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A presentation to Tayport Instrumental Band's retiring conductor, Jack Sinclair, was made at the band's last rehearsal before

the summer recess. He is pictured (centre left) with colleagues and Honorary President, Councillor Douglas Hamilton, who made the presentation.

Tribute to Tayport Band's conductor

ONE of Tayport's best - mentioned because they known figures stepped occu rred as a resu It of the into the spotlight for the hard work and enthu last time on Thursday siasm of Jack, and his night when he was the commitment to bringing subject of a retiral pre out the best in the many sentation in the town. players who have passed Mr Jack Sinclair, LTCL, through his hands over conductor of Tayport those years. "In 1977, having taken Instrumental Band, retired after 14 notable third place in the Scottish championships, the band years on the rostrum. A large number of col was invited to the leagues and friends National Finals in Lon gathered in the band's don where they were premises in Maitland placed 16th out of 24 Street to wish him well. bands . .. no mean Band chairman, Kenny achievement for a first Reid, introduced honor attempt. I can well ary president, District remember meeting the Councillor Douglas band on their return, a Hamilton, who paid a very tired group but well warm-hearted tribute to pleased with the result. "A year later, in the Mr Sinclair. Also present was Regional Councillor SABBA Championships, Edith McFee, vice TIB was placed second in the Second Section and, president of the band. as a result, were prom Making the presenta tion to Mr Sinclair, Coun oted to the First (Cham pionship) Section. Again, cillor Hamilton said: "Overthe past 22 years no mean feat for a band during which I have been only in their second year associated with the band, with a new conductor. "The band were get I have enjoyed all the tasks which I have been ting to be better known given to assist in the suc by now, and there a greater cessful running of the appeared involvement in concert band. activities, some 20 per "Tonight I am faced formances in 1980, but with a task which I would whether that had any rather not have had, and I thing to do with the dis am sure none of you appointing result in the would have wished to First Section when they undertake H eHhe~ and dropped down a grade to that is to bid farewell to Second Section I know our well-loved and not. respected conductor, Jack Sinclair, who has served in that capacity JUNIOR BAND for the past 14 years. He "Theyear 1980 marked was appointed on June 2, 1876 and the band, under the start of the Junior _Band as a means of hav his baton, gave their first public performance at St ing a supply of recruits Andrews only three forthe Senior Band. TIB's weeks later, and shortly biggest problem is that after that he was seen in so many of our talented action at Pittenweem young players go off to university and other Gala and at Anstruther at the opening of the North places to further their careers, and bring about Carr Lightship. an imbalance in the "There are a number of band's performance. highlights in those 14 Jack gave two years of years which must be his time to tutoring the young members of the when Tom Hillan took taken place only as a junior band before hand over to conduct and pre result of your commit ing over to Bob McDo pare the band for the ment oftime and talent to nald. Scottish Championships. TIB, your obvious popu "The next milestone larity, and the respct during Jack's conduc which members hold for TRAINING BAND torship was the purchase "You were back in the you, and I am sure that I of this band hall for the speak for all here tonight sum of 6500, and I was driving seat in 1985 to when I say that we are conduct the band in a delighted to have per joint concert with the truly sorry that you have suaded the District Coun Skelmanthorpe Male found it necessary to lay cil to give the remainder down your baton. of the Gregory Trust Voice Choir in the "We hope that you will monie!': to that project. By Cathedral Church of St continue to exercise vour hard work on everyone's Paul in Dundee, and talents both in conduct part improvements were again, under your baton, ing and teaching in the made so that members there was that memor brass band scene, and as have had over those past able concert in the Greg a token of the respect in ory Hall when Hon. Life years comfortable sur which you have been roundings in which to Membership of the band held during those 14 practice and to hold was awarded to Mrs Red years, and also as a fit meetings and social path (Harriot) and Tom ting cli"max to the success Hillan. . events. "The next milestone in which your efforts have "Talking of which, as your conductorship was brought to the band in time marches on, mem the birth of the Training
those years the mem bers of the band also
bers, at the AGM in May grew older and some Band in January 1986
ofthis year, unanimously even teamed up for life when you recruited 15 agreed to confer upon together, and Jack found local school children who you Honorary Life Mem himself not only as were taught the rudi bership of TIB. It is our Cupid, but officiating as ments of instru"mental earnest hope that you ability by Mr William conductor of the band at will be long spared to the subsequent wedding Ross. A number fell by continue your interest in the wayside but a few did ceremonies. our band and that there "Not only were you progress through the may by many opportuni committed to the success ranks to the Senior band ties extended to you to of TIB but you were ably and therefore your idea return to the rostrum and supported throughout all did meet with success. "The period 1986 to raise that baton which yourtime with us by both has given all of us such 1987 saw a further expo your wife Rena, and your sure of the band's talents pleasure during the past family, Jason and Kir i4 years. sten, who both played a under you baton - the concert in the Dundee "We wish you every suc prominent part in the band's activities, Kirsten Rep Theatre with Peter cess and, above all else, on cornet 1978 to 1984, Morrison; the centenary good health to enjoy but who now works in celebrations of the Tay your musical activities. Edinburgh,Jason 1980to Rail Bridge; the Fife Char- We hope that you will 1987 on trombone, who .ities contest when TIB remember with pleasure, has just graduated BA won the trophy for the as we have, your con from the Royal College in best band in Fife for the tribution to the history and success of Tayport Glasgow, and has played first time in its history. Band "At that time the deci Instrumental with the Scottish Cham sion was made to go throughout those 14 ber Orchestra. ahead with the purchase years." "Rena, although not a of five new instruments Mr Sinclair was pre playing member, has and last year the most sented with a Seiko gold played her part as a com expensive intrument watch, a bottle of Glen mittee member and has ever purchased, a B flat morangie whisky and organised fund-raising bass, was undertaken, presentation crystal activities through the and as a result excellent glass, and a cheque. His Webb Ivory organisation. contest results were wife was presented with Unfortunately you suf obtained, no fewer than a bouquet of flowers. fered a bout of ill-health five trophies being cur Everyone then enjoyed which necessitated your rently held by the band. refreshments prepared absence from the band "This record of by friends of the band scene durinQ 1984-85

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