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BBC Learning English Slideshow

Your 2012

In this slideshow we hear from Dave Matthews, the curator of the exhibition Your 2012 at the Museum of London Docklands.

Hello, my name's Dave Matthews. I work for the Museum of London Docklands and I curated this exhibition Your 2012. We tried to split it up into four categories. We've got the environment; the archive section which shows the history of the site; we've also got the impact, the impact on the area; and we've got under construction - the building of the site. And in each area it will show what's going on at that particular time when you took the photos. And how the area is changing day by day. So this is at the very start of the building of the Olympics - our archaeology team from the Museum of London looking at the site before any building takes place. Over 12 million has been spent on removing waste from the site. This is the temporary concrete plant for the construction of the Olympic Games. As you can see, this is an image of the main stadium which looks very vibrant and it's 80,000-seat. Do you like basketball? Well this could be the stadium for you. So when you look at this image it's very vibrant and in the background you can see the new Westfield shopping centre going up which probably has 9,000 people working. So as you can see the View Tube it's an education centre, and a viewing platform. It's actually made out of containers, recycled. This is the Green Way which goes around the perimeter of the Olympic park. Eventually you'll be able to walk 26 miles. This is part of the Lower Lee Valley which goes around the perimeter of the Olympic site. The Time Spiral, as it is officially known. Artist Malcolm Robertson. We chose this image because it's exactly that be proud of London it's your London and the Games are happening here.

Audio Slideshow

British Broadcasting Corporation 2011 Page 1 of 2

Vocabulary and definitions

curator split it up into plant vibrant perimeter

person who organises and looks after an exhibition or museum divide into several smaller parts factory bright and colourful, full of life outer edge

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British Broadcasting Corporation 2011 Page 2 of 2

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