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Three contemporary examples of acts of Civil disobedience Civil disobedience occurs when laws are violated in order to attack

policies or laws of a government. With civil disobedience, the individuals have no intention of avoiding punishment for their crime. The purpose of civil disobedience is to get punished so that you can point out how unfair laws are. Civil disobedience is a power that should only be utilized under the most extreme circumstances

Example 1. In 1773 , the individuals in the Boston Tea Party were definitely believers in the power of civil disobedience, and by acting outside the law they sparked not only policy change but also a revolution. . Example2 . In 19th century, the actions of the Underground Railroad. By aiding runaway slaves, the individuals were deliberately breaking the law, and this is a form of civil disobedience Example 3 . Protests of the Vietnam War: In 1964 , many of the protests were illegal and resulted in the arrests of the participants. Other people protested the war and refused the draft fleeing the country or serving time in jail. These protests probably led to the US retreating from the conflict and withdrawing the troops from Vietnam. This is clearly a case where civil disobedience resulted in a governmental policy change. It was also during this period that the draft was abolished as a form of military recruitment.

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