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Last edited 2008-02-20

Gender impact analysis

Many different human rights conventions have been developed and ratified by a broad majority of countries since 1948. It is necessary to know whether a country in which development work is being carried out has ratified these documents or not. It is of the utmost importance that development projects and programmes give priority to those issues where women and men do not have equal access to these rights. 1. Name the different groups of people that will be affected by the project? How many are women and/or girls and how many are men and/or boys? Is there any reason to work towards changing these statistics when considering gender equality within the target groups? What roles do men and women have in the following categories?

External role (outside the home) Internal role (inside the home) Voluntary community work Political work Church work

2. How are decision-making structures divided between men and women in the community? (Eg. village committee, an association, church council etc.) Do both men and women have equal influence on a decision? 3. What access do men and women have to different resources within their community? (For example: Land, employment, possibilities to get a loan/join a savings scheme, technical assistance, education/knowledge, time etc. 4. What particular problems concerning gender equality are evident within the project (eg domestic violence, female genital mutilation, lack of heritage rights, dowry system, arranged marriages, limited opportunity for girls to attend school etc.) Further analysis of the causes of these problems need to be made if these problems are actively addressed in the project. 5. What is needed to make a project more gender aware? Further information needed? Identifying who has the influence to make changes and how? Are there any hinders? 6. How are the roles of men and women likely to change through the project activities? Set appropriate gender-related goals that apply to the project.

SMCs Handbook Chapter 8.9 - Gender impact analysis

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