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Guidelines of MRP-I Proposal Preparation by

Ms. Harsha Jariwala Lecturer V.M. Patel Institute of Management

Rationale behind the selection of Industry justification Objectives of study Strategic Management tools to be used to study for industry analysis Major players of the industry: snapshot Proposed Project Report Chapterization scheme Sources of data collection Bibliography Time chart for Report compilation and Submission

Key Questions to analyze the Companys Competitive Environment

1. What Are the Industrys Dominant Economic Features? 2. What Kinds of Competitive Forces Are Industry Members Facing? 3. What Factors Are Driving Industry Change and What Impacts Will They Have? 4. What Market Positions Do Rivals OccupyWho Is Strongly Positioned and Who Is Not? 5. What Strategic Moves Are Rivals Likely to Make Next? 6. What Are the Key Factors for Future Competitive Success? 7. Does the Outlook for the Industry Present an Attractive Opportunity?

Questions to analyze the companys Internal Environment

1. How Well Is the Companys Present Strategy Working? 2. What Are the Companys Resource Strengths and Weaknesses and Its External Opportunities and Threats? 3. Are the Companys Prices and Costs Competitive? 4. Is the Company Competitively Stronger or Weaker than Key Rivals? 5. What Strategic Issues and Problems Merit Front-Burner Managerial Attention?

External strategic Audit

Tools for doing external audit
PESTEL Analysis Strategic Group Mapping The Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) The External Factor Evaluation (EFE)Matrix Industry Analysis Five Force Model OT Analysis

Internal strategic Audit

Tools for doing internal audit
SWOT Analysis BCG Matrix The Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix SPACE Analysis Opportunity Matrix Threat Matrix Issue Priority Matrix 7S Framework VRIO

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