WH Excercises

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1. Rellena los huecos con Which, What, Who

1 -____is the time?
2 -____is Mary?
3 -____of these boys is your brother?
4 -____is your name?
5 -____is the weather like?
6 -____car is the fastest?
7 -____is your teacher?
8 -____book are you reading?
9 -____song are you singing?
10-____of these books do you like?
2. Rellena los huecos con Why, Where, When
1 -____is the chair on the table?Because I am cleaning the room
2 -____is the River Nile? It's in Egypt
3 -____is Christmas?It's on the 25th of December
4 -____are you from? I am from Spain
5 -____is the weather like? It's sunny and warm
6 -____is your birthday? It's on the 5th of May
7 -____are you studying? Because I have an exam tomorrow
8 -____are you happy? Because it's my birthday
9 -____is he coming? On Wednesday
10-____does he live? He lives in France
3. Escribe las preguntas a estas respuestas
1 -I am from Spain
Where are you from?_____________________________________
2 - I am 10 years old
3 -It's sunny
4 - Very well,thank you. And you?
5 - It is the red one
6 - It's on the 3rd of May
7 - My name is Tom
8 - I live in Spain

9 - I am fine, thank you
10- My favourite colour is red
4. Traduce estas frases
1-Que ests leyendo?
What are you reading?____________________________________
2-Por qu ests leyendo?
3-Cuando leers?
4-Cuanto tiempo leers?
5-Qu libro ests leyendo?
6-Dnde ests leyendo?


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