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Saint Gabriels School English Department 2011


I. Main Objective Each student will have to write a short story of 20 lines. Such story must be based on a value, that is to say, honesty, loyalty, respect, responsibility, sympathy among others. II. English Evaluating Criteria 1. Content: 9 points 1.1 Task: The student satisfactorily writes a short story including all its parts: 1.1.a. Title (1): The story has a title that condenses the overall ideas. 1.1.b. Setting (1): The time and place in which the story takes place. 1.1.c Characters (1): The people in the story. They are clearly identified throughout the story. 1.1.d. Conflict (1): Any central form of struggle that faces the main character. 1.1.e. Plot (3): The sequence of events in a story: Introduction: The beginning of the story where the characters and the setting are revealed. Climax: The point in the story when the characters try to solve the main problem Conclusion: The way in which the story ends. 1.2. Creativity (2): The student writes a short story of his/her own. Any kind of copy or plagiarism will be penalized with mark 2.0 2. Language: 11 points 2.1. Grammar (3): The student uses verb tenses properly. 2.2. Spelling (3): The student writes the words properly. 2.3. Vocabulary (1): The student selects the correct words and synonyms to avoid repetition. Spanish will not be allowed. 2.4. Punctuation (1): Sentences and paragraphs are clearly defined according to the expressed ideas. 2.5. Coherence (3): The overall story follows a logic by which the ideas stated are understood. BN: I. If a student presents his/her work delayed, s/he will be penalized as follows: 1 Week late: maximum mark 6.0 2 Weeks late: maximum mark 5.0 3 Weeks late: mark 2.0 Total: 20 points

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