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CS100/200WW All Sections

CD Folders and Files for Post Final Exam

Name: ____________________________________________ Student ID Number: _________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________

Photograph placed here Note: Fill in the above information and then paper clip (locking clip) this check-off list to your CD. I will NOT grade your post grammar final if you do not submit this check-off list and your labeled (in a labeled holder) CD to me at the start of your final session. Sorry, no exceptions. Please burn and LABEL (see below) the following folders/files on a labeled CD that is placed into a LABELED CD holder (not a folded piece of paper): Label both CD and Holder with:

First/Last Name and Student ID # Fall Semester 2010 CS100W

Make sure the following folders and files burned on the CD for full CS100W credit:

LastNameCoverLetterRsum (Folder Example: CairesCoverLetterRsum) o (File Example: CairesCoverLetter.doc) o (File Example: CairesRsum.doc) LastNameHybrids (Folder Example: CairesHybrids) o Make sure each hybrid in labeled separately or accordingly as assigned: o (File Example: CairesHybrid1.doc) o (File Example: CairesHydrid13.doc) o In a separate Labeled Manila Folder (no hanging folder needed): place all listed above. I will keep the Manila Folder. Label the Manila Folder with your first & last name on the tab

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