London Silicon Roundabout Weekly Newsletter 02-September-2011

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Hi LSR member, We have announced the various meetups & events being planned till the end of this year to help you plan your attendance and help us in organising the same. We are planning meetups on CrowdSourcing, Social Media, Mobile App Hackathon Weekend, Big Business meets Startup and our Investor Day. We hope to see you at some of these meetups. Do let us know if you would like us to organise meetups on any other subject or topic. We are also looking for Sponsors, Technology Partners, Program Partners & Volunteers for our Junior TechMeetups Program for High schools & Colleges which we will be piloting in two institutes from Sep. Do let us know if you would like to get involved in any way.

UPCOMING EVENTS London Silicon Roundabout September Meetup Cloud Base September 8, 2011 (Thursday) 6:00 PM Open Kitchen Hackney Community College, 40 Hoxton Street, London N1 6LR This meetup is currently fully booked & waiting list is available! [ RSVP HERE ] We are glad to announce that MongoDB, ElasticHosts, Elance, DataArt, and Arjuna have signed up to present at Cloud Base. Cloud Base is sponsored by CloudBees.

04-Sep: London Binary Battle Hackathon 05-Sep: In The Brain of Matthew Baxter-Reynolds 05-Sep: Seedcamp Week 2011 05-Sep: Content Strategy Forum 2011 06-Sep: Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript 07-Sep: Ladies Who Code UK meetup 07-Sep: UKTI Pitch Workshop 08-Sep: Late Summer BBQ 08-Sep: Adobe HTML5 Camp 08-Sep: MozPub - for the mozilla festival 08-Sep: Refresh Edinburgh Talks, September 2011 09-Sep: Startup Weekend London 2011 If you have an Event you would like to promote let us know

IN THE NEWS 10 Steps to Cloud Control August 27, 2011 Business users are drawn to the cloud. Of course, that's not surprising, considering they tend to see only the benefits: self-service freedom, scalability, availability, flexibility, and the pleasure of avoiding various nasty hardware and software headaches. Tech City will become a tech centre of excellence August 26, 2011 Silicon Valley it might not be, but I for one applaud the selection of Tech Citys location in and around Shoreditch in East London.

Bottom of the Valley? August 24, 2011 The Silicon Valley the world-famous bastion for technological innovation might have passed its glory days. We have also created subject specific Newspapers on Mobile Apps, Gaming, Startups, Cloud Computing, & London Silicon Roundabout

JOBS Insight & Analytics Manager @ Mendeley Ltd. (Full-Time) Insight, analytics, inference, business intelligence, strategy, optimisation, KPIs, dashboards, advanced excel skills, online marketing and CRM Java Developer @ Sazneo (Full-Time) Sazneo is a web application with a rich user interface supported on all the major desktop browsers and mobile platforms, including Blackberry, iOS and Android. The core of the system is built in Java on a LAMP stack and hosted with Amazon Web Services. .net Developer @ clipDo (Full-Time) You will be part of a true start-up team working with industry experts who have developed multi million pound IT business and who are now looking to leverage those experiences on this global opportunity Product Director / CTO for a fantastic start-up @Mobile Marketplace (Full-Time) We are seeking a seasoned product director / CTO to join our great team ASAP. Our startup is a mobile marketplace similar to eBay with a strong social media focus. If you have a job you would like to promote post it at TechStartupJobs

READING &VIEWING This 28-Year-Old Became A Paper Billionaire Today - SFGate Fortune First, Fame LaterWhy You Should Aim For The Enterprise TechCrunch

Diploma or Dropout: The Entrepreneurs Dilemma - Mashable 15 Ways To Build Up Your Startups Reputation - B2C More Startup info at TechStartHub

OUR PARTNERS Radford Radford has provided compensation market intelligence to the technology and life sciences industries. WebMynd San Francisco HQ WebMynd ties up with TechMeetups to help London Silicon Roundabout companies develop cross platform apps more easily HR Insight HR Insight is a London Silicon Roundabout based Human Resource & Employment law specialists Jeffreys Henry LLP Jeffreys Henry LLP is well-known among their clients to be pro-active, hands on, responsive, approachable, straight-talking, and personable Keystone Law Keystone Law is a full-service law firm of over 100 lawyers, with notable expertise in tech, IP, IT and funding

Have a great weekend! Rgds, Shawn London Silicon Roundabout

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