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An ACT Writing Template (TPC/ASSS/OVR/ASSS/SO)

Paragraph 1: T.P.C. Sentence 1: Sentence 2: Sentence 3: Attention-Getter/Identify TOPIC. State your POSITION. Identify CONTEXT.

TIP: After grabbing the readers attention with a startling statement, provocative question, memorable image, etc., reuse the language of the prompt to define context and explain position. No preview is needed. Paragraph 2: A.S.S.S. Sentence 1: Identify ARGUMENT 1. Sentences 2-4: Provide 2-3 SUPPORTS (details, examples, explanations, personal experience). TIPS: Make sure the argument fits within the identified context. Use specific, concrete examples to explain support. Paragraph 3: O.V.R./A.S.S.S. Sentence 1: Present OPPOSING VIEW as transition (acknowledging possible weakness of argument 1). REFUTE opposing view. Sentence 2: Identify ARGUMENT 2 (identifying weakness of counterargument) Sentences 3-5: Provide 2-3 SUPPORTS (details, examples, explanations, personal experience) TIP: Make sure argument fits within the identified context and is more convincing that counterargument. Paragraph 4: S.O. Sentence 1: Sentence 2: Sentence 3: Reframe context of issue. Offer SOLUTION. Restate OPINION.

TIP: Try to incorporate clever, original diction and/or circle back

to your attention-getter opening.

NOTE: I and you are okay; Your response need not be five paragraphs; Mechanical errors do not count against you unless they cause confusion; Paragraph lengths suggested above represent the minimum.

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