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Sound that is unwanted or disrupts ones quality of life is called as noise. When there is lot of noise in the environment, it is termed as noise pollution.

Sound becomes undesirable when it disturbs the normal activities such as working, sleeping, and during conversations.
World Health Organization stated that Noise must be recognized as a major threat to human being

We hear various types of sounds everyday. Sound is mechanical energy from a vibrating source. A type of sound may be pleasant to someone and at the same time unpleasant to others. The unpleasant and unwanted sound is called noise. Sound can propagate through a medium like air, liquid or solid, Sound wave is a pressure perturbation in the medium through which sound travels. Sound pressure is expressed in Hertz (Hz) and is equal to the number of cycles per second.

The CPCB committee has recommended permissible noise levels for different locations.

* Normal conversation is around 60 dB. * Noise of less than 75 dB, even for long periods, Is unlikely to damage your hearing.

SOURCESOF NOISE POLLUTION Transportation systems are the main source of noise pollution (like air, road, rail). Construction of buildings, highways, and streets cause a lot of noise, due to the usage of air compressors, bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks, and pavement breakers. Industrial noise also adds to the already unfavorable state of noise pollution. Loud speakers, plumbing, boilers, generators, air conditioners, fans, vacuum cleaners, home appliances add to the existing noise pollution.

the Noise pollution can affect both your health and well being in several, different ways.


1. Interfaces with mans communication: In a noisy area communication is severely affected. 2. Hearing damage: Noise can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. It depends on intensity and duration of sound level. Auditory sensitivity is reduced with noise level of over 90 dB in the mid-high frequency for more than a few minutes, 3. Physiological and psychological changes: Continuous exposure to noise affects the functioning of various systems of the body. It may result in hypertension, insomnia (sleeplessness), gastro-intestinal and digestive disorders, memory loss, peptic ulcer, blood pressure changes, behavioral changes, emotional changes etc.

Noise pollution during Diwali

Noise pollution during Diwali

Noise generated by various firecrackers is beyond the permissible noise levels of 125 dB as per environmental protection rules 1999 Some measurements by certain group of researchers have also been made at various places during diwali It is recommended that the manufactures of fireworks should mention the noise level in dB by individual items Department of explosives of the union ministry of commerce and industry is entrusted to ensure that the industry produces firecrackers to permissible noise standards Some products producing noise near the threshold of pain

Environmental (protection) Act, Rule 89

The manufacture, sale or use of fire-crackers generating noise exceeding 125dB (AI) or 145dB (C) pk at 4 meters distance from the point of bursting shall be prohibited For individual fire crackers constituting the series (joined) the above mentioned limit be reduced by 5 log 10 (N) dB, N = Number of crackers joined together Use of fire crackers shall not be permitted except between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm. No fire crackers shall be used b/w 10:00 pm and 6:00 am Firecrackers shall not be used at any time in silence zones Management of schools shall take steps to educate students about ill effects of pollution

Control of noise pollution:

1. Reduction in sources of noise 2. Noise making machines should be kept in containers with sound absorbing media. The noise path will be interrupted and will not reach the workers. 3. Proper oiling will reduce the noise from the machinery. 4. Use of sound absorbing silencers: Silencers can reduce noise by absorbing sound. For this purpose various types of fibrous material could be used. 5. Planting more trees having board leaves. 6. Through Law: Legislation can ensure that sound production is minimized at various social functions. Unnecessary horn blowing should be restricted especially in vehicle-congested areas.

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