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Prepozitia since indica momentul din trecut in care a inceput actiunea:

4. Constructiile as... as ~ i not so... as folosite pentru compararea obiectelor sau a persoanelor:
- Acum nu am timp.
- Nu a venit nimeni sa ne viziteze.
- Nu am nimic.
- Este 0 m a ~ i n a in strada.
- Sunt cativa caini in gradina.
- Ea nu s-a intalnit cu el de anul trecut.
- Nu I-am vazut de 0 saptamana.
- Ia feI, a ~ a de, ... tot a ~ a de
(in propozitie afirmativa)
- nu a ~ a ... ca ~ i (in propozitie
negativa), nu atat
- M ~ i n a mea este Ia fel de scumpa ca ~ i a tao
- Nu e a ~ a de batran ca mine.
Nu are a c e e a ~ i varsta ca mine.
I have nothing.
I have no time now.
Nobody came to visit us.
There is a car in the street.
There are some dogs in the garden.
I haven't seen him for a week.
She hasn't met him since last year.
as... as
My car is as expensive as yours.
He is not as old as me.
not so... as
1. Pronumele negativ no, nobody, nothing:
2. There is/there are:
3. Prepozitia for exprima durata actiunii:
Sa exersam cuvinte, dar intr-o alta ordine:
Sa incepem lectia cu setul de cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare urmariti
traducerea lor in limba romiina:
job > [djob] - munca, ocupatie, slujba
wages > [Ueidjiz] - salariu
raise > [reiz] - marire,
(a salariului)
labourer > [lelbara
] - muncitor
unemployment > [animploimant] -
colleague > [koli:g] - coleg
trade-union > [treid iu:nian] - sindicat
member > [memba
] - membru
negotiations > - negocieri
employee > [emploii:] - angajat, salariat
strike > [straik] - greva
management > [mEnidjmant] - conducere, administratie
strike > [straik] - greva
member > [memba
] - membru
raIse > [reiz] - marire,
(a salariului)
unemployment > [animploimant] -
wages > [Ueidjiz] - salariu
job > [djob] - munca, ocupatie, slujba
management > [mEnidjmant] - conducere, administratie
trade-union > [treid iu:nian] - sindicat
employee > [emploii:] - angajat, salariat
labourer > [lelbara
] - muncitor
- negocieri
colleague > [koli:g] - coleg
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Ce despre din tara ta?
- I know about these >negotiations.
- conducerea.
- Am multi colegi.
- Negocierile vor fi maine.
- El pierdut slujba.
- Salariatii vor sa vorbeasca.
- EI este membru de sindicat.
- Ieri am primit 0 marire de salariu.
- In Romania
este foarte mare.
- Ei vorbesc despre
ultima greva.
- Crezi ca salariul meu
este mare?
- El este muncitor in
aceasta fabrica?
- Have you the news about the >strike?
- Do you like your :::job?
- My :::colleagues will always help me.
- They get a >raise every year.
- Last year we had more >members.
- What do you know about
:::unemployment in your country?
- In a month our >wages will be higher.
- The :::management of our factory is
very good.
- Have all your ::oemployees families?
- All >labourers have a meeting on Wednesday.
- Are you a member of this :>trade-union?
>[hi: iz a memM' av
a treid iu:nian]
>[ai got a reiz iestardei]
>[ai hEv meni koli:gz]
>[DZa uil bi:
>[Ui: a:' Ueitin(g) fo:
DZa mEnidjmant]
>[DZa emploii:z Uont tu to:k]
>[hi: hEz lost hiz djob]
>[Ui: hEv greit
animploimant in ru:meinia]
>[ DZei a:
) abaut
DZa la:st straik]
>[ iz hi: a lelbara
DZis fEktari]
>[ du iu: TSm(g)k mal Ueidjiz
a.' hai]
He has lost his job.
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii:
We are waiting for
the management.
The negotiations will be
I got a raise yesterday.
I have many colleagues.
The employees want to talk.
We have great
unemployment in Romania.
He is a member of
a trade-union.
They are talking about
the last strike.
Do you think my wages
are high?
Is he a labourer m
this factory?
Ai despre greva?
Ei obtin in fiecare an 0 marire de salariu.
Anul trecut am avut mai multi membri.
despre aceste negocieri.
Iti place munca ta?
Peste 0 luna salariile noastre vor fi mai mario
membru al acestui sindicat?
Colegii mei rna vor ajuta intotdeauna.
Toti angajatii tai au familie?
Administratia fabricii noastre este
foarte buna.
Toti muncitorii au miercuri.
Gramatica lecfiei se referii la utilizarea timpului trecut perfect (Past Perfect Tense). Acest timp se
pentru a descrie 0 aCfiune care s-a inaintea unei alte aCfiuni trecute, aceasta din
urmii exprimiindu-se cu timpul Simple Past (trecutul simplu). Complementele circumstanfiale utilizate
cu Past Perfect Tense sunt:
lata cum este folosit Past Perfect Tense in propozitii:
Traduceti in limba engleza noile cuvinte:
this book ...
the house...
- Dupa ce salariatii au obtinut 0
marire de salariu, au inceput
sa lucreze.
- Am luat micul dejun inainte
de a merge la lucm.
> management
> employee
> labourer
> unemployment
> trade-union
> wages
> raIse
> job
> negotiations
> management
> strike
> wages
> colleague
> member
- dupa, dupa aceea, dupa ce,
- inainte de, inaintea, dinaintea
forma a Ill-a
a verbului principal
DZi emploii:z hEd got
a reiz DZei sta:ftid tu ua:fk]
>[ai hEd Un brekfast bifo:
ai Uent tu ua:fk]
verb auxiliar
I had eaten breakfast before
I went to work.
After the employees had got
a raise they started to work.
munca, slujba
marire a salariului
Urmiirifi structura propozifiei:
to negotiate > [tu - a negocia, a duce tratative
to raise >[tureiz] - a spori, a mari
to apply for > [tu apJai fo:f] - a cere, a solicita
to earn > [tu a:fn] - a (bani prin munca)
to reduce > [tu ridiu:s] - a reduce, a
to fire > [ttl faia
] - a concedia
to apply for > [tu aplai fo:f] - a cere, a solicita
to reduce > [tu ridiu:s] - a reduce, a
to fire > [tu faia
] - a concedia
to negotiate > [tu - a negocia, a duce tratative
to earn > [tua:fn] - a (bani prin munca)
to raise > [tu reiz] - a spori, a mari
> [bifo:
ai vizitid mai maDZa
- Inainte de a 0 vizita pe mama
al hEd bo:t ha:
tlauih] i-am cumparat flori.
- Ea s-a dus 1a culcare dupa ce
s-a uitat la filmul acela.
> Before I bought this car I had worked
in a bank for a long time.
> After he had returned home he ate
some bread.
> I had tried on this coat before
I bought it.
> She started to worry after
she had got this letter.
> Uent tu bed a:fta

hEd Uot;;t DZEt film]
She went to bed after she
had watched that film.
Before I visited my mother
I had bought her flowers.
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Dupa ce s-a intors acasa el a mancat
Inainte de a cumpara aceasta am lucrat
mult timp intr-o banca.
Ea a inceput sa se ingrijoreze dupa ce
a primit aceasta scrisoare.
Am i'ncercat aceasta haina inainte
de a 0 cumpara.
lata acum cateva verbe noi. Retineti traducerea lor:
Sa exersam verbele intr-o alta ordine:
Sii vedem cum se jormeazii interogativul $i negativulla Past Perfect Tense.
Propozitia interogativii se jormeazii prin inversarea ordinii subiectului $i a verbului auxiliar:
Sa introducem nOlle verbe in propozitii:
- Cred ca trebuie sa marim
- Ei spun ca ei prea
putini bani.
- Da, salariatii au solicitat
deja asta.
- Yom negocia asta cu ei.
- Conducerea vrea
sa concedieze 0 suta dintre ei.
- Cum putem sa facem asta daca
ei vor sa concedieze oameni?
- insa ca trebuie
sa reducem
> [hEd DZei bi:n hia
ai keim]
- How many labourers have they already
> fired?
- Will they >raise our wages?
- Before they> reduced unemployment they
had built new factories.
> [hEd hi: bo:t a buk bifo:
hi: lI ent haum]
- Before I >applied for a new job
I had worked in an office.
- Do they> earn less than our parents?
- We will not> negotIate here.
> [DZei sei DZei a:rn tu: Utl]
> [ies aua
emploli:z hEy
o:lredl aplaid fo:' DZls]
> [az Pin(g)k Ui: mast relz
> [Ui: ull it
uiDz DZEm]
> [DZa mEllld]mant Uonts
tu faia
a handnd ov DZem]
> [bat rimemba
1I 1: mast
ridiu:s animplollnant]
> [hau kEn lIi: du: it if DZei
lI ont tu fala
I think we must raise
Yes, our employees have
already applied for this.
We will negotiate It
with them.
They say they earn to little.
The management wants
to fire a hundred of them.
But remember we must
reduce unemployment.
How can we do it If they
want to fire people?
Completati urmatoarele propozitii cu verbele corespunzatoare:
Inainte de a reduce ei au construit
fabrici noi.
Ne vor mari salariile?
Cati muncitori au concediat deja?
Ei mai putin decat parintl1
Nu vom negocia aici.
Inainte de a solicita 0 slujba noua,
am lucrat intr-un birou.
Had they been here before I came?
He had bought a book before he went home.
Had he bought a book before he went home?
They had been here before I came.
lata cateva exemple:
Structura had not poatejiprescurtatii hadn't [hEdnt].
Construc!ia negativii hadn't se poate folosi $i in propozi!ii afirmative:
- Ei n-au vazut-o pe Maria inainte
ca ea sa-i fi vizitat.
- Nu au ~ t i u t despre asta inainte
ca eu sa Ie fi spus.
> lies ai hEd]
> [nau ai hEdnt]
> [nau ai hEd not]
> lies hi: hEd]
> [nau hi: hEd not]
> [nau hi: hEdnt]
> Had they seen this film before
we visited them?
- Yes, >they had.
- No, >they hadn't.
> Had you been here before it happened?
> Had he been in England before he returned?
- Yes, >he had.
- No, >he hadn't.
> After I had got up I went to the kitchen.
> Had they applied for the job before
I started to work there?
- Yes, >they had.
- No, >they hadn't.
Yes, I had.
No, I hadn't.
No, I had not.
Yes, he had.
No, he hadn't.
No, he had not.
> [DZei hEdnt naun abaut
it bifo:' ai told DZem]
Had you been here before I came?
Had he written the letter before he went to the post-office?
They had seen this film before
we visited them.
He had been in England before he returned.
In exerci!iul urmator formulati intrebari, raspunsuri afirmative ~ i negative la urmatoarele propozi!ii:
Riispunslll ajirmativseformeazii cu ajlltorul adverbului yes, alpronumeluipersonal $i al verbului auxiliar
had. Nega!ia se compune din: cuwintul no, pronumele personal, verbul auxiliar had $i adverbul not.
They had applied for the job before
I started to work there.
They hadn't seen Mary before > [DZei hEdnt si:n meari
she visited them. bifo:' ~ i : vizitId DZem]
Dupa ce m-am sculat m-am dus in bucatarie.
Traduce!i urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Ai fost aici inainte de a se intampla asta?
They hadn't known
about it before I told them.
Repetati cuvintele noi intr-o ordine diferita:
> Had you tried to negotiate before
they fired you?
> I hadn't seen this picture before I arrived here
> I hadn't thought about it before I read
this book.
> After the management had raised wages
the employees were very glad.
> Where are the contents of this book?
> Horses like to eat oats.
> What proceeds have you every year?
> I keep my savings at home.
> How has he earned his riches?
Cuvintele invatate anterior sunt la plural, la fel ca cuviintul wages pe
care il deja.
Ai incercat sa negociezi inainte ca ei
sa te concedieze?
Nu am vazut acest tablou inainte de a sosi aici.
Dupa ce administratia le-a marit salariile,
angajatii au fost foarte
Nu m-am gandit la asta inainte sa fi citit
aceasta carte.
Sa invatam alte ciiteva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
contents > [kontents] - cuprins, continut
oats > [auts] -ovaz
proceeds > [prousl:dz] - (dintr-o activitate)
riches > - avere, bogatie
> [TSEn(g)ks]
- multumiri,
surroundings > [saraundin(glz] - imprejurimi, vecinatate
savings > [seivin(glz] - economii (bani economisiti)
proceeds > [prousi:dz] - (dintr-o activitate)
contents > [kontents] - cuprins, continut
> [TSEn(glks]
- multumiri,
surroundings > [saraundin(glz] - imprejurimi, vecinatate
oats > [auts] - ovaz
savings > [seivin(glz] - economii (bani economisiti)
riches > - avere, bogatie
Unde este cuprinsul acestei carti?
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Cailor Ie place sa manance ovaz.
Ce anual ai?
Imi tin economiile acasa.
Cum el averea?
"I keep my savings at home."
> I gave them my thanks.
> These are nice surroundings.
> Have you already met the new employees?
> His earns too little to have savings.
> The contents of this box are interesting.
> The negotiations will be very difficult, but
we must get a raise.
> He bought a new house after he had started
to earn more.
> Have you ever worked before you applied
for this job?
> Our labourers have been members of a
trade-union for five years.
> After the strike the management fired
many employees.
> We must do something to reduce
Le-am transmis multumirile mele.
Imprejurimile sunt frumoase.
Te-ai Intalnit deja cu salariatii noi?
Iar acum sa recapitulam aceasta parte a lectiei rezolvand urmatorul exercitiu. Traduceti propozitiile
In limba engleza:
Inainte de a-I pe John am lucrat cu Peter. > Before I met John I had worked with Peter.
Negocierile vor fi foarte dificile, dar trebuie
sa obtinem marirea salariilor.
Continutul acestei cutii este interesant.
EI prea putin ca sa economiseasca.
EI a cumparat 0 casa noua dupa ce a Inceput
sa mai mult.
Ai mai lucrat Inainte de-a solicita
aceasta slujba?
Muncitorii sunt membri
ai sindicatului de cinci ani.
Dupa greva conducerea a concediat
multi angajati.
Trebuie sa facem ceva ca sa reducem

lar acum recititi cuvintele cu voce tare, intr-o alta ordine:
Sa continuam lectia invat1ind 0 serie de cuvinte noi legate de cumparaturi.
Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
- vanzare la un pret
favorabil, chilipir,
- vanzare, reduceri,
vanzarea soldurilor
- de cumparaturi
- reducere de preturi
- carucior
- vanzare la un pret
favorabil, chilipir,
- vanzare, reduceri,
vanzarea soldurilor
- supermarket
- vitrina
- cumparator, client
- lista de cumparaturi
::.. vanzator, vanzatoare
- chitanta
- lista de cumparaturi
- casa (lntr-un magazin)
- supermarket
- vitrina
- casa (intr-un magazin)
- carucior
- vanzator, vanzatoare
- de cumparaturi
- reducere de preturi
- chitanta
- cumparator, client
> bEg]
> [diskaunt]
> [seilz]
supermarket > [su:parma:rkit]
trolley > [troli]
customer > [kastama
shop-assistant > asistant]
receipt > [risi:t]
shopping-list > list]
cash-desk > desk]
shop-window > Uindau]
exit > [egzit]
bargain > [ba:Tgin]
shopping-list > list]
shop-window > Uindau]
supermarket > [su:parma:'kit]
sales > [seilz]
exit > [egzit]
bargain > [ba:rgin]
shopping-bag > bEg]
discount > [diskaunt]
receipt > [risi:t]
customer > [kastama
shop-assistant > asisUint]
cash-desk > desk]
trolley > [troli]
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Sa folosim cuvintele noi in propozitii:
- My >trolley is full.
- Ai fost deja in
noul supermarket?
- Da. au des reduceri.
- A fost 0 adevarata afacere.
- Poti sa iei un camcior
in acest supermarket.
- Da, au foarte
multi cumparatori.
- leri am cumparat 0 multime
de lucruri la pret redus.
- mea era plina
nu am cheltuit
prea multi bani.
- viinzatorii sunt gata
intotdeauna sa te ajute.
- Poti obtine intotdeauna
o chitanta la casa.
- Poti, de asemenea, sa-i dai
viinzatoarei iista ta
de cumparaturi
sa liinga
- Ea iti va aduce
- au intotdeauna
vitrine minunate.
- How many >cash-desks have you
in the shop?
- I love to buy at >sales.
- I have only one >shopping-bag.
> [ies DZei hEy a lot av
kastama'z DZea']
> [iu: kEn teik a troli
in DZis'ma:'kit]
> [mai bEg Uaz ful
End ai didnt spend
tu: mani]
> [iesta'del al bo:t a lot av
T'in(g)z Et diskaunt]
> [hEy iu: o:lredl bi:n
in DZa niu: su:pa'ma:'kit]
> [it "oz a greit ba:'gin]
> [au ies End DZei ofn
hEy seilz]
> [End DZa asistants a:'
o:lueiz redl tu help iu:]
> [iu: kEn olsau giv DZa
asistant 10:'
list End Ue1t
nia' DZi egzlt]
> ull brm
> [iu: kEn 0: IUeiz get a risi:t
Et DZa desk]
> [End DZei 0:lue1z hEy
biu:tifal uindauz]
My shopping-bag was full,
and I didn't spend
too much money.
It was a great bargain.
And the shop-assistants are
always ready to help you.
Yesterday I bought a lot of
things at discount.
You can take a trolley
in this supermarket.
Yes, they have a lot of
customers there.
Have you already been
in the new supermarket?
Oh, yes. And they often
have sales.
You can also give the
shop-assistant your
shopping-list and wait
near the eXIt.
You can always get a receipt
at the cash-desk.
She will bring you
your shopping.
And they always have
beautiful shop-windows.
Ciite case aveti in magazin?
Imi place sa cumpar la viinzarea soldurilor.
Am doar 0 pentru cumparaturi.
Caruciorul meu este plin.
Acest supermarket este cel mai bun
din nostru.
Aici sunt patru
Acest vanzator este foarte dragut.
Multi cumparatori pleaca acum.
Am pierdut chitanta.
Aceasta casa este la un pret foarte bun.
Ai facut deja !ista de cumparaturi?
In vitrina este un radio dragut.
Facem mari reduceri.
Traduceti in !imba engleza urmatoarele cuvinte:
vanzare la pret favorabil, afacere
(de cumparaturi)
vanzator, vanzatoare

!ista de cumparaturi
reducere de preturi
vanzarea soldurilor, reduceri
- This >supennarket is the best
in our town.
- There are four >exits here.
- This >shop-assistant is very nice.
- Many >customers are leaving now.
- I have lost the >recelpt.
- This house is a >bargain.
- Have you already made the >shopping-!ist?
- There is a nice radio in the >shop-window.
- We give large >discounts.
> bargain
> shopping-bag
> shop-wmdow
> shop-assistant
> exit
> shopping-hst
> discount
> trolley
> sales
> customer
lata cateva exemple:
Desigur vd mai amintili de pronumele some (catva, cativa, ceva, unii, putin):
- Da, (ea) are putin.
- Da, am cateva.
- Da, au 0 multime de
- Da, avem cateva.
> receipt
> cash-desk
> supermarket
- Am citeva carti.
- Am ceva zahar.
> Has hcr sister any good books?
> Did he see any cars?
> Have my parents any friends?
> Has Mary any customers in her shop?
Yes, I have some.
Yes, she has a little.
Yes, they have a lot of cars.
Yes, we have a few.
La forma negativa interogativa in locullui some se pronumele
Acest pronume se in urmatoarele cazuri: la singular la plural,
cu substantive care au plural cu cele care nu au forma la plural in
propozitii interogative negative (in unele cazuri in cele afirmative).
casa (lntr-un magazin)
I have some books.
I have some sugar.
Have they any children? > [hEv DZCl eni tsildran] - Au copii?
Has she any coffee? > [hEz eni kofi] - Ea are cafea?
My parents have some friends.
Have we any tea at home? > [hEv lli: eni ti: Et haum] - Avem ceai acasa?
Her sister has some good books.
Mary has some customers in her shop.
Have you any bread at home? > [hEv iu: eni bred Et haum] - Ai paine acasa?
He saw some cars.
Puneti la forma mterogativa urmiHoarele propozitii:
in limba eng/ezd pronumele any nu poate fi omis din propoziliile interogative. in limba romtinii
traducerea acestui cuviint nu este necesarii. Uneori se traduce totu$i, mai ales ciind se referii la
cantitiiti miCl (vezi exemplele anterioare).
Has she any milk?
Have you any trolleys?
Have they any cars?
Have you any receipts?
Dacd rdspundem afirmativ la intrebarea in care apare pronumele any, atunci riispunsul poate
cuprinde: a lot of, some, a little, a few alte pronume care fac referire la cantitate.
Nu uitati ca not any no inseamna lucru - a nu avea deloc.
Daca raspunsul este negativ, atunci putem folosi doua constructii:
- nu prea, mai niciodata, foarte rar
- folositor
- necalificat
- bani gheata, bani in numerar
- Cat costa... ?
- chiar, pana nici macar
- adevarat
- satisilicut, multumit (de)
- abia, mai deloc, prea putin
- abia, putin/un pic
- important, semnificativ
> They have some/a few dogs.
> Have you any dogs?
> We haven't any pictures.
> We have no pictures.
> I have some/a little butter.
> I see no people here.
> I don't see any people here.
> I know no typists.
> I don't know any typists.
Have you any - No, I haven't any - No, I have no - Nu am chitanta.
receipts? receipts. receipts.
Have you any time? - No, I haven't any - No, I have no time. - Nu am timp.
Have they any - No, they haven't - No, they have - Nu au bani.
money? any money. no money.
Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza. In cazul negatiilor folositi ambele forme:
Ai caini?
Nu avem tablouri (nici un tablou).
Au cativa caini.
Nu vad oameni aici (pe nimeni).
Am putin unt.
Nu cunosc dactilografe (nici 0 dactilograili).
lata alte cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
important > [impo:'tant]
satisfied (with) > [sEtisfaid]
hardly > [ha:'dli]
hardly any > [ha:ldli eni]
hardly ever > [h a r dII e\ a
true > [tru ]
even > [i \ n]
How much is ... ? > [h,ll! IZ]
cash >
unskilled > [anskild]
useful > [iu:sfal]
Acum repetati cuvintele intr-o ordine diferita:
Adverbul hardly exprima 0 negatie. De aceea, alaturi de el nu se
alt cuvant de negatie:
- adevarat
- nu prea, mai niciodata, foarte rar
- necalificat
- folositor
- Cit costa... ?
- chiar, pfma nici macar
- abia, putin/un pic
- satisfacut, multumit (de)
- abia (daca), mai deloc, prea putin
- important, semnificativ
- bani gheata, bani in numerar
- Au fost satisfacuti toti
- Vin foarte rar in acest
- Cat costa acest ceas?
- Este adevarata povestea aceea?
- Nu este sare mai deloc.
- EI cumpara intotdeauna
lucruri utile.
- Aceasta este chiar
mai ieftina.
- Trebuie sa cu bani gheata.
- Vor concedia zece muncitori
- Abia daca mai am ceva bani.
- Abia daca mai am vreun prieten.
- a plati cu bani gheata,
a plati in numerar
>[IZ DIEt sto n tru.]
> [hau iz DZis klok]
> [al Em haofdil e\ a' III DZis
>["a:f 0:1 kastama'z
> [DZea' iz ha:'dlJ em so:lt]
> [DZis ka:' iz i:vn
> [iu: mast pei in
> [hI: oYelz balz IU sfal
> [ai hEy ha:'dli cni mani]
> [DZei Uil faia' ten anskil
I have hardly any friends.
Retineti urmatoarea expresie:
to pay in cash
true > [tnt:]
unskilled > [anskild]
hardly ever > [ha:fdli eva
useful > [iu:sfal]
How much is ... ? > [hau iz]
hardly any > [ha:fdh eni]
satisfied (with) > [sEtisfaid]
even > [i:vn]
hardly > [ha:'dli]
important > [impo:'tant]
cash >
Sa mtroducem cuvintele noi in propozitii:
Were all customers
How much is this clock?
Is that story true?
He always buys useful
There is hardly any salt.
This car is even cheaper.
You must pay in cash.
I am hardly ever III thIS
I have hardly any money.
They will fire ten unskilled
I have something to tell you. > [ai hEy samTsin(g) tll tel iu:] - Am ceva sa-ti spun.
Acum sa fnVli{am formele compuse ale pronumelui some:
- cineva
- ceva
- undeva
- Trebuie sa fie undeva.
- Cineva sm langa
m a ~ i n a noastra.
- >How much is this bicycle?
- They didn't >even fire him.
- We don't want >unskilled employees.
- We always pay >m cash.
- Everybody says it is a >true story.
- Are you >satisfied with your job?
- She >hardly spoke.
- I >hardly ever go to matches.
- It is very >important for me.
> hardly any
> Important
> hardly
> useful
> How much is ... ?
> unskilled
> hardly ever
> even
> satisfied with
> true
> cash
> [It mast bi: samUea']
> [sambadl 1Z stEndin{g)
ma' aua' ka:']
Nu merg aproape niciodata la meciuri.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Nu vrem angajati necalificati.
Platim intotdeauna cu bani gheata.
Este foarte important pentru mine.
E ~ t i multumit de locul tau de munca?
Toata lumea spline ca este 0 poveste adevarata.
Ea nu a vorbit mai deloc.
Nici macar nu I-au concediat.
Cat costa aceasta bicicleta?
Traduceti urmatoarele expresii in limba engleza:
foarte putinl un pic
Cat costa... ?
abia, mai deloc
satisIacut (de)
mai niciodata
bani gheata
pana ~ i
lata cateva exemple:
Somebody is standing
near our car.
It must be somewhere.
Sa exemplifieam explieatia anterioara:
Traducetl in lImba engleza urmatoarele propozitii. Pentmpropozitiile negative folositi ambele structuri:
in propozi!iile interogative in locullui some sefolosesc formele compuse ale pronumelui any:
- Nu eunose pe nimeni aiei.
- Nu mi-a dat nimie.
- Nu 0 vad nieaieri.
- pe eineva aici?
- 0 vezi undeva pe Maria?
- Ti-a dat eeva?
> Have you seen these gIrls anywhere?
> 1don't want to talk to anybody.
> I want to talk to nobody.
> Can anybody pay in cash?
> I don't like anybody.
> I like nobody.
> My sister is somewhere in England.
> DId you meet anybody important there?
> This man doesn't love anybody.
> This man loves nobody.
> [nau al daunt nau enibadi
> [nau ai nau naubadi hia
> [nau hi: didnt glV mi:
> [nau ai daunt si: ha:
> [nau hi: geiv mi:
> [nau ai si: ha:
Did he give you anything? > [did hi: giv iu: eniTSm(g)]
Do you see Mary anywhere? > [du iu: si: meari eniUea
Do you know anybody here? > [ du IU: nau enibadi hia
Did he give you anything?
No, he didn't give me
No, I know' nobody here.
Do you know anybody here?
No, I don'(know anybody
No, I see her nowhere.
No, he gave me
Nu vreau sa \orbesc cu mmem.
Do you see Mary anywhere?
No, I don't see her
Le-ai vazut undeva pe aceste fete?
Poate cineva sa plateasca cu bani gheata?
Ai intiilnit acolo pe cineva important?
Nu-mi place de nimeni.
Sora mea este undeva in Anglia.
Acest om nu pe nimeni.
Dacii riispunsul este negativ, atunci folosim formele compuse ale cuvdntului any, iar verbul din
propozi/ie va ji la forma negativii. Cdndfolosim formele compuse ale lui no, atunci verbul va ji la
forma ajirmativii. Nu uitali cii in limba englezii nu existii dubIii negalie.
Iar acum sa recapitulam intreaga lectie. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Urmeaza un exercitiu de pronuntie. Literele accentuate din fiecare coloana desemneaza sunete identice:
[E] [0] [u:] [ei]
cash trolley true sales
cat job blue day
hat clock do pay
can sock boot say
> You will get the receipt at the cash-desk.
> We must reduce unemployment in Romania.
> The employees and the management are
meeting tomorrow to negotiate wages.
> Have you seen anything interesting
in the surroundings?
> His proceeds are very high.
> There will be sales in our
supermarket next week.
> The members of our trade-union earn more.
> Our colleagues are applying for a raise.
> How many labourers have they recently fired?
> Before I bought this book I had asked
about its contents.
> Our clients are always satisfied
with their bargains.
> Before I went shoppmg I had written
a shopping-list.
> Can I get a discount?
> Have you any clock at home?
> I hardly ever listen to music.
> How much is this skirt?
> I won't tell anybody about it.
> I will tell nobody about it.
> After I had started work John came.
Vei primi chitanta la casa.
Cati muncitori au concediat in ultima vreme?
Saptamana viitoare vor fi reduceri In
supermarketul nostru.
Colegii solicita 0 marire de salariu.
este foarte mare.
Trebuie sa reducem Romania.
Inainte de a cumpara aceasta carte
m-am interesat de continutul ei.
Salariatii conducerea se intalnesc maine
sa negocieze salariile.
Membrii sindicatului nostru mai mult.
Ai vazut ceva interesant in
Pot sa primesc 0 reducere?
Clientii sunt intotdeauna satisIacuti
de cumparaturile avantajoase.
Ai ceas acasa?
Inainte de a merge la cumparaturi am scris
o lista de cumparaturi.
Nu prea ascult muzica.
Nu voi spune nimanui despre asta.
Cat costa aceasta fusta?
Dupa ce am inceput lucrul a venit John.
17.1. 1. Utilizare
17.1.4. Raspunsuri afirmative negative
17.1. The Past Perfect Tense - timpul trecut perfect
- dupa, dupa aceea, dupa ce, ulterior
- inainte, in fata, dinaintea
- Yes, I had.
- No, I had not.
- No, I hadn't.
- continut, cuprins
- ovaz
- (dintr-o activitate)
- avere, bogatie
- multumiri,
- imprejurimi, vecinatate
- economii, bani de 0 parte
- salariu
- Nu au vazut-o pe Maria inainte
ca ea sa-i fi vizitat.
Constructia propozitiei:
Interog,ativul se formeaza prin inversarea ordinii subiectului a verbului auxiliar:
They had been here before I came. - Had they been here before I came?
Had you been here before I came?
Expresia "had not" se prescurteaza "hadn't":
Raspunsurile afirmative se alcatuiesc cu ajutorul adverbului "yes", a pronumelui
personal a verbului auxiliar "had". Negatiile se formeaza cu ajutorul cuvantului
de negatie "no", a pronumelui personal, a verbului auxiliar "had" a adverbului
II folosim in cazul a doua actiuni din trecut, pentru a indica actiunea care s-a petrecut
mai devreme. Acest timp indica faptul ca prima actiune s-a terminat deja. Cea de-a
doua actiune se exprima cu timpul Simple Past.
They hadn't seen Mary before
she visited them.
Complementele circumstantiale cel mai des utilizate alaturi de acest timp sunt:
subiect + verb + forma a III-a a +
auxiliar verbului principal
She had read this book ...
They had built the house ...
17.1 3. Formarea interogativului
17.1.5. Structura negativa "hadn't" se poate folosi in propozitii afirmative:

17.2. Urmatoarele cuvinte apar de obicei la plural:

In cazul unui raspuns negativ, se folosesc doua structuri:
In propozitiile interogative in locullui "some" folosim adverbul "any".
In propozitii interogative in locullui "some" folosim formele compuse ale lui "any":
- Nu cunosc pe nimeni aici.
- ceva
- cineva
- undeva
- Am cateva carti.
- Ea are vreun prieten?
- Am cevalputin zahar.
- Ai acasa paine?
- pe cineva aici?
No, I haven't any receipts. - Nu, nu am chitante.
No, I have no receipts.
No, I don't know
anybody here.
No, I know nobody
Do you know anybody
Have you any receipts?
Has she any friends?
Retineti ca "not any" "no" inseamna lucru "nici un, nici 0, a nu avea deloc".
Have you any bread at home?
Acest adverb se alaturi de substantive care au sau nu au plural; atat la singular
In cazul unui raspuns negativ se folosesc fonnele compuse ale lui "any" iar verbul are fanna
negativa, sau formele compuse ale lui "no" verbulla fonna afinnativa:
Do you know anybody here?
I have some sugar.
I have some books.
17.3. "Some, any, no"
17.4. Fonnele compuse ale lui "some, any, no"
A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. Have you read anything about that accident?
2. I had stopped smoking before I started to work in this office.
3. Before they fired the unskilled labourers they had talked to them.
4. Do you know the contents of this book?
5. Did you get a receipt at the cash-desk in that supermarket?
6. Do these shop-assistants get higher wages than the management?
B. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
1. Ce creZI despre fratele lui?
2. Ai ceva bani de 0 parte?
3. Nu am vazut pe nimeni in acest parc.
4. Inainte de a rna uita la film, am baut 0 de cafea cu mama.
5. Pot gasi oriunde asemenea farfurii?
6. Cineva ca nu lucrezi aici.
C. Corectati din urmatoarele propozitii:
I. I haven't seen nobody in the street.
2. I was at school before I returned home.
3. This surroundings are very nice.
4. My mother has any friends.
5. He can't hardly cook dinner.
6. They just took a trolley.
Iar acum repetati-Ie intr-o alta ordine:
tap > [tEp] - robinet
oven > [ovn] - cuptor
fridge > [fridj] - frigider
tile > [tail] - placa de faiantalteracota
gas-cooker > [gEs kuka
] - aragaz
saucepan > [so:spEn] - cratita
sink > [sin(g)k] - chiuveta
bucket > [bakit] - galeata
cupboard > [kabad] - dulap de bucatarie
towel > [taual] - prosop
rubbish-bin > bin]
- lada de gunoi
mop > [mop] - dirpa de pe jos
Sa incepem lectia cu noile cuvinte care definesc articole de uz casnic. Cititi-
Ie cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
towel > [taual] - prosop
bucket > [bakit] - galeata
fridge > [fridj] - frigider
mop > [mop] - carpa de pe jos
sink >
[sin(g)k] - chiuveta
tile > [tail] - placa de faiantalteracota
gas-cooker > [gEs kuka
] - aragaz
tap > [tEp] - robinet
cupboard > [kabad] - dulap de bucatarie
rubbish-bin > [rabi;; bin] - lada de gunoi
saucepan > [so:spEn] - cratita
oven > [ ovn] - cuptor
,.. ,..
Sa introducem noile cuvinte In propozitii:
> [ai Uont tu samTsin(gj - Vreau sa schimb ceva
in Dza in bucatarie.
- Voi pune frigiderul
- Aceste dulapuri vor fi agatate
pe pereti.
- Cred ca putem schimba
- Yom cumpara un aragaz
nou un cuptor
- de gunoi galeata
cu carpa de pe jos
pot fi puse aici.
- Iar prosopul poate fi agatat
langa chiuveta.
- ce facem cu cratitele?
- Trebuie sa rna gandesc la asta.
> [Dzi:s kabadz uil hEn(g)
on DZa Uolz]
> [ai ull put DZa fridj nia'
DZa do:']
> [ai Tsin(g)k ui: kEn olsau
DZa tEp]
> [DZa bin End DZa
bakit uiD
DZa mop
kEn bi put hi a']
> [End a
Uont tu hEy tailz on - vreau sa am faianta pe perete
DZa uol auva' DZa sin(g)k] deasupra chiuvetei.
> [Ui: uil bai aniu:
gEs kuka' End
an ilektrik ovn]
> [End DZa taual kEn bi
hEn(g)d nia' DZa sm(g)k]
> [End "ot abaut
D'a so:spEnz]
> [ai mast Pin(g)k abaut it]
And I want to have tiles on
the wall over the sink.
I think we can also
change the tap.
These cupboards will hang
on the walls.
I want to change something
in the kitchen.
I will put the fridge near
the door.
We will buy a new
gas-cooker and
an electric oven.
The rubbish-bin and the
bucket with the mop
can be put here.
And the towel can be
hanged near the smk.
I must think about it.
And what about
the saucepans?
Completati unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu noile cuvinte:
In mod, putem fonna adverbe din substantive care exprima timpul:
- minunat, splendid
- saptamanal,
in fiecare saptamana
- zilnic, in fiecare zi
- lunar, in fiecare luna
- We must buy a new >gas-cookeI:
- Dirty plates are in the >sink.
- I like the >tiles in this shop.
- This >saucepan is not big enough.
- Look for the tea in this >clipboard.
- Have you any clean >towels?
- How much is this >oven?
- We clean the floor with a >mop.
- Take the >rubbish-bin.
- Where can I get big>taps?
- There is something in that>bucket.
- Our >fridge is old.
>[ dedi]
- Zl
- saptamana
- minunat
Aten!ie: in cuviintul daily litera y s-a transformat in i!
Curatam podeaua cu carpa de pe jos.
Ia de gunoi.
De unde pot procura robinete mari?
Este ceva in galeata aceea.
Frigiderul nostru este vechi.
Farfuriile murdare sunt in chiuveta.
Imi place faianta din acest magazin.
Aceasta cratita nu este suficient de mare.
Callta ceaiul in acest dulap.
Ai prosoape curate?
Cat costa acest cuptor?
in continuare vom fnvii!a regulile deformare a adl'erbelor. Adverbele se potforma din adjective, prin
adiiugarea termina!iei -Iy:
Verificati in ce masura ati sa va cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza unnatoarele
cuvinte expresii:
Trebuie sa cumparam un aragaz nou.
de gunoi
> rubbish-bin
cuptor, de gatit
> oven
> towel
carpa de pe jos
> mop
> cupboard
> gas-cooker
> saucepan
> tap
> sink
> tile
> bucket
> fridge
> [felt]
> [smelt]
forma a III-a
- cu
- a arata, a parea sa fie
- a mirosi, a avea miros
- a simti, a se simti
- a gusta, a avea gust (de)
- a suna, a rasuna
the best - cel mai bine
- She sings >beautifully
- The train is going very >slowly
- He said it very >sadly
- We must talk with them >politely
- This child writes >awfully
> [felt]
> [smelt]
> [i:zlli]
better - mai bine
forma a II-a
> [tu luk]
> [tu fi:l]
> [tu tezst]
> [tu smell
> [tu saund]
> [fi:l]
> [smell
in limba engleza, corespondentullui bine este well. Retineti ca gradele
sale de comparatie sunt identice cu ale adjectivului good:
well- bine
Retmeti ca in cazul lUI cheap wide putem folosi terminatia Iy:
"cheaply, widely".
- tarzlU. eu intarziere high -lnalt, sus
- leftm long - lung, indelungat
-larg hard - tare, dur
- repede. lute early - timpuriu, devreme
Verbele invatate anterior pot fi urmate doar de adjective. Nu se folosesc
adverbe impreuna cu ele.
- easy
Ea canta minunat.
Trenul merge foarte Incet.
El a spus asta foarte trist.
Trebuie sa vorbim cu ei politicos.
Acest copil scrie groaznic.
Aceastii schimbare intervine dacii litera y este precedatii de 0 consoanii:
in multe cazuri, adjectivul adverbul se traduc prin cuvant in limba romana.
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu adverbele corespunzatoare:
in englezd. la leI ca in limba romtinii, unele adverbe au formii identicii cu adjectivele care Ie
Sa invatam cateva verbe noi:
to feel
to look
to smell
to sound
to taste
forma I
Doua dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate:
Sa invatam alte cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Verificati daca ati inteles cum se folosesc adverbele. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare:
> My wife knits beautifully.
> I feel very sad today.
> Why are you working so hard?
> She looks very strange.
> We must go fast now.
> How much money do you spend weekly?
> My father always walks very slowly.
> I have bought It very cheap/cheaply.
> She writes strangely.
> My mother drives very well.
> We can do it very easily.
> [ai fi:l veri gud tadei] - Ma simt foarte bine azi.
> [DZa dina' teists greit] - Cina are un gust grozav.
> [iu: luk biu:tifal] - Arati minunat.
> [DZis miu:zik saundz gu:d] - Muzica aceasta suna bine.
> [meri:z t1aua'z smel nais] - Fiorile Mariei au un miros placut.
You look beautiful.
I feel very good today.
lata diteva exemple:
The dinner tastes great.
This music sounds good.
Mary's flowers smell nice.
Ea arata foarte ciudat.
Azi rna simt foarte trist.
Sotia mea tricoteaza minunat.
Acum trebuie sa mergem repede.
De ce lucrezi de mult?
Ea scrie ciudat.
Cati bani pe saptamana?
Tatal meu merge intotdeauna foarte incet.
Am cumparat asta foarte ieftin.
Putem face asta foarte
Mama mea conduce foarte bine.
to serve > [tu sa:'v] - a servi, a folosi
to wrap (up) > [tu rEp ap] - a impacheta
to deliver > [tu dIliva'] - a distribui, a livra
to stock > [tu stok] - a se aproviziona, a avea marfuri
in stoc
to support > [tu sapo:'t] - a sprijini, a sustine
insulated > [insiuleitid] - izolat
to let > [tu let] - a inchiria, a fi de inchiriat
for sale > [fo:' seil] - de vanzare
out of order > [aut av o:'da'] - stricat, defect
greasy > [gri:si] - unsuros, alunecos
Recititi cuvintele, intr-o alta ordine:
to support
> [tu sapo:rt] - a sprijini, a sustine
to deliver > [tu diliva
] - a distribui, a livra
greasy > [gri:si] - unsuros, alunecos
insulated > [insiuleitid] - izolat
to let > [tu let] - a inchiria, a fi de inchiriat
to stock > [tu stok] - a se aproviziona, a avea marfuri
pe stoc
to serve
>[tu sa:rv] - a servi, a folosi
for sale > [to:' seil] - de vanzare
to wrap (up) >[tu rEp ap] - a impacheta
out of order
> [aut av o:rda
] - stricat, defect
>[ mai sistii'z haus iz fa:
seiJ] - Casa surorii mele este de vanzare.
- Casa ta este izolata?
- Frigiderul este defect.
- Nu folosi aceasta farfurie.
Este unsuroasa.
- Sunt cateva camere
de inchiriat.
- Vanzatorul ne va servi.
- Puteti impacheta
aceste carti?
- Sindicatul sprijina
- Ei vor livra dulapurile
de bucatarie deseara.
- Our house is >insulated.
- This tool >serves to cut wood.
- What time will you >deliver this fridge?
- How long has the car been >out of order?
>[jz ia:
haus insillieitid]
>[DZa asisUmt
Uil sa:rv as]
>[daunt iu:z DZis pleit
it iz gri:si]
> [DZea
a fiu: ru:mz
tll let]
>[kEn ill: rEp ap
D1n buks]
>[DZa fridj iz aut av o:rda
> [DZel uJ! dlliva
kabadz m DZl i:vnm(g)]
> [DZa treld lu:man sapo:rts
DZa leibararz]
Is your house insulated?
Sa introducem cuvintele noi in propozitii:
There are a few rooms
to let.
My sister's house is for sale.
The fridge is out of order.
The shop-assistant
will serve us.
Can you wrap up
these books?
Don't use this plate.
It is greasy.
They will deliver the
cupboards in the evening.
La ce ora vei livra acest frigider?
The trade-union supports
the labourers.
Completati urmataarele propozitii in limba engleza:
De cat timp nu functioneaza
Casa noastra este izolata.
Acesta unealta se la taierea lemnului.
Conform exemplelor prezentate anterior, traduceti urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza:
Verificati daca ati sa retineti cuvintele noi. Traduceti In limba engleza urmatoarele cuvinte
Propozi!ia subordonatii scnsa cu caractere ingro!fate se nume!jte intrebare indirecta!ji este introdusa
de un pronume mterogativ (where, who, when), dupa care urmeaza topica obi!jnuitaa unei propozi!ii
- You have >greasy hands.
- Will you >support us at the meeting?
- Is this plane >to let?
- We >stocked it two years ago.
- Do you want to >wrap up this handbag?
> out of order
> insulated
> to deliver
- Our neighbour's house is >for sale.
> to wrap up
> to stock
> greasy
> to serve
> to let
> to support
> for sale
- Nu unde este aceasta carte.
- Spune-mi cand vor veni.
> Do you know what his children are doing?
> Do you know how much it is?
> Tell me when I can visit you.
> I don't know who serves here.
> Peter will tell us which house is to let.
- Nu Ie spune unde mi-am pus economiile.
Ne vei sustine la
Acest avion este de Inchiriat?
Ai mainile unsuroase.
Am avut asta pe stoc acum cinci ani.
Vrei sa Impachetezi aceasta
Casa vecinilor este de vanzare.
a Impacheta
a tine/a avea marfuri pe stoc
a livra
a Inchiria
a servi
I don't know where this book is.
a sprijini
de vanzare
Cititi urmatoarea propozitie In limba engleza:
De exemplu:
Don't tell them where I have put my savings.
Tell me when they WIll come.
cat costa asta?
Spune-mi dind pot sa te vizitez.
Nu cine aici.
Peter ne va spune care casa este de Inchiriat.
ce fac copiii lui?
> [pi:l DZa pateitouz fo:' dinaf] - Curata cartofii pentru cina!
> [tcl:'n on DZa ti: vi: set pli:z] - Da drumulla televizor, te rog.
Trebuie sa praful de pe biblioteca tao
- a (pe jos)
- a calca (cu fierul)
- a coji, a curata (legume, fructe)
- a praful
- a goli, a descarca
- a opri, a stinge, a inchide
- a deschide, a da drumul, a aprinde
- Am deja pe jos.
- Vrei sa-mi calci
- Ai golit scrumierele?
- Trebuie sa praful
de pe scaune.
- Trebuie sa inchizi robinetul.
- While I was >ironing the skirt my husband
- Before I started to eat breakfast
I >had turned on the toaster.
- Are you still >peeling these vegetables?
- We >empty the rubbish-bin every morning.
- You must >dust your bookcase.
- Mother, we can >mop the floor
in the bathroom?
- I remember that I >had turned off the radio
before I left.
> [tu aian]
> [tu mop]
> [tu ta:fn on]
> [tu empti]
> [tu ta:fn of]
> [ai hEv o:lredi mopt
DZa flo:']
> lUi] iu: aian DZis
> lUi: mast dast DZa
> [did iu: empti
> [IU: mast ta:fn ofDza tEp]
to mop
lata cateva verbe noi:
to iron
to dust
to peel
to empty
to tum on
to tum off
Sa introducem aceste verbe in propozitii:
Will you iron this shirt
for me?
We must dust the chairs.
Did you empty
the ash-trays?
I have already mopped
the floor.
Peel the potatoes for dinner.
Turn on the TV set, please.
You must turn off the tap.
Inca mai cureti aceste legume?
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
In timp ce calcam fusta, s-a intors
sotul meu.
Inainte de-a incepe sa mananc micul dejun,
am pomit aparatul de prajit paine.
Golim de gunoi in fiecare dimineatlL
Mama, putem sa pe jos
in baie?
Imi amintesc ca am oprit radioul inainte
de-a pleca.
Existen{a sau prezen{a, respectiv absen{a unei jiin{e sau a unui obiect se exprimii prin construc{ia
there is/there are.
Forma interogativii a acestei expresii se jormeazii prin inversarea ordinii subiectului gramatical
there a verbului auxiliar:
Forma afirmatiwi se formeazii cu adverbul yes, subiectul gramatical there verbul auxiliar. Pentru
forma negativiifolosim cuvantul de nega{ie no, cuvantul there, verbul auxiliar adverbul not:
- Da, este.
Nu, nu este.
- Da, sunt.
- Nu, nu sunt.
- Da, va fi.
- Nu, nu va fi.
- Sunt pe strada?
- Este a carte pe masa?
- A fast a aici?
> to turn off
> to mop
> to iron
> to peel
> to turn on
> to empty
> to dust
> Is there a house for sale in London?
> Were there many bicycles in that shop?
> Will there be sales in this supennarket?
> [les D'ear lZ]
> [nau DZear iznt]
> lies DZear a:']
> [nau DZear a:'nt]
> [ies DZear Uil]
> [nauDZearUount]
Is there a book on the table?
Are there any cars in
the street?
Has there been a meeting
Yes, there is.
No, there isn't.
Yes, there are.
No, there aren't.
Yes, there will.
No, there won't.
Traduce1i cuvintele expresiile in engleza:
a opn
a pe jos
a calca (cu fierul)
a coji, a cura1a
a deschide
a goli
a praful
There are cars in
the street.
There is a book on the table.
Fonnula1i intrebari pentru unnatoarele propozi1ii:
There has been a meeting
Is there coffee at home?
There were many bicycles in that shop.
Aceastii expresie poate ji folositii la toate timpurile.
There is a house for sale in London.
There will be sales in this supermarket.
Will there be a meeting here?
Are there any mops here?
Formulati raspunsuri afirmative negative la urmatoarele intrebari:
to offer
> [tu Ola'] -. a oferi
to permit
> [tu pamit]
- a permite
to allow
- a permite, a da voie,
- a admite
to promise
> [tu promis]
- a promite
to refuse
> [tu rifiu:z]
- a refuza, a respinge
Have there been any accidents this month?
No, >there haven't.
No, >there won't.
No, >there aren'f.
No, >there haven't.
- Iti vor oferi 0 slujba
mai buna?
- El mi-a promis 0 noua.
- Conducerea a refuzat sa-mi dea
o marire de salariu.
- Mama nu-ti va da voie
sa mergi la cinematograf.
- Ti-au permis
sa aduci ciiinele?
- She >refused to help me.
- I don't>permit/allow you to smoke here.
- > Promise me you will return early.
- I can> otfer you two apartments.
> [hI. prol1w,t mi' a nlll: ka:']
> [0 ,: 1:1EmdJrnant nfiu:zd
tl. ;1\ ill1: a relz]
> [-11 D"el 'u
3 bet:l' dwb
> [m,ID-a' "11 not alau iu:
tu gau tu DZa sinama]
> [hEv DZei pamitid iu:
tu brin(g) DZa dog]
Yes, >there have.
Yes, >there will.
Yes, >there have.
Yes, >there are.
Will there be any good films on TV today?
Are there any cups in the cupboard?
Have there been any labourers here?
Va prezentam ultimul set de verbe noi din aceasta lectie:
Urmantl foloslrea acestor verbe in propozitii:
He promised me a ne\\ car.
The managment refused
to give me a raise.
Will they offer you
a better job?
Have they permItted:. ou
to bring the dog'>
Mother will not allow you
to go to the cinema.
Completatl propozqiile urmatoare cu verbele corespunzatoare:
Promite-mi ca te vei intoarce devreme.
Pot sa-ti ofer doua apartamente.
Nu-ti permit sa fumezi aici.
Ea a refuzat sa rna ajute.
Iar acum sa sintetizam materia din aceasta parte a lectiei intr-un exercitiu. Traduceti in limba engleza
urmatoarele propozitii:
Traduceti verbele unnlitoare in limba engleza:
a oferi
a refuza
a permite
a ingadui
a promite
Trebuie sa golim repede frigiderul.
Cand vor livra dulapurile?
Ea a spus asta foarte politicos.
Poti folosi aceasta galeata.
Cat lunar?
Aratati minunat impreuna.
Spune-mi unde sunt aceste cratite.
Poate cineva sa-mi calce bluza?
Este paine acasa'J
EI a condus intotdeauna foarte bine
> to offer
> to refuse
> to permit
> to allow
> to promise
> We must empty the fridge fast.
> What time will they deliver the cupboards?
> She said this very politely.
> You can use this bucket.
> How much do you earn monthly?
> You look beautiful together.
> Tell me where these saucepans are.
> Can anybody iron my blouse?
> Is there any bread at home?
> He has always driven the car very well.
Cititi cu atentie urmatorul dialog fiind atenti la pronuntie intonatie. Cuvintele silabele accentuate
sunt scrise
Barbara: How did she help you?
John: You know I wanted to buy a car after I had earned more money. But I was still short of
money and she gave me some.
Barbara: Today we must go to the supermarket to do some shopping. There are many things on my
shopping-list. Now you can return this money!
John: Why must we go to the supermarket all the time?
Barbara: Because the shop-assistants are very polite there and they stock almost everything. And
today they have sales there.
Mary, have you heard that a lot oflabourers don't like their jobs?
No, I haven't. And why don't they like their jobs?
They say their wages are too low and they must often apply for a raise.
Well, I have heard about that. But the management has refused their applications so far.
Hardly any employees like the management.
And the other problem is that there is unemployment in our surroundings. Even John has
hardly worked this summer. The trade-union wants to negotiate about the strike.
And all our employees are members of this trade-union. The management already knows
about it and wants to fire some of the employees. Do you know how many people they
want to fire')
No, I don t. I think there must be a few. But there are many unskilled workers and they
will not get a job.
I must give my thanks to your mother because she has helped me.
Good. today I'll take you to the supermarket in my new car.
Mary, today we have a lot of work to do.
I know. I must dust the tables, empty the rubbish-bin and iron my father's shirts.
And I must place the gas-cooker somewhere else, because it cannot stand next to the
But you can't do it today. All of our electric tools are out of order.
I almost forgot about that. Then I'll go and buy a new electric oven to the kitchen.
But Tom, we must pay for it in cash and right now we are short of cash.
Then I will peel the vegetables for dinner.
Barbara: What are the contents of that book?
Barbara: Then I will also read that book.
Barbara: Now you can read it, but later I will turn on the radio and we can listen to some music.
> Will we meet to negotIate raises?
> After I had written a letter I bought
two stamps.
> I think I will apply for a better job
and higher wages.
> They want to grow oats this year.
> Two years ago we lived in
beautiful surroundings.
> Before we started work we had waited
for them.
> Our employees want to change
the management.
> My colleagues don't want this strike.
> All customers are satisfied with the shopping
in our supermarket.
> Have they already raised wages?
> Don't forget to take the shopping-list and
the shopping-bag.
> Do they give discounts only during sales?
> This news is very Important.
> They hardly ever do homework.
> Must I leave the trolley at the cash-desk?
> I haven't any friends in this town.
> I have no friends In thIS town.
> He earns a lot and buys only bargains.
> Do you think this cupboard will be useful
in the kitchen?
> How much is thIS bycicle?
But I want to read this book tonight. You know I read two books daily.
The contents of this book are very important and useful for a secretary.
Ei fac aproape niciodata tema pentru acasa.
Nu uita sa iei lista de cumparaturi
Toti clientii sunt satisfacuti de cumparaturile
din supermagazinul nostru.
Aceasta este foarte importanta.
Cred ca voi solicita 0 slujba mai buna
un salariu mai mare.
Dupa ce am scris 0 scrisoare, am cumparat
doua timbre.
Anul acesta ei vor sa cultive ovaz.
Au marit deja salariile?
Inainte sa incepem lucrul, i-am
Angajatii vor sa schimbe conducerea.
Acum doi ani am locuit intr-o
zona minunata.
Colegii mei nu vor aceasta greva.
Ne vom intalni ca sa negociem
maririle de salarii?
Rezolvati urmatorul exercitiu care sintetizeaza intregul material al lectiei. Traduceti urmatoarele
propozitii in limba engleza:
El multi bani cumpara numai
la pret redus.
Trebuie sa las caruciorulla casa?
Nu am prieteni in acest
Crezi ca acest dulap va fi util in bucatarie?
Cat costa aceasta bicicleta?
Fac reduceri doar in perioada
"Don't forget to take the shopping-list and the shopping-bag."
In incheiere, va propunem un exercitiu de pronuntie. Literele de la inceputul coloanelor cele scrise
accentuat indica sunet:
>Where are the towels?
> Before we went to Mary we had mopped
the floors.
>He walks very strangely.
>This story can't be true.
>Have you anything to tell me?
>The shop-asslstant is Just wrapping up
my shoppmg
>The TV set is out of order.
>Ask hIm \\ hen he shuts the shop.
>Can you tum off the radIO')
>Dust the tables and Iron these clothes.
>Are there any books here?
Intreaba-l cand inchide magazinul.
praful de pe mese calca aceste haine.
El merge foarte ciudat.
Unde sunt prosoapele?
Ai ceva sa-mi spui?
Aceasta poveste nu poate fi adevarata.
Inainte sa mergem la Mary noi am
pe jos.
Poti sa radioul?
Televizorul nu functioneaza.
\Tanzatorul tocmai imi impacheteaza
Sunt carti aici?
[i:] [a] [ai] [ei]
peel dust iron sale
seen bucket tile make
leave but wide late
green sun drive date
18.1. Adverbe
18.1.4. Alaturi de unele verbe pot sta doar adjective, nu adverbe:
In mod similar se fonneaza adverbe din substantivele care exprima timpul:
the best - cel mai bme

- a arata, a parea sa fie
- a se simti, a simti, a avea 0 senzatie sau
un sentiment
- a suna, a rasuna
- a gusta, a avea un anumit gust
beautifully - minunat
- a mirosi, a avea un miros
better - mai bine
- minunat
month -luna monthly - lunar, in fiecare luna
week - saptamana weekly - saptamanal, in fiecare

- Zl daily - zilnic, in fiecare zi
well - bine
late - tarziu, cu intarziere
cheap - ieftin
wide -larg
fast - repede, iute
high - inalt, sus
long - lung, indelungat
hard - tare, dur
early - timpuriu, devreme
to feel
In cazul adverbelor "cheap" "wide" se terminatia ,,-ly": "cheaply,
to smell
to look
to taste
Retineti ca in cuvantul "daily", litera y s-a schimbat in i.
schimbare se petrece in cazul in care litera -y este precedata de 0 consoana:
to sound
18.1.1. Majoritatea adverbelor se fonneaza din adjective, prin adaugarea tenninatiei ,,-ly":
18.1.2. In limba engleza adverbul corespunzator adjectivului "bun" este "well". Retineti:
comparativul superlativul lui "well" sunt identice cu fonnele corespunzatoare
ale adjectivului "good":
18.1 .3. In limba engleza, la fel ca in limba romana, mai multe adverbe au fonna identica cu
adjectivele corespunzatoare:
Interogativul se formeaza prin inversarea ordinii subiectului gramatical "there" ~ i a
verbului auxiliar:
Propozitia subordonata este introdusa de un pronume interogativ (where, who, what etc.),
dupa care urmeaza 0 propozitie cu structura afirmativa:
18.3.2. Raspunsul afirmativ se formeaza cu adverbul "yes", subiectul gramatical "there" ~ i
verbul auxiliar. Negatia se compune din cuvantul "no", subiectul gramatical "there",
verbul auxiliar ~ i cuvantul "not":
- Este 0 carte pe masa?
- Nu, nu este.
- Da, este.
- Nu ~ t i u unde este aceasta carte.
- Nu Ie spune unde
mi-am pus economiile.
Is there a book on
the table?
No, there isn't.
There is a book on
the table.
Is there coffee at home? Yes, there is.
Aceasta structura poate fi folosita la toate timpurile.
I don't know where this book is.
Don't tell them where I have
put my savings.
18.3.1. Interogativul
18.2. Intrebari indirecte
18.3. "There is/there are"
A. Traduce!i urmatoarele propozi!ii in limba romana:
1. They haven't delivered the sink and tap so far.
2. Are there any mops to mop the floors?
3. I don't know where they will stock the cupboards.
4. At the moment he is working hard.
5. She had looked beautiful before she cut her hair.
6. My mother is satisfied with the new toaster.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Aceasta suna minunat, dar nu ~ t i u cand putem merge acolo.
2. Sunt apartamente de inchiriat in aceasta cladire?
3. 1 a spus asta foarte trist.
4. Ne vei sprijini in timpul negocierilor?
5. Muzica a sunat foarte bine, dar textul nu a fost interesant.
6. Este cineva aici?
C. Corectati g r e ~ e l i l e din urmatoarele propozitii:
I. I didn't feel very well yesterday.
2. There aren't any money in my purse.
3. I know he works very hardly.
4. Can you tell me what time must we be at school tomorrow?
5. There isn't no restaurant in our surroundings.
6. He usually eats one meal dayly.
Verbele neregulate din lectiile 17 ~ i 18
forma I
feel > [fil]
smell > [smel]
forma a II-a
felt > [felt]
smelt > [smelt]
forma a III-a
felt > [felt]
smelt > [smelt]
, ,
after > [a:fti'F] - dupa, dupa aceea, dupa ce,
to allow > [tu alau] - a permite, a da voie, a admite
any > [eni] - orice, oricare
anybody > [enibadi] - oricine, oricare, cineva
anything >
- orice, ceva
anywhere >
- oriunde, undeva
to apply for > [tu aplai fa:
] - a se adresa pentru, a cere, a solicita
application > [ - cerere, solicitare
bargain > [ba:rgin] - vanzare la pret favorabil, chilipir,
before > [bifo:
] - i'nainte (de), i'naintea, dinaintea
bucket > [bakit] - galeata
cash > - bani gheatii, bani In numerar
cash-desk > desk] - casa (i'ntr-un magazin)
colleague > [koli:g] - coleg
contents > [kontents] - cuprins, continut
cupboard > [kabad] - dulap de bucatane
customer > [kastama
] - cumparator, client
to deliver > [tu diliva
] - a distribui, a livra
discount > [diskaunt] - reducere (de preturi)
to dust > [tu dast] - a praful
to earn > [tu a:rn] - a bani (prin munca)
employee > [emplaii:] - angajat, salariat
to empty > [tu empti] - a goli, a descarca
even > [i:vn] - chiar, pana nici macar
exit > [egzit] -
to feel > [tLl fi:l] - a simti, a se simti
to fire > [tLl faia
] - a concedia
for sale
>[fo:Tseil] - de vanzare
> [fridj] - frigider
> [gEs kuka
] - aragaz
> [gri:si] - unsuros, gras
>[ha:Td] - tare, dur, greu
> [ha:Tdli] - abia, mai deloc, prea putin
hardly any
> [ha:Tdli eni] - abia, putin/un pic
hardly ever
> [ha:Tdli eva
] - foarte rar, aproape niciodata,
nu prea
How much is ...
>[hau iz] - Cat costa...
> [impo:Ttant] - important, semnificativ
> [insiuleitid] - izolat
to iron
>[tu aian] - a calca (cu fierul)
>[djob] - loc de munca, serviciu
] - muncitor
to let
>[tu let] - a inchiria, de inchiriat
to look
>[tu luk] - a parea, a arata, a avea aerul
>[mEnidjmant] - conducere, administratie
] - membru
>[mop] - carpa de pe jos
to mop
>[tu mop] - a pe jos
> - negocieri
to negotiate
>[tu - a negocia, a duce tratative
] - nicaieri, niciunde
> [outs] - ovaz
to offer
> [tu ofa
] - a oferi, a acorda
out of order
> [aut ov o:rda
] - stricat, defect
>[om] - cuptor
to peel
>[tu pi:!] - a coji, a curata (Iegume/fructe)
to permit
> [tu pamit] - a permite
proceeds > [prousi:dz] - (dintr-o activitale)
to promise >
[tu promis]
raise >
to raise >
[tu reiz]
receipt >
to reduce >
[tu ridiu:s]
to refuse >
[tu rifiu:z]
riches > ]
rubbish-bin > bin]
> [seilz]
satisfied (with) > [sEtisfaid]
saucepan >
savmgs >
to serve >
[tu sa:rv]
shop-assistant > asistant]
> bEg]
> list]
> Uindau]
short of (something)
> av]
> [sin(g)k]
to smell
> [tu smel]
> [sambadi]
> [samUea
to sound
> [tu saund]
to stock
> [tu stok]
> [straik]
> [su:parma:rkit]
to support
> [tu sapo:rt]
> [saraundintg)z]
> [tEp]
to taste > [tu teist]
- a promite
- sporire, marire
- a spori, a mari
- chitanta, nota de plata
- a reduce, a
- a refuza, a respinge
- avere, bogatie
- de gunoi
- reduceri, vanzarea soldurilor
- satisIacut, multumit (de)
- cratita
- economii (bani)
- a servi, a fi folosit
- vanzator, vanzatoare
- sau punga de cumparaturi
- !ista de cumparaturi
- vitrina
- lipsa de (ceva)
- chiuveta
- a mirosi, a avea miros
- cineva
- undeva
- a suna, a rasuna
- a aproviziona, a tine/a avea
marfuri pe stoc
- greva
- supermarket
- a sprijini, a sustine
- imprejurimi, vecinatate
- robinet
- a gusta, a avea gust (de)
> [TSEn(g)ks] - multumiri,
> [tail]
- faiantalteracota
towel > [taual]
- prosop
trade-union > [treid iu:nian]
- sindicat
trolley > [troli]
- carucior (intr-un supermarket)
true > [tru:]
- adevarat
to tum off
> [tu ta:rn of]
- a opri, a stinge, a inchide
to tum on
> [tu ta:1n on]
- a deschide, ada drumul, a aprinde
(lumina etc.)
unemployement > [animploimant] -
unskilled > [anskild]
- necalificat
useful > [iu:stal]
- folositor, util
wages > [Ueidjiz] - salariu
> [Uel] - bine
to wrap up > [tu rEp ap]
- a impacheta

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