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Cup of Excellence > Country Programs > El Salvador > 2011 Program...

Lot#: 29 Marco Antonio Batres, Teresa Eugenia Giamattei Y Cia. - Nicolas Mountain Overview Nicolas Mountain also know as Santa Teresa IV is probably the only organic coffee plantation in the world surrounded by Geysers and thermal water springs ( Onsen). This very unique farm is located in Ahuachapn, the Coffee Capital of El Salvador, only 2 hours driving from Antigua Guatemala and 1 hour driving from San Salvador. In 2008 it won 4th Place in the Cup of Excellence and in 2011 it won 4th Place at the Worldwide Competition of Rainforest Alliance Certified Farms held in Houston Texas the SCAA Anual Meeting. Nicolas Mountain gets its name after the 1st Grandson of Marco & Teresa Batres Nicolas Quionez Batres the first born in the 6th generation of the Batres Farms family. The combination of ideal mountain climate, fertile volcanic soil and pure mineral onsen water used to process the coffee give Nicolas Mountain ( Santa Teresa IV) Pacamara coffee beans its superb Specialty Coffee characteristics. The thermal waters of Santa Teresa were the source of the famous El Zapote baths which were a tourist attraction in Ahuachapn for many years thanks to the well recognized curative powers of the potassium rich waters that gave visitors positive effects of the improvement of their health. All Batres Farms organic coffee is washed with the warm mineral waters of Santa Teresas Geothermal Eco-Ok mill also property of the very well known Batres Giammattei Family which also where the winners in the 2003 Cup of Excellence competition with their Altamira Estate Coffee ( formerly know as El Madriado Estate ). Thanks to a philosophy of producing coffee in a sustainable way, Batres familys COFINANZAS received the 2003 National Environmental Award in the Category of Entrepreneurial Effort for the use of Geothermal Energy to Pre-Dry the coffee and dispose of the used industrial waters and the use of Warm Mineral Water to De-pulp and wash the beans and produce it's own organic fertilizers. in 2006 they also received the Central American Environmental Innovation Award in Panama. Nicolas Mountain coffee is certified organic since 2005, certified Rainforest Alliance since 2006 . In 2005 Altamira & Santa Teresa Estates were granted Rainforest Alliance Certifications and in June 16th of 2005, SalvaNatura had their 1st National Contest for COFFEE WITH SUSTAINABLE QUALITY for the Rainforest Certifies farms in El Salvador. Altamira won 2nd place for SHG Consistent Cup the and Santa Teresa won 1st place for SHG Exceptional Cup. In 2007 Santa Teresa organic Pacamara won 3rd Place in the World Cupping Competition of Rainforest alliance Sustainable Coffee in Long Beach California; only 2 coffees from Panama had a better score than Santa Teresas coffee. Property Characteristics: Farm: Nicolas Mountain Farmer: Marco Antonio Batres, Teresa Eugenia Giamattei Y Cia. Rank: 29 City: Ahuachapan Region: Apaneca-Ilamatepec Country: El Salvador Farm Size: Not Available Coffee growing area: Not Available Altitude: 900 masl Certification: None Coffee Characteristics: Variety: Pacamara Processing System: Not Available Lot Size: 36 boxes Pounds: 2,348.00 (1,065.03 kgs) International Jury Score: 86.11 Cupping Number #: 311 Price: 5.30 USD Winning Bidder: Mercanta The Coffee Hunters for Caff Cataldi (FR), Oriole Coffee Roasters (SG), Dutch Barista Coffee (NL), Fonte Coffee Roaster (USA), Green Coffee Buying Club (USA), Has Bean Coffee (UK) and Melbourne Coffee Merchants (AUS) Top Jury Descriptions: Aroma/Flavor: sugar cane, dark cherry, sweet tobacco, mango chutney, jasmine, pine needles, plum, nectarine, blackcurrant, pepper, clove, chocolate, lemon Acidity: lively, tartaric, creamy, lots of fruit, peachy Other: creamy mouthfeel

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01/09/2011 14:46

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