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6JB Homework: For the week ending Thursday 8th September

UoI: How we organize ourselves Central Idea: Being organized empowers us to achieve Concepts: Function and Responsibility Related concepts: Organisation, Independence and Empowerment Lines of Inquiry: The organization of self and groups Organisational tools, attitudes and actions that determine success The relationship between organization and achievement Reading (Each day) Each night you should complete at least 15-20 minutes of reading. You can read to an adult in your house, share what you read with an adult, or you can read to yourself. As you complete your reading each night fill in your Reading Record to record your achievement. Journey to Independence Continue writing in your journal about your independence / dependence with the different tasks we have been discussing. Write about the things you chose as goals, the things you posted on the GRR model or any other areas you would like to be more independent in.

Language Arts


Review the videos of the Guest Speakers we have had so far (they are on the Blog as links). Review the notes you wrote in your Bubble Catcher add to them and record any questions you have. Go to the Guest Speaker post on our class Blog and add your comments and questions. Lets see if we can get a great online discussion happening again. Number Knowledge Goal Continue working on your Number Knowledge goal. Mathletics - 20mins of set activities 2 - 3 times this week. This does not include live games, changing your avatar or bonus point shopping.


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