24 Sep 11 Sam Brochure

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FISCA Financial Planning Workshop

Date: Saturday, 24 Sep 2011 Time: 2 5 pm Venue: SMU School of Economics & Social Sciences Room 4.4 Fee: $20 for FiSCA members/$30 for non-members Speaker: Mr. Sam Goh Nai De

Profile of speakers:
Sam Goh is the founder and executive wealth coach at Wisdom Capital, a wealth coaching firm that specializes in providing financial and investment planning workshops & seminars. He has 6 years of accumulated experience in the areas of equity investments and research. As a portfolio strategist, he conducts research and training on a regular basis and carries the vision of using a thematic style in making investment decisions. Being accredited as the youngest wealth coach and trainer in Asia, Sam has also been involved in numerous media interviews, having been featured in the Lianhe Zaobao newspaper, The Sunday Times, The Business Times, The STRAITS TIMES newspaper & NTUC Lifestyle magazine etc. In an interview with Zaobao, he shared and gave his personal insights in the areas of stock & equities investments. His achievement was also documented in one of the success stories in his alma mater, Temasek Business Schools official website. He was also featured in a Chinese media infotainment program named Money Smart on Channel 8, in relation to the areas of investment & monetary management. In addition to this, he was also interviewed by a Straits Times journalist and gave his personal views in the areas of derivatives investments. The interview was subsequently published under the Youth Link segment of the paper. Some of the articles that he wrote were also published on numerous social portals and forum. He is a regular financial commentator for one of the social interaction portals named FreshGrads.Sg.

Outline of Workshop
Introduction to Personal Financial Planning - 6 dimensions of Financial Planning Understand the different useful financial planning models Acquire the path to achieve financial intelligence Maximising returns from strategic asset allocation Understand the risk attitudes & habits of an individual to achieve financial freedom Avoid the common pitfalls in investment Know what are some of the important considerations to note before investing

The workshop will include practical exercises and interactive discussions.

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