can you create a sense of urgency? This element is only practical if you are issuing a call to action in your ad copy and might not need to be used for all advertising copy. 7. Your Name 8.4/7/12 Location Your

Types of Advertising COPY

H-Human interest copy I-Institutional Copy R-Reason why copy E-Educational Copy Suggestive- Copy Expository copy



Human Interest COPY

Appeals to emotions of customers rather intellect and judgment Various types 1.Humurous Copy- Amul 2.Fear copy- Dath ki saancolgate 3.Story copy- Educational insurance 4. Predicament Copydemonstrates product in use n can use any of the other forms. 4/7/12


Institutional COPY

SELLS business house name to customers Does not sell the product or service Builds sound reputation of the selling company Invites customers to their outlets to their conveince.


Reason Why COPY

Reason as to why buy a product Stresses products point of difference and superiority over rivals. Appeals to judgment or intellect of the customer.


Educational COPY

Educate the customers This form of advertising runs in a series of close intervals containing little or no identification of advertiser. Two forms 4/7/12

Suggestive COPY
It tries to suggest or pinpoint or convey the message directly or indirectly. Suggestive language is used where the 4/7/12 correct meaning

Expository COPY
Very open copy Facts are given in simple language so need of interpreting. Makes an effortless grasp. Concise and to the point. 4/7/12

Structure of Advertising COPY

Headline Sub headline Body of the copy Illustration Slogan (gajini) Identification mark/logo type


Copy headline

Headlines should: Headline is the name given to the display line which appears the reader, near top of the Be USEFUL to at the top or advertisement and acts as a sign post in stopping Provide him with a sense of URGENCY, the reader and impelling him to read the message. Convey the idea that the main benefit is somehow It is one that stands out in the COPY by size/ style/ UNIQUE; and color/ prominence Do all of the above in an ULTRA-SPECIFIC way.


Examples of Copy headline


Copy headline
Types of HEADLINES 1. Informative headlinenews headline/breaking news-most important selling point of product/service. 2. Provocative headlineinstigates reader curiosity to complete the reading. 3. Selective headlines-seeks only those clients who would benefit from the product.- u need not be millionaire to multimillionaireRAYMONDS 4/7/12 4. Label headlines- these

Sub Copy headline

Sub headlines are the subordinate or collateral captions that expand the main headline thought carrying readers interest a step further into the 4/7/12 COPY BODY,as

Examples of Sub Headline



Slogans are words or group of words used regularly by the advertiser to impress the readers on the basic idea about the product or service. Its a sales argument expressed in few words. All slogans can be good headlines but all headlines cant be good slogans.


Examples of Slogans



A textual matter that explains and develops the ideas hidden in the headline. Amplification of headline Headline captures readers interest and body converts this interest into product purchase. Here we need to use words like you, yours in place of we, ours. 4/7/12

Examples of Body of the copy


IDENTIFICATION MARK IN THECOPY Identification marks A brand help the prospects to know the product and the producers correctly. name is to Identifications are lumped under 3 groups identify the 1. Trade / firm / commercial name-name of product, the the company that makes the product. trade name 2.Brand name- is to identify the product is the name 3.Trade mark- is a word,symbol or a device of the used to mark 4/7/12 manufacturers goods/ company.

Brand name

Brand name

Trade mark Trade name

Brand name






PATENT For every individual improved mechanism DESIGN For outer shape & Contour / Configuration


Brand name or Logo for goods

denoted as

Copy right For Instruction / manual booklet denoted as 4/7/12

Industrial design protection

for 3D shape


Music played on the CD player is protected by


Brand nameregistered under

Various technical parts & mechanisms are subject mater of protection

trademark 4/7/12

under Patents




Pressure Cooker

PATENT For every individual improved mechanism DESIGN For outer shape & Contour / Configuration
TRADE MARK Brand name or Logo for goods denoted as

Copy right For Instruction / manual booklet denoted as 4/7/12



A trade mark is any sign which can distinguish the

goods of one trader from those of another. Sign includes, words, logos, pictures, or a combination of these.

. To register a trade mark , the mark must be:distinctive, and, not deceptive, or contrary to law or morality, and, not identical or similar to any earlier marks for the same or similar goods.


How to select a Trade Mark ? 1. A word, letter or any combination thereof and simple in design. 2. If it is a word it should be easy to speak, spell and remember. 4. Words which are laudatory or which directly describes the 3. character word for a of the mark isshould not be adopted. The ideal or quality trade goods an invented or coined word 5. Geographical names connected with the reputation or quality of the goods for which registration is sought should not be Are all Trade Marks registrable ? adopted. Not possible to register a mark which is confusing with a trade mark of another trader or a trade mark which describes the character or quality of the goods. The mark should not conflict with a trade mark already registered or pending registration in respect of similar goods.


Illustration of Good Illustrations Essentialsis the picture-may be drawing, a photograph, chart, diagram or a painting 1. It is simple used to gain attention, comprehension and 2. behavior change. It is suggestive It shapes the character, personality and the tone 3. Itadvertisement. should create interest of 4. It should be relevant. 5. It should be credible.


10 CONCRETE WAYS TO DO IT Click to edit Master subtitle style


Comparison It first shows similarities of the new product with an existing established product and then draws the attention of readers to the new products comparing it effectively with merits



It contrast or shows dissimilarities of one product with another as in before n after; plus n minus. It should be done so well that the product benefits should be BOUGHT home.



Both headline and illustration emerges as attention getters when used together in a form that is DRAMATIZED. It guarantees both getting attention and keen interest.



Human is slaves of situations created by themselves or others or super natural. Advertisers use these situations dramatize it and effectively makes the user come out with their SOLUTION on sell.



Magnification is used to emphasize a particular section of product in detail. Normally used for industrial products and consumer durables.



Product Technique uses picture of the product in isolation The basic purpose is to image the product then the brand and hence the company. It helps for product identification



The product is displayed information with a background behind to add grace to the object. This arouses interest of the reader in the product.



This technique uses the product in action or use. The action used should make dramatic impression on the reader. Thats why a clean shirt is shown on a smart person and a pressure cooker with a smart wife.



Consumer is more interested in the satisfaction the product gives than the product itself. Here merits resulting into benefits and thus satisfaction is greatly emphasized.



Some abstract ideas like freshness, status, respect, danger, purity, responsibility, speed, generosity , intelligence can be symbolized and advertisers use it effectively so that their brand recall is higher.


headline subhead body copy Slogan Logo/Headline Visuals



headline subhead body copy Logo Visuals



headline subhead body copy Slogan Logo Visuals


Art Direction in Television Advertising

TV has changed the face of advertising TV is about moving visuals It can leave impressions, set moods, tell stories It can get consumers to notice the brand TV production is complex, with many people and requires tremendous organizational skills

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The Creative Team in Television Advertising

Agency Participants:

Production Company Participants:

Creative Director (CD) Art Director (AD) Copywriter Account Executive (AE) Executive Producer Producer

Director Producer Production Manager Camera Department Art Department Editors

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Creative Guidelines for TV Advertising

Use an attention-getting opening Emphasize the visual Coordinate the audio with the visual Persuade as well as entertain Show the product

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Production Process for TV Advertising


Multiple activities that occur prior to filming the commercial Activities that occur during filming Activities that occur after filming to ready the commercial

Production (shoot)


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Preproduction Process for TV Advertising

Storyboard and script approval Review of bids from production houses and other suppliers

Budget approval

Creation of a production timetable

Assessment of directors, editorial houses, and music suppliers


Selection of location, sets, and cast


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Production Process:

Filming the commercial, or the shoot The shoot involves large numbers of diverse people:

Creative performers Trained technicians Skilled laborers

Sets often feature tension and spontaneity Typical commercial costs $100,000 to $500,000
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Postproduction Process
Screen dailies Edit film Produce search track Review rough cut (agency) Review rough cut (advertiser) Edit offline Edit online

Record announcer Record music Mix film and sound Transfer film to videotape Prepare copies of tape Send tapes to TV stations
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I know what's an advertising copy



What is Advertising Layout

Advertising Layout the placement of ad elements; headline, visuals, body copy and signature; to fit the size of the area the advertiser purchasesguideline: Proportional
1. Illustration 65 % 2. Headline 10 % 3. Copy 20 % 4. Logo 5 % 100 % -------------


Layout Essentials
head ill background text matter white copy In the layout is presented a diagram indicating the exact size of the ad, the headline and other important display lines. the position and size of the illustrations. the location of the text matter and, usually, the name of the advertiser the background type n size in which the advertisement is to be set the character of the border with which it is to be enclosed and the arrangement of the white space. The text matter is not written on the layout but on a separate sheet of paper known as the "copy" sheet. Where the several paragraphs are to be placed in the 4/7/12 advertisement is indicated by letters or figures which correspond to similar letters or figures marked

Diagram n headline

background Position and size of illustration

Arrangemen t of white space

Text matte r


Creating a Layout For a Print Ad

Need of the Client: The brief requires a print ad for a glossy magazine. The size is 2.25" x 4.5". The ad should be to the point, attractive, and demonstrate quickly what Start Small MIdwives has to offer for their clients. This is not the place for a flood of information, just an attention-getting overview. 4/7/12

A rough concept is started, shown on the left in the sketch at the bottom of the graph paper. The ad should begin with a clear benefit to readers who are potential customers of Start Small Midwives. "Healthy Pregnancies" is considered, but "Healthy Babies" is favored as the most desired beneficial outcome. The slogan attaches nicely to the organization's name, and the opening benefit is presented as "Healthy Babies Start Small." A cleaned-up layout is built above the rough. The catch-line is followed by an attractive illustration, with a sketch here of the image chosen from stock photography. The middle of the ad is a brief descriptive paragraph that clarifies the further benefits of the service. The paragraph is outlined at the bottom of the layout, followed by "Our practice is our passion", a slogan that will also appear in the tri-fold brochure and the website. 4/7/12 The sign-off is in the basebar, with a clear call-to-action for the reader: the location



A layout is a miniature sketch or the proposed advertisement

layout means two things ; in one sense, it means the total appearance of the advertisement-its design and the composition of its elements; in another sense, it means physical rendering of the design for the advertisement- its blueprint for production purposes.


Functions of the Layout

1. 2.



It organizes all the elements It brings together copy writer & art director It enables the advertiser to visualize his future advertisement It acts as a guide to the copy specialists


Principles of Good Layout

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Principle Principle Principle Principle Principle Principle

of of of of of of

balance rhythm emphasis superb proportion unity simplicity


Format of layout
Creative people are free to use any layout It depends on factors like

The The The The

nature of the product size of the Ad. message content in the coy readers expectations


Format of layout ( pmtc fmcg)

Some Print Layout designs are as follows: 1. Picture Window It consists of a big picture, little space is allotted for the text 1. Mondrian In this the layout is divided into rectangular blocks with the help of visible lines and bars. Here proportion is given more importance than the sequence of viewing. It is also called Grid Layout


Format of layout
Type Specimen This layout as the name indicates consists of text in large font and with no artwork Copy Heavy This is characterized by a large amount of text and less artwork or no artwork. Used in case of large and complex message. Frame In the Frame layout, the headline is highlighted with the use of a frame i.e. a simple box or some pictures. The frame can be applied to the copy also.


Format of layout
Multi panel It consists of a series of equal sized compartments, carrying pictures accompanied by captions. A sequence of pictures is used to narrate the message / story of the Ad. The captions may be depicted as speech balloons.



Format of layout
Circus The layout consists of a variety of contrasting elements some visual elements, a bold headline and lots of colours. Its designing is complex and requires a skilled designer. Grunge It makes use of lots of pictures, photos and diagrams to convey 4/7/12 the message. At the

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Layout Stages and Formats

Thumbnail Layouts Rough Layouts Finished (Tight) Layouts Comprehensive Layouts



The Thought Process

 Before a designer proceeds to the computer, he or she must be properly prepared.  This means that only after going through the thought process, or the hand on
work, can the designer make a proper decision regarding the design he or she will use for their or final presentation. It is very important that the final presentation is thought out thoroughly on paper rather than think it out on the the computer.
q q

There are many reasons in maintaining the traditionalhands on process when designing ads and layout designs. Some of the evident reasons are:

q q q q

Thumbnail and rough sketches can actually be constructed faster when sketching out impromptu ideas. There is not always a computer available (sometimes they are inoperable). Sometimes an artist or designer meets with a client over coffee and sketches ideas out while they discuss the presentation and make changes or additions. Sketching out ideas is an informal and comfortable approach. A client in not always at ease with a laptop over coffee or lunch. Quick sketches can be drawn out at casual meeting, at which time the the designer might make changes and feel comfortable doing so (especially most clients are not computer savvy in the art8181 related programs).


Because it takes less time to sketch in miniature than in actual size, the designer begins by making thumbnail sketches using a simple pencil. The thumbnail sketches should be in proportion to the ads as they are to appear in print. Quarter size is considered normal.

Even at this early stage, the designer thinks in terms of tones as well as outlines. These sketches may be extremely rough, because usually only the designer studies the thumbnail sketches. These thumbnails are the designers guide for preparing the finished presentations. Heavy lines may be used to indicate the heading. Outline shapes may be used to indicate illustrations and photographs. Text may be Greeked in as well with line work, although some artist feel more comfortable indicating more detail at this stage. Either way is acceptable. It is important that the designer can interpret his or her own renderings. The following slides indicates thumbnail sketches,,,,,,,,,,,,,




Heading Sub-Heading Photograph

2 Heavy lines indicate large type, thinner lines would be body copy, approximately 1/4 (or 14 points), the rectangles indicate photos or illustrations.



Rough Layouts

The designer chooses one or more designs from the thumbnail sketches that he or she feels would work best for the final presentation. The rough layouts are now drawn out.

v v v

Roughs are usually one half size of the finished presentation. Color is additionally added; either in marker or color pencil. The heading and sub-heading are legible, and the illustrations and/or photographs are neater, although nothing needs be ruled out precisely at this point. The client can see what particular style font is used and is able to better visualize the subject matter of the photograph or illustration.

v These elements need not be extremely precise at this stage.


v If there is an abundance of body copy, it may be Greeked in 8484




Finished or Tight Layouts

v Now that we are in the Computer Age, many artists proceed directly from the
rough layouts to the finished comprehensive layout on the computer.
vEither process is acceptable provided the designer and their client is comfortable with this


It is always good practice, however, when starting out, to have good hands-on skills, therefore, I strongly suggest that entry-level students complete a few tight layouts before proceeding to the computer.
v Tight

layouts get further polish at this stage of design.

v v v
4/7/12 v

A finished or tight layout is perfect in every detail. Headings are hand-lettered in ink or marker and photographs or illustrations are drawn in precisely. If a large amount of body copy is to be included, it may still be Greeked in (the text can be typeset separately).

8686 The measurements of the finished presentation is precise in size.




Comprehensive Layout
The Comprehensive Layout is now finalized on the computer. The most popular applications for constructing advertising and graphics are the PhotoShop, Illustrator and QuarkXpress programs..




1 Thumbnails 2 Roughs 3 Tight Layout 4 Comp

4/7/12 4 8989 3












Role of colors in advertising

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Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red. In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage. It is a color found in many national flags. Red brings text and images to the foreground. Use it as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions; it is a perfect color for 'Buy Now' or 'Click Here' buttons on Internet banners and websites. In advertising, red is often used to evoke erotic feelings (red lips, red nails, red-light districts, 'Lady in Red', etc). Red is widely used to indicate danger (high voltage signs, traffic lights). This color is also commonly associated with energy, so you can use it when promoting energy drinks, games, cars, items related to sports and high physical activity. 4/7/12 Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and

Orange Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation. To the human eye, orange is a very hot color, so it gives the sensation of heat. Nevertheless, orange is not as aggressive as red. Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity. It is highly accepted among young people. As a citrus color, orange is associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite. Orange is the color of fall and harvest. In heraldry, orange is symbolic of strength and endurance. Orange has very high visibility, so you can use it to catch attention and highlight the most important elements of your design. Orange is very effective for promoting food products and toys. Dark orange can mean deceit and distrust. Red-orange corresponds to desire, sexual passion, 4/7/12 pleasure, domination, aggression, and thirst for action.

Yellow Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow is often associated with food. Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color. When overused, yellow may have a disturbing effect; it is known that babies cry more in yellow rooms. Yellow is seen before other colors when placed against black; this combination is often used to issue a warning. In heraldry, yellow indicates honor and loyalty. Later the meaning of yellow was connected with cowardice. Use yellow to evoke pleasant, cheerful feelings. You can choose yellow to promote children's products and items related to leisure. Yellow is very effective for attracting attention, so use it to highlight the most important elements of your design. Men usually perceive yellow as a very lighthearted, 'childish' color, so it is not recommended to use yellow when selling prestigious, expensive products to men nobody will buy a yellow business suit or a yellow Mercedes. Yellow is an unstable and spontaneous color, so avoid using yellow if you want to suggest stability and safety. Light yellow tends to disappear into white, so it usually needs a dark color to highlight it. Shades of yellow are visually unappealing because they loose cheerfulness and become dingy. 4/7/12

Green Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money. Green has great healing power. It is the most restful color for the human eye; it can improve vision. Green suggests stability and endurance. Sometimes green denotes lack of experience; for example, a 'greenhorn' is a novice. In heraldry, green indicates growth and hope. Green, as opposed to red, means safety; it is the color of free passage in road traffic. Use green to indicate safety when advertising drugs and medical products. Green is directly related to nature, so you can use it to promote 'green' products. Dull, darker green is commonly associated with money, the financial world, banking, and Wall Street. Dark green is associated with ambition, greed, and jealousy. Yellow-green can indicate sickness, cowardice, discord, and jealousy. 4/7/12 Aqua is associated with emotional healing and protection.

Blue Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity. You can use blue to promote products and services related to cleanliness (water purification filters, cleaning liquids, vodka), air and sky (airlines, airports, air conditioners), water and sea (sea voyages, mineral water). As opposed to emotionally warm colors like red, orange, and yellow; blue is linked to consciousness and intellect. Use blue to suggest precision when promoting high-tech products. Blue is a masculine color; according to studies, it is highly accepted among males. Dark blue is associated with depth, expertise, and stability; it is a preferred color for corporate America. Avoid using blue when promoting food and cooking, because blue suppresses appetite. When used together with warm colors like yellow or red, blue can create high-impact, vibrant designs; for example, blue-yellow-red is a perfect color scheme for a superhero. Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, 4/7/12 understanding, and softness.

Purple Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. According to surveys, almost 75 percent of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colors. Purple is a very rare color in nature; some people consider it to be artificial. Light purple is a good choice for a feminine design. You can use bright purple when promoting children's products. Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings. Dark purple evokes gloom and sad feelings. It can cause frustration.


White White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity. In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness because it's the color of snow. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products. White is an appropriate color for charitable organizations; angels are usually imagined wearing white clothes. White is associated with hospitals, doctors, and sterility, so you can use white to suggest safety when promoting medical products. White is often associated with low weight, lowfat food, and dairy products.


Black Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. Black is a mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown (black holes). It usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humor, 'black death'). Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). In heraldry, black is the symbol of grief. Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth, but a black background diminishes readability. A black suit or dress can make you look thinner. When designing for a gallery of art or photography, you can use a black or gray background to make the other colors stand out. Black contrasts well with bright colors. Combined with red or orange other very powerful colors black gives a very aggressive color scheme.



Energy Drinks Advertising

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Energy Drinks
Energy drink slogans are as different as the drinks themselves, but they all work to appeal to the ideal consumer crowd. Energy drinks, unlike other beverages, are traditionally marketed to a very small, specific consumer group. For example, some energy drink brands focus on extreme sports enthusiasts, others cater to students and their energy needs, and still others try to attract the video game crowd. Top energy drinks by brand are Red bull in first place, followed by Rockstar and Monster. The target market for energy drinks is mostly male teenagers and young adults.


Energy drinks contain a variety of ingredients, primarily caffeine or guarana and vitamins Industry is driven by health and wellness trends No scientific evidence to prove energy drink claims Energy drinks are primarily consumed by the younger generation, people who are on-thego


Industry History

Nearly 20 years old Began in Europe & Asia Red Bull: first in US in 1997 Hansen also based in US in 1997 First became popular with athletes in US extra energy for workouts & competitions


Industry Sales
Currently thought to be the second highest growth sector of the soft drink industry $3.7 billion dollar industry Sales of energy drinks have increased 50% each year since 2001 (total of 516% increase from 2001-2006) Sales are projected to reach $5 billion in 2007 6th largest category in the beverage 4/7/12 market

Top Energy Drinks & Beverage Market Growth

Advertising Expenditures
Use distribution as a marketing tool fashionable night clubs, convenience stores, and gas stations. Red Bull increased its advertising expenditures from $2 million in 1998 to more than $40 million in 2003. In 2004, Red Bull spent $600 million Energy drink companies market themselves around extreme sports and adventure. Red Bull supports 240 athletes worldwide to help promote their product Monster is known for its high advertising budget 4/7/12


Industry is dominated by one product Red Bull Rockstar is strongest non-Red Bull brand (distributed by Coca-Cola) Followed by Monster (distributed by Hansen) SoBe (distributed by PepsiCo) Xyience first launched energy drinks in 2006


Target Audience

Appeals to very specialized market segments Overworked executives/businessmen People on the go Truck drivers Hip, younger generation

65% of US teenagers (7.6 million teens) say they drink energy drinks Number of teenage consumers has increased by 3 million over the past 3 years


Americas Most Caffeinated Cities

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chicago Tampa Miami Phoenix Atlanta


Red Bull Energy Drinks

Logo: Two charging bulls Colors: Red, blue, white/silver, yellow Slogan: Red Bull gives you wiiiings Commercials: Generally cartoons; sometimes spoofs on famous stories (Rapunzel, Frog prince, Aladdin, Adam and Eve, Petrus)

Red Bull Commercial: Rapunzel

The prince comes galloping on his horse towards Rapunzels tower to save her Rapunzel lets down her hair, but it is too short and the prince cannot reach it Instead, the prince tosses Rapunzel a can of Red Bull, because Red Bull gives you wiiiings


Red Bull - Appeals

Need to escape The tower was confining Rapunzel, but the commercial implies that now that she has Red Bull, Rapunzel will be set free In the original story, Rapunzel is able to free herself with help of the prince and her long hair. However, because her hair is too short in the commercial, she is helpless without the Red Bull. Need for affiliation This commercial promises that Red Bull can provide the fairy tale ending in which the prince and princess live happily ever after together. Because Rapunzel will be freed from the tower, she can run off to have a better life with the prince.


Red Bull - Symbolism


The product name, Red Bull, implies dominance and aggression. Many people are drawn to this idea and believe that the energy drink can satisfy their lack of these attributes in their lives. Red: energy, strength, and power Yellow: energy Blue: confidence White: perfection All four of these vibrant colors combine to form an energetic and powerful image for Red Bull

Product Promotion Techniques

Utilizing familiar stories with new twists implies that Red Bull can improve the original image of the consumer to be better, cooler, and more modern. Humor is used to connect to the audience to imply that the product is fun and exciting.

Underlying Message
Red Bull is essential to having a fulfilling life, because it can make your life exciting and fun. With the energy drink, anyone can conquer things that were never possible before.


Rockstar Energy Drinks

Logo: Star Colors: Gold, Black, Red, White Slogan: Party Like A Rockstar Ads: Typically with attractive girls in bikinis and projecting a party image

Rockstar Advertisement

Ad setting is in a Jacuzzi during the evening Two hot females in bikinis, one calling up people to come over for a party and the other pouring herself a rockstar drink in a champagne glass. Rockstar is being chilled in the ice chest, replacing what would normally be alcohol.

Rockstar - Appeals

Need for sex

Women are in bikinis and projecting the Party like a Rockstar image in a Jacuzzi. By having the Jacuzzi in the ad it shows a more sexy/intimate way to party. The woman in the white bikini is on the phone, calling up guys and inviting them to come and get the party started. The other woman in the bikini has already started to Rockstar it. The Rockstar drinks are chilling in a ice chest where you would normally see alcohol. By using the Rockstar in place of the alcohol, a sexier image like those seen in alcohol advertisements is projected.


Rockstar - Appeals Cont.

Need for affiliation

Party like a Rockstar gives off an image to consumers that admire celebrities and want to socialize with or be like them. Many celebrities are known to party like rock stars and many consumers feel compelled to imitate the images they see. Using sexy women in the ads attract men. The commercial implies that with Rockstar, anyone can attract sexy women like the women in the ad.


Marketing ads with hip hop artists, famous athletes, actors and actresses, sexy women and men Hiring sexy models to promote their products at clubs, sporting events, concerts, and parties

Product Promotion Techniques


Rockstar - Message
Literal meaning: Rockstar will make you cool, sexy, wealthy, famous, and powerful Drinking Rockstar will make you feel energized, healthy, and strong. If you drink Rockstar, it will also help you look sexy, stay in shape, and feel good all day. Hidden Subtext: Buy our product and you will live, feel, and act like a Rockstar. 4/7/12

Xyience Energy Drinks

Logo: Large circle in the center with smaller circle on the left of it. Colors: Each drink has a specific color that represents its flavor. Slogan: Xtreme science for your active lifestyle Commercial: Attractive woman drinking it and dancing with energy.

Xyience - Commercial

Attractive woman slouching in chair with obviously no energy to move The woman picks up a can of Xyience energy drink and takes a sip Immediately gains energy and begins dancing Followed by a large explosion in the background

Xyience - Appeals

The need for sex the Xyience add oozes sex appeal and is directly aimed at male population, which is the target audience for energy drinks. Sex appeal is clearly seen throughout the ad, but especially when the model kisses the can at the end of the ad. Also, the clothes (or more accurately, the lack of clothes) in the ad easily capture the attention of male viewers. The need for escape the illusion that if you drink this energy drink, you could potentially have this woman. Xyience presents an opportunity to escape from an unfulfilling life without the women in the Xyience advertisements. Furthermore, the company plays up the chance to have the woman in the ad by providing desktop photos, etc.


Xyience - Appeals Cont.

The need to dominate Xyience promises the consumer power, the ability to go from having absolutely no energy to having full energy, and to possibility to dominate in any situation. Xyience is also the office sports drink of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) which also implies dominance over the weak who do not drink Xyience.


Xyience - Symbolism

The subtext of the commercial insinuates that Xyience energy drinks will make any person more desirable which is portrayed by the woman in the commercial and the effect the drink had on her. Black: power, mystery Red: Energy, Strength


Methods used to promote product

The music that is used throughout the video clip is a modern genre and most appealing to the younger generation of todays world. A tool of persuasion we see being used here is an attractive woman presenting a fake image of what the energy drink may turn a person into.


Underlying Message

Xyience will give you explosive energy even when you are exhausted. Xyience will make you sexy and bring excitement to your life. Xyience is a blessing to have in your life (expressed when the model kisses the can at the end)


Monster Energy Drinks

Logo: Big creepy M looks like its been slashed or clawed as if a Monster has created it. Colors: Green and White for main logo. Colors of logos on cans are different depending on the product Slogan: Unleash the Beast! Commercials: Usually ad prints or internet ads

Monster Print Ad

Ad has a race car driver, presuming someone famous and driver of the Monster Energy race care Slogan is on the upper left hand side Unleash the Beast! in standard Monster green color Race car is center of shot and has flames coming out of it

Monster - Appeals

Need to Affiliation Race car fans and clubs many people, a large majority of the men, want to be affiliated with racing Need to escape The dream of driving a race car; getting to go fast Need to aggress Racing is an aggressive sport The flames in the ad also hint at aggression


Monster - Appeals Cont.

Need for prominence Being associated and therefore having the same prominence as the Monster race car driver because the consumer is drinking Monster as well Need for Drink Monster provides a basic need drink and promises to deliver energy as well


Product Promotion Techniques

Known for their high advertising budget Mainly distribution channels bars/clubs, gas stations, convenience stores Extreme sports/events promotions Race Car sponsorship Athlete and Celebrity endorsement Internet website and advertisements Attracts fan mail on MySpace pages


Monster - Symbolism

The product uses a logo that appears to have been created by a monster. Logo is slashed or clawed and the background is green on the primary logo Monster uses various logo colors depending on the product in which theyre placed The primary logo color of green gives off eerie monster vibe


Underlying Message
Product messages are definitely slanted towards males their target audience. Unleash the Beast! really aims to convenience the consumer that their product will give them a real increase of energy and make them tougher, boosts athletic performance or powers of concentration this could be why it appeals to the extreme sports fans.


The energy drink industry is a smart industry that is continually developing, expanding, and using innovative marketing techniques. As a whole, the industry caters to a younger market, and some energy drink brands aim their products at a healthconscious crowd. With today's health conscious trends, energy drinks have the potential to surpass soft drinks as the reigning market leader. However, they need to continue to expand their target market and increase their distribution. If the energy drink companies can obtain some scientific support for their claims this might also help to boost sales. Currently the primary target for the majority of energy drink companies is male teenagers and young people. These products are designed for a younger generation concerned more about instant satisfaction and fast results than something more long lasting. These attractive claims appeal to this group of consumers because they are flashy and funny, not because they impart definite truth or wisdom. With increasing advertising spend and greater product recognition, energy drink companies are positioning themselves to become a beverage staple in many homes world-wide.


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