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Pollution is defined as any undesirable change in the biological, chemical or physical characteristics of our natural environment, caused by the release of harmful substances. Pollution can be clased into four types as follows: a) air pollution b) water pollution c) thermal pollution d) noise pollution

Air Pollution Air pollution takes place where gases or particles accumulate in the air in high concentrations that can harm living organisms and the environment. Sources of Air Pollution: 1. Motor vehicles Fossil fuels that includes petroleum, diesel and gas used in motor vehicles produce carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, lead, soot and dust. 2. Industry The pollutants produced are acrbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, chlorine, dust and smoke. Agricultural chemicals such as airbourne, pesticides, intesticides and herbicides are also sprayed into the air instead of landing crops. 3. Open air burning The burning of rubbish, solid wastes and forests produces a lot of smoke (causing haze), carbon dioxide and dust. Effects of Air Pollution on the Health of Humans 1. There is a positive correlation between the amount of air pollutants and the number of respiratory ailments and other related infections such as Bronchitis Emphysema of the lungs Silicosis and dark lungs Cancer of the lungs Effects caused by air pollutants: Pollutant Sulphur dioxide Effects Absorbed by the upper part of respiratpry tract. Sulphuric acid reduces the pH of cells and denatures enzyme. Causes the oxidation of fat cells. Cause the formation of scar tissue in the lungs

Nitrogen dioxide Small particles, dust,

smoke or soot Hydrocarbon Carbon monoxide Ozone Heavy metals

and causing the chromosomes and the DNA of cells to mutate. Damages the DNA, mutating the chromosome which lead to lung cancers. Reducing the supply of oxygen to body tissue. Oxidies the cellular components. Distrups or stops the normal functioning of enzymes

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