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Name: Vocabulary Practice 1 Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the verbs.

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accompany - assemble - enclose - include - involve - connect - relate

1. The boy road. 2. You can cable. 3. The bill covers drinks, it also 4. I have application form. 5. The manager has indifference. 6. The workers relaxation therapy. 7. I am not eager to

the little child while passing across the

your mobile phone to the computer via a

desserts. my English certificate along with my

the failure to his partner's

in the conference hall for the weekly

in your fight.

pursue - chase - follow

8. A nice, white cat 9. The police had been finally arrested him.

me home and I decided to keep it. Jim for two years when they

10. When my brother ran down the hill, I started to him.

Vocabulary Practice 2 Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the verbs. face - cope - deal - fulfill - manage - succeed

1. Adam has child. 2. Jack can't 3. Despite her illness, Mary test. 4. Mr. olak has over Turkey. 5. The family started to bankruptcy. 6. I

in convincing his wife to give birth to a

with critical situations. her ambition to pass the

with a great number of students all

financial problems after the

to complete the race although I had a leg injury.

undertake - manage - operate - run

7. Charge the phone fully before you 8. My father 9. Mr. Bryanll have to becomes manager.


a business in which he feels relaxed. all the responsibilities when he

10. As he hasn't been able to find skilled recruits, Mike is still the firm on his own.

Vocabulary Practice 3 Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the verbs. invent - discover - detect - find out

1. Most serious illnesses might be cured if they are early enough. 2. We should campaign to run. new advertising methods for the

3. What do you think the first mobile phone was like when it was . 4. Was it Captain Cook who Australia ?

investigate - explore - look for - search - look up - research (n)

5. The detective came urgently to 6. Do you usually guess it? 7. I must do an extra project.

the murder. a new word in a dictionary or do you

on earthquakes to complete my

8. As soon as we got to the cave, we started to 9. A cute hungry cat was 10. Do not for some food to eat.


your socks in vain, they are on your bed.

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