Level 1 Course Expectations and Overview

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English III College Preparatory Some Thoughts on English in the Third Year

First of all, let me congratulate you on the fine work you did last year. I am looking forward to our journey in literature and other activities together. Below are some thoughts I want to share with you. Summer Reading Two page essay THEME: What was Walls point of view and how did she develop it. A minimum of five textual examples to support your clearly stated thesis is required. Naturally, MLA style, etc. is required. See the Course Calendar for due date. No Exceptions. Heads Up!! You will be reading and writing a lot. A lot means at least one paper a week; At least one book every three weeks in addition to in-class work. The point is to learn stuff and to have some fun doing it. Honors is upper level. Its a cut above the rest. It requires a commitment to set aside the time to do the work. It will be difficult at times. If its difficult all the time, it could be possible you have taken too big a bite of academia. If you believe thats the case. SEE ME AS SOON AS YOU ARE GETTING BEHIND --- NOT WHEN YOURE DROWNING. We can work it out together. This your SAT year. In preparation, you will be doing weekly vocabulary. You will receive a specification in a day or so. Ask Questions and Discuss Openly and Respectfully

Plagiarism: It is perfectly legal to directly quote from any source when you are producing a document and declaring that the document is your work AS LONG AS

YOU CITE THE SOURCES CORRECTLY. If you dont, you will have committed plagiarism and will receive an F for the Semester. Please ask questions about this issue at this time or at any other
time. Grading: Tests includes papers: Quizzes Class Participation Overall Effort 40% 20% 15% 25%

Mr. De Vito September, 2011

English III Honors

Tentative Course Outline First Semester:

o o o

Vocabulary MLA Concepts American Literature Puritan Literature The Crucible - Miller Literature of the Pre-Republic Literature of the Republic Speech Competition

Second Semester o Vocabulary o Literature of the 19th Century Research Paper Subject and Specifications: TBD o Hamlet o An Excerpted and Brief Anthology of American Poetry

Contact Me Let Me Count the Ways! Office: Chase House - Room 4 (Basement Next to Mrs. Johnsons Classroom) o Stop in or make an appointment to see me. Generally, I am there by 7:15 AM in the morning and until 4:30 PM after school.

e-Mail: jdevito@fryebergacademy.org The preferred way! Telephone: 935-2001 Ext. 3333

Mr. De Vito September, 2011

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