Training and Employment Program

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1. File number(


2. Name().
3. Age( ).. Sex( ).
4. Education details( ) ...
5. Full address( )

6. Contact number (
7. Care giver (

8. If client, your medical details(

client (

9. Languages you know(

10. Family income (

Farther () ..
Mother ()
Any other () ..
11. Are you dependent

( )


12. If dependent, on whom( )


13. Have been employed

unemployed .

14. If employed, where. Details( )

15. If unemployed, would like to be employed (,

) ..
16. What is your area of interest (what do you want to do)

( )

17. Do you need any training on this(

18. Care givers apprehensive (opinion on the job selected by the client)

( ? )

18. Geographical location of the person (


20. Distance covered to the center(

) ..

21. Any opportunities around your area, for example.
( )
Industries ().
Gardening/ nursery( / )

Any other, specify( )

Local networking agencies for example.
Government organizations.

22. If there is any of the above, details (


23.Care givers opinion on the clients social skills, self care or any other behavior. Is
there need to work on that? ( ,


24. Any other information that may be vital ( )


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