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Community Recreation for All

Community Recreation for All

Who are are:
A gioup of community woikeis anu iesiuents conceineu about access to iecieation
piogiams anu community centies in Toionto
Our goal:
Access to community iecieation foi all
What we want
- No cuts to access to recreation in This incluues no fuithei cuts to Piioiity
Centies no new usei fees anu no usei fee incieases
- Resources for access to community recreation This incluues incieaseu iesouices
foi the Welcome Policy anu foi the expansion of Piioiity Centies incluuing Antibes Com
munity Centie which City Council has slateu to become a Piioiity Centie in
- A ix for tbe recreation subsidy program tbe Welcome Policy This incluues
enough iesouices in the subsiuy piogiam to meet its manuate of offeiing all Toionto iesi
uents access to quality yeai-iounu iecieation piogiams It also incluues changes to the
auministiation of the piogiam itself The subsiuy piogiam is often fiozen so that no-one
in the city can access it In auuition it is pooily auveitiseu many eligible iesiuents uo not
know it exists Finally the application piocess is extiemely complex anu can be humiliat
ing It is paiticulaily uificult to access foi people who uo not speak English as a iist lan
- Adult programs back in Priority Centres Council voteu to cut fiee auult piogiams
out of Piioiity Centies in eaily We believe eveiyone shoulu have access to commu
nity iecieation incluuing auults
- A real planning process leading to a service plan informed by evidence and re
sponsive to community needs A tianspaient anu honest consultation piocess infoiming
a thoiough city-wiue neeus assessment Wheie uo we neeu new community centies
What woulu people like to see happen at speciic community centies What is the best
way to seive communities ovei the long-teim
- A real cost assessment Bow much uoes it cost to keep people out of community
centies Bow much uoes it cost to auministei the Welcome Policy anu chaige usei fees
What aie the costs incuiieu by othei seivices incluuing health caie chilu caie anu policing
when people cant access community centies What is the annual cost of iecieation subsi
uies to the iich incluuing uefeiieu piopeity taxes foi piivate golf clubs
- Access to community recreation for all Bow this access is achieveu shoulu be in
foimeu by the planning piocess iecommenueu above
To contact us please email communityrecreationforallgmailcom

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