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Possible mistrial in Stevens case? - First Read -...

10/2/2008 15:24

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Possible mistrial in Stevens case?

Posted: Thursday, October 02, 2008 2:37 PM by Carrie Dann
Filed Under: 2008, Pete Williams
From NBC's Pete Williams
The corruption trial of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens grinded to a halt this morning, with a federal judge putting the investigation on pause for the day after the lawmaker's lawyers
accused government prosecutors of withholding evidence.

In court documents just filed, lawyers for Stevens say "enough is enough," and ask the judge to dismiss the case against him or -- failing that -- declare a mistrial.

The issue, defense lawyers say, is Sen. Stevens's state of mind -- would he have paid bills for all that work that Alaskan oil company VECO did on his house if he had received
bills? The government's star witness, the oil company CEO, has testified that a close friend of Stevens believes a written request from the senator to send him bills was sent just to
cover himself and wasn't serious. But late last night, the government disclosed that the company CEO, Bill Allen, told the FBI just the opposite, that Allen believed Stevens would
have paid any bills sent to him.

"This is the sort of information defense counsel would have used to maximum effect in opening statement. It would have shaped all aspects of the defense. In short, it is not
sufficient now, on the eve of the government's case resting, to say 'no harm, no foul'" said Stevens lawyer Brendan Sullivan.

"Defense counsel would have trumpeted Mr. Allen's statements in the opening statement. Defense counsel would have had a field day with the information," Sullivan said.

It would be a flat-out stunner if the judge dismissed the case, and surprising if he declared a mistrial. A more likely outcome might be a brief delay in the trial to give lawyers for
Stevens a chance to re-group and prepare to cross-examine Bill Allen. The judge will likely rule late today on what to do.

This would be completely disgusting if Senator Stevens was given a mistrial. I can't believe the prosecution gave the defense this opportunity.
Possible mistrial in Stevens case? - First Read -... 10/2/2008 15:24

LoOK (Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3:01 PM)

parry and thrust,...

More theater and grand standing. I am so sick of the business as usual crap.
Joe Don, Topeka

Come on over to KC, my boss lives in Topeka - it's not that far, we can put you to work on the phone banks! Midtown CfC
And we are more than happy to have the Tigers beat up on the Jayhawks at Arrowhead, since you are willing - we'll take the bait!

Clara Kansas City, MO (Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3:04 PM)

This, by the way, is why competence should trump in Justice Department and U.S. Attorney hirings over political cronyism. A first-year law student would know not to make this
mistake. I wonder if this prosecution team was handpicked from Pat Robertson's prestigious law school the way so many in DOJ were.


Levi, Chicago, IL (Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3:05 PM)

Is Ted innocent?


Man Size Safe, Portland, Texas (Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3:08 PM)

What a pathetically weak argument to make that had "White Collar Criminal" Stevens gotten bills he would have paid them. He had an agreement with the guy who paid for the
work that the crooked Senator wouldn't get any bills.

Hopefully the judge won't let this cheap defense gimmick work and will make sure that justice is served as the trial goes through to it's conclusion.

Go Obama/Biden 08/12!

Eric, Salinas, CA (Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3:14 PM)

Gosh witch hunts are getting expensive. Used to be all wrapped up neat and tidy in a couple of days, then the offender was railroaded off to jail. Now? You got the law that says this,
and the laws that says that, now it's all complicated.

Lena Georges, Whitefish, WA (Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3:14 PM)

This is bad for McCain! Not sure why, but the talking picture box in my living room said so.

Hoarce Wheatly, Browns, MS (Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3:15 PM)

Why would an oil company send a bill for house repairs? They wouldnt they were bribing him and he was accepting the bribe.SIMPLE COMMON SENSE ohhhh I FORGOT HE IS

kenn (Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3:16 PM)

Is Ted Stevens any way related to Ted Kennedy?

morris t katt (Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3:17 PM)


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