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ANIM 30102 Storyboarding-Advanced Story Structure ASSIGNMENT #1


Pg. 1

Produce a premise, inspirational sketch and presentation of an idea for the TEAM project. This is the presentation of your idea for the TEAM project that comprises the bulk of the 3rd year of the BAA Animation program. The assignment has three parts: 1. And A synopsis: one or two paragraphs that will explain the character and conflicts of the story. The theme or moral should be explicit. This is the: who, what, where, when, and why of the story. 2. One inspirational sketch. This is a story sketch along the lines of the Bill Peet or Ken Anderson sketch represented here. The sketch can be black & white or colour but must communicate the essence of the story. It is a launch pad of the storyboarding process, not a concept illustration.1 The sketch will be presented under the document camera, not as a digital file. The premise will consist of: A logline will be a brief sentence or elevator pitch. Think tweet length (140 characters.)

1 Also reference Johnston and Thomas, The Illusion of Life. Pg. 194.196-199.

ANIM 30102 Storyboarding-Advanced Story Structure ASSIGNMENT #1

Pg. 2

3. Presentation. The student will present their premise and sketch for class critique during Week 2 lab. Length: 1 page sketch, one page premise. Value: 10% Due: One hard copy and one electronic copy (PDF) submitted to HAND_IN folder (ADDRESS TBA.) Week 2 in lab. Hard copy of premise and sketch after the presentation. Please address questions in lab or to:

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