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PIAM VPN Configuration Instructions for Pilot Testing Group

1. Firewall Configuration a. If the VPN Clients sit behind a firewall, the following firewall UDP ports must be enabled (opened): i. Port 500 ii. Port 4500 b. Where possible, we recommend opening the ports only to the LAN clients that will be utilizing the VPN (i.e. CDS and OARS application users) c. The system has been successfully tested for Checkpoint and CISCO PIX Firewalls. 2. VPN Client Setup a. The VPN Client is enclosed in the VPNCLIENT.ZIP file b. Unzip the file to a folder c. Click on Setup i. Please key in PIAM VPN CLIENT FOR Program Folder

The name of the new connection should be PIAMVPN and Description: PIAM Virtual Private Network.

The Public IP for the PIAM Server is

The Group Name and Password has been mailed to you separately.

In the properties screen the following setting may be modified i) Check Local LAN access ii) Increase the peer response timeout (depending on speed of your company connection).

For Dial-up connections the following screen may be configured for default connection.

3. To Connect a. Click on connect the PIAM VPN connect b. When prompted key in your PIAM VPN login username and password as was e-mailed to you separately. c. This username and password is for temporary use only to enable connection to the VPN. d. Click on the PIAM CDS icon e. You should see the PIAM CDS login screen. f. As it is not likely that you are a registered user, you will not be able to access the system. As this system will be used by the CEO kindly: i. Inform us upon successful installation of the client on their laptop or PC ii. We will proceed to mail them their login and password tomorrow 20 January 2004. Please note to inform users to logout of the application and VPN once completed 2 stages.

As the Pilot Group please do revert with comments on the above procedures and if it was sufficiently clear Thank you.

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