Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski

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p. 11 A day of prayer was declared in every Jewish community.

Hundreds of letters and telegrams were received from all over the world in regard to participation in the day of prayer and supplication for the well-being of our rabbi [Rav Kook]. We quote here a few of the most important of the letters that came to our hands. Baruch Hashem, Monday, 14 Tammuz 5695 (1935) The honorable glory of the rabbi and gaon, who is [both] brilliant and erudite, [both] Sinai [possessing encyclopedic knowledge] and one who uproots mountains [keenly analytic], our rabbi and teacher, S.A. Weber, shlita Greetings. I received your precious letter. I was very upset to learn from the newspapers of the illness of our friend, the gaon, our master and teacher, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook, shlita. Already on the 27th of Sivan I received a letter from him. And on the 30th of Sivan I received a letter from his Torah eminence, may he live [long]. In our city, the rabbinical council has issued a proclamation calling upon people to pray in all the synagogues and study halls on behalf of [Rav Kooks] well-being and recovery. In addition, a mi shebeirach was recited on his behalf. I wrote and requested that people pray by the gravesides of the Vilna Gaon and other tzaddikim of blessed memory, may their merit protect us. May G-d send [Rav Kook] a complete recovery quickly, which will rejoice our hearts, and I await good news and tidings. May your Torah eminence let me know the nature of [Rav Kooks] illness. In my letter to the gaon, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak, shlita, I informed him that the decree to destroy the old cemetery has been rescinded. One who esteems and honors him [R. Weber] and seeks his well-being, Chaim Ozer Grodzinski

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