Course in The Wards

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COURSE IN THE WARDS Pertinent positives: 1st day: Dyspnea (32-40) -The most common symptom associated with

pleural effusion and is related to distortion of the diaphragm and chest wall during respiration than to hypoxemia. - can be a symptom produced by the pleural effusion

2nd day: Dyspnea and tachypnea

The solid mass may in the upper right hemithorax may distort the chest wall during respiration, thus causing dyspnea

- can be a symptom produced by the pleural effusion Decreased breath sounds on the right lung field Tachycardia (110) -a usual physical finding due to pleural effusion that exceeds 300ml (patient: 650cc) it may be reflected in symptoms such as syncope, palpitations, and dyspnea

solid mass on the upper 2/3 of right hemithorax

pleural effusion



3rd day: Change in a condition in which a person experiences a change in their sensorium (dec. in perception due to conditions of or changes in the brain or sensorium and nervous system drowsiness) -one cause could be due to increase heart rate or tachycardia in response to hypotension (one of the most common causes of altered sensorium, since the heart pumps too fast, not enough blood is pumped out, which also means that the brain isnt receiving enough blood supply, and if there is dec. blood

supply, there would also be decreased O2, leading to changes in sensorium.)

- hypotension could also cause an outright symptom of altered sensorium since there is not enough blood supply going to the brain. Tachycardia -it may be reflected in symptoms such as syncope, palpitations, and dyspnea

-reflex mechanism in response to hypotension (since the there is a dec. in BP, the heart will pump faster to compensate for the dec. in BP) The heart can speed up and contract more frequently and it can eject more blood with each contraction Hypotension -Moderate or severe bleeding can quickly deplete an individual's body of blood, leading to low blood pressure or orthostatic hypotension. (since the pleural effusion seen in the patient is bloody, there might be bleeding inside the chest wall that might have caused the dec. in BP) - can be a symptom produced by the pleural effusion

Tachypnea and hypopnea

Bleeding hypotension Reflex tachycardia

Pleural effusion Tachypnea and hypopnea

Change in sensorium


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