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The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

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Pritish Nandy INDIA
29 August 2011, 08:12 PM IST
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Now that we think we have won the war against corruption, it College degrees, crime
1321 may be best to take a step back and ask ourselves what
charges & the Indian political
Share corruption is. Battles are fought and won on the basis of war
Household democracy
cries. Just as you cannot enjoy a movie without suspension of
Look, who all didn’t like the SEARCH TIMES BLOGS
disbelief, you cannot win a war, however noble your cause Anna fast: Imam Bukhari and
16 may be, without first declaring victory and then going back to Shiv Sena, Rahul, Lalu and Search
figure out what you actually fought for. Arundhati
Advanced Search
Anna and Muslims
Before you accuse me of backing out from Anna, let me ABOUT PRITISH NANDY More
2 clearly assert that I still believe corruption is the single most
ISSUE Pritish Nandy writes, paints, makes movies and
destructive factor in our life and politics. It frustrates every occasionally, when he wins an election, sits in
Indian, however rich or poor he may be. That's why Anna's Recent Posts More Parliament. He has been writing for The Times of India
for over 26 years. In "Extraordinary Issue", he talks to
struggle touched a chord in every heart. There are no real 1. The next step? all those who find his views controversial, challenging,
41 villains here, only victims. Corruption hurts not just you and me. charming or even utterly despicable. Just one small
2. Finding a way out
It hurts everyone. Including the bribe taker. caveat. Nandy is always on the move, travelling for a
film, writing a book, working on an exhibition of his
3. The battle has just begun
paintings. Or simply eating lotus. So there could be
Let's take an example. The cop who takes fifty bucks from you 4. What 15/8 stands for occasional gaps, the odd delay. But Nandy is Nandy.
when you break a traffic signal may anger us as a typical He never ignores a barb, never lets a compliment go
5. A battle we must not lose by without swatting it hard.
insignia of national shame. But remember, it's the same cop who borrows a lakh
of rupees from his local money lender, at 50% a month, to pay a bribe to get his Most Read More The views expressed in Extraordinary Issue
job in the first place and, later, for a lucrative posting so that he can pay back his Day | Week | Month | All Time are the author´s own.
debt. The cash he pays for his job and his posting goes to his boss who, in turn, 1. The next step? POPULAR TAGS
can pay for his job and his posting. You can look at each person in this chain of
2. The assassination of Savita
exploitation as a bribe taker or a bribe giver, as you wish: a venal extortionist or a 1983-world-cup 26/11 2g-scam a-raja
helpless victim. Be it in law enforcement or education or healthcare or, as we all aamir-khan air-india anna anna-hazare ashok-
know, in politics and public life. 3. Finding a way out chavan bjp black-money bofors books bribe
4. The battle has just begun budget congress corrupt corruption
It's not just a billion dollar telecom licence that requires a bribe. A simple passport cpm cricket exclusivity fame films
5. A battle we must not lose
needs a bribe. A ration card needs a bribe. A school seat needs a bribe. A driving gandhi gdp government history hollywood
licence needs a bribe. A birth or a death certificate needs one too. And, if you
Most Commented More inclusivity india indira-gandhi ipl
complain, it takes a bribe to get your complaint registered. Even when you have a
Day | Week | Month | All Time la-martiniere leaders lokpalbill mahatma-gandhi
passport or a driving licence, its renewal needs a bribe. Even if have a ration card, 1. The next step? manmohan-singh maoists media ministers movies
you pay a bribe for your weekly supplies. Even after your child enters school, you 40

pay bribes to ensure his education is not stalled by corrupt teachers or coaching
mumbai news niiraradia parliament politicians
politics pranab rahul-gandhi salman-khan scams
classes linked to the school management. I gave up college when I discovered a Top Rated More
shahrukh shashi-tharoor soniagandhi
National Science Scholar never gets his money in time to pay college fees. He Day | Week | Month | All Time
supremecourt terror tv twitter upa
gets it much later and has to depend on his parents' meagre earnings or (as in my 1. The next step? world-cup
case) pension to pay through college.

But let's go beyond these every day examples of corruption and look at the Celebrity Blogs The Times of India
scarier statistics. Around 70 per cent of the world's fake drugs are made in India.
Like 1,401,658
So imagine the extent of fake drugs circulating in India. Given most Indians find it Rakhi Sawant's blog
I am worried for
difficult to afford medical treatment and rarely go to doctors unless they are in a Salman's health ....
bad state, you can figure how many lives are lost every day. Some are lost
Raveena Tandon's
because they cannot afford treatment. Many more are lost because of fake drugs
and ill trained doctors who bribed their way through medical college. How do we Mothers Against Flu ....
survive in an environment like this where everything is corrupt, from local elections
Parvin Dabas's blog
to pensions of war widows that are never paid unless the palms of clerks in Post Lokpal, another
Government offices are greased? bill should be passed...

1 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

Yet India survives. We survive because there's a strong moral minority in India that Ali Zafar's blog
Promoting a film is
still stands up for what is right. Maybe it's not such a minority after all. In a nation tough ....
of 1.2 billion, it's never easy to count the upright. But unless this moral minority
Zarine Khan's blog
succeeds in changing the system, the rot will keep spreading. This is because we
'I wish I would still get
live today in a society that enshrines only success and money. Nothing else eidi...' ....
TOI Blogs
The fight against corruption is actually a fight to retain our traditional values. It's a Archives
fight to preserve our rights, our land, our forests, our justice system, our faith in
ourselves. If we lose all these, of what worth is all the fame and success in the « August 2011
world? Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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2 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

Sort by: Newest | Oldest | Recommended (11) | Most Discussed (6) | Agree (18)

Anand says: Agree (1)

August 31,2011 at 11:12 AM IST
Disagree (0)
Good article but i think the title is a bit misleading. Recommend (0)

Sahil Dagar says: Agree (0)

August 31,2011 at 10:50 AM IST
Disagree (0)
Well, there is nothing new your are teaching us.. every India Recommend (0)
know how & what are the problems & just called them that we are
failling on our traditional value does not make you any great & Offensive
throughful writer.. I am sorry you might get hurt but its true...

Pravin Desai says: Agree (1)

August 30,2011 at 10:33 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Dear Mr. Protish Nandi, In your article " The next step " in the Recommend (0)
fight against corruption you say, " There arve no real villains,
only victims." Of course tree are villains and they are villains. Offensive
And they are political parties. You should ask yourself which
party largely is responsible . Is it not the Congress, who fought to
derail and is still fighting to stall Annaji's fight? So a prominent
personality like you should have courage and guts to call a
spade a spade. That's How villains can be defeated and shown
the door.

bschandru says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 09:20 PM IST
Disagree (0)
I think to address this problem, it is necessary to implement Recommend (0)
Anna s three demands. It may be done as follows 1. If the states
are given freedom to appoint Lokayuktas, they will not Offensive
appoint(ex.Gujarat). So the central Lokapal body should be
empowered to appoint Lokayuktas in the states. 2. A vigilance
cell should be there in every Taluk and District under the
Lokayukta to take penalizing action to address the grievances of
the people. 3. The state and central government employees and
all elected members of parliament, assemblies and Local bodies,
should come under the purview of the Lokayukta and Lokpal.
During general Elections the EC makes this kind of
administrative setup. But Lokpal will do such vigilance cell
permanently. Gradually CBI,COD may be attached to this
department. Necessary amendment should be made to the
constitution with the help of opposition as the BJP says it
supports Anna s demands.. /bsc

k.s.premavati says: Agree (2)

August 30,2011 at 08:35 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Nandi, if you are serious please visit a local office any, any Recommend (1)
office .You would see a person who is not an employee and has
no right to touch the files would be sitting in the chair and Offensive
correcting, copying ,making false entries ,you name all that
should not be ,all is there.To make out that the person does not
belong to that chair you must be a frequent visitor.The way you
are going about is not the way to catch the thieves.In this
country our people in white collars get together to loot.They
would do any crime to save themselves and their friends. They
save each other through these unknown people who are
touts.The law should be made that touts responsible for
corruption and crimes should be punished along with the
employee who uses them. Is this possible? I would appreciate
you if you take up this matter as the next step in this matter.

3 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

Amitabh Sen says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 08:34 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Before we actually get in to the debate of the fight against Recommend (0)
corruption we have to understand what is corruption ! To what
extent do we want to stop corruption in our country "India". Will Offensive
celebrating near India Gate win us the fight against corruption ?
We need to Think ! What Anna Hazare has done is Great ! We
have supported his movement by all means possible as a
common man ! But now comes the real challenge ! Anna has laid
the foundation for us ! Now we have to take this forward !

Ravi Varma Raja says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 08:24 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Pritish Nandy's comments are relevant in the case of corruption. Recommend (0)
There is a saying in our place about corruption "a new born child
gets the corrupt air to breath" meaning that from the very birth of Offensive
a child corruption starts spreading. To bring a cirrupt free
aicuety, changes should take place from the grass root level. It
will take years together to educate the mass on the need for a
corrupt free society. But as the Chinese proverb indicates 'let the
1000 mile long march start with the first step'.

v.vijayamohan says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 08:13 PM IST
Disagree (0)
The problem is - in 65 years of tolerating corruption, the best of Recommend (0)
men have become corrupt.In 42 years, lok pal Bill could not be
passed.Even now, we seek all excuses for not passing - rather Offensive
than finding ways to pass it.The worst excuses are - constitution
won't allow it; Fed.structure won't allow it. Change them if this is
so - and pass Lok Pal Bill. Tackling corruption is a National
Priority. So, Other Laws should enable Lok Pal Bill - not obstruct

Anirban Ghosh says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 08:04 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Battling corruption is fine, but to create an equal and just society Recommend (0)
where one can live with dignity we must reduce our population
first, bring gender equality and provide minimum dignity to all Offensive
kind of labor which is seriously lacking. All first world country
had achieved the above three requirements. Without these we
can never call ourselves proud Indians.

Sushil Jhunjhunwala says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 07:45 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Corruption is a means of social status to some.But the biggest Recommend (0)
reason i think is people join govt, services and politics for the
sole purpose of that extra money.One of those who teach Offensive
incumbent IPS told that not a single of them is interested to
become a cop, they are here to earn that EXTRA which comes
when you are in position.

4 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

CS PURANIK says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 07:45 PM IST
Disagree (0)
I would like to add a REJOINDER to what Pritish has said:- The Recommend (0)
corruption has been so ingrained in the SYSTEM, that the
system would collapse if we imagine for a while that the Offensive
corruption is banished! Look at the numbers in Government
departments manning vital functions which have to interact with
OFFICIALS etc. Compared to the three and half times explosion
in population since Independence, has the Government
increased the staff in the same proportion? Has there been
commensurate increases in Schools / Hospitals / Colleges /
Roads / infrastructures? THE ANSWER IS A RESOUNDING NO.
Thus, to avail these scarce resources, the needy MUST PAY A
BRIBE. So in fact it is the scarcity that breeds corruption. Pl
remember the pre-1984 days when one had to wait for 15-20
years to acquire a BAJAJ scooter. The result: rampant black
marketing and corruption to get it under various quotas. Now,
with abundance of supplies, there is no black marketing and in
fact the companies employ sleek salesmen to have sales. One
way to eradicate corruption is to increase supplies. I wish with all
the moneys that Indian public has paid as bribes since 1947
could have resulted in increasing supplies of all these needs to a
level where the oversupply and market forces would ensure
eradicate corruption.

UB Jayanthi says: Agree (1)

August 30,2011 at 07:40 PM IST
Disagree (0)
I feel that stop corruption should start at individual level. Each Recommend (1)
individual should take in a mass movement, a oath in the name of
their children not willing to encourage corruption either by giving Offensive
or taking. This is what means success of Anna´s moviment.
Copruption costs very much no doubt. Every hundred rupees
taken out from govenment or poor means lack of food for 7 days
for poor. This is as simple as that. Regarding adulteration it is
altogether diffferent. They are just murderers. No use blaming
politicians whatever their colour is. People are the responsible.

(Reply to UB Jayanthi)- pgk murthy says: Agree (1)

August 30,2011 at 08:09 PM IST
I would request you to go through the Bhagawat Geeta
Disagree (0)
chapter3 - sloka21,where it states that the king or topmost Recommend (1)
executive will set the way of life including corruption.That is
the Sanathan Dharma. To simlyfy my statetment ,we need to Offensive
improve the qulity of the governance and people will
automaticlly follow the same.Power or authority flows from
top to bottom and the reverse. pgk murthy

(Reply to UB Jayanthi)- Manu Yadav says: Agree (1)

August 30,2011 at 08:10 PM IST
Jayanthi, I completely disagree with you on this point. No, Disagree (0)
nothing will change even if many of us say 90%(which in Recommend (1)
itself is almost impossible) refrain from Corruption. Because
there will always be a small % still involved in corruption. Offensive
And if other 90% are out it becomes very easy for those
10% people to earn huge (really huge) profits by still being
involved in corruption. And eventually those 10% people will
be ruling India due to their flexibility of thinking or corruption
whatever you can say. They will think what a fool rest 90%
of janta is? Is this what you want... you want the honest
people to suffer and corrupt to prosper. If that is not what
you want, please think again. Corrupt should suffer. They
should be punished hard and noone else will be tempted to
indulge in corruption anymore.

Khokon says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 06:44 PM IST
Disagree (0)
I compliment Pritish Nandy for having stated what is very close to Recommend (0)
Indians at large. We are terribly frustrated and that was the main
reason for the success of Anna Hazare movement. The top Offensive
intellectual of the country, located in the comfortable Western
milieu, may not appreciate the movement. But nobody can deny
that corruption is all-pervasive in such a way that people tend to
forget its pernicious effect. It is better to pay bribe to get things
done - that is the prevailing sentiments. We need to shake-off
such a mind set; only then we can combat corruption
meaningfully. A traffic constable taking bribe for violation of
traffic rule may be insignificant in the light of CWG or 2G scam;
nontheless, it is also an example of corruption that is equally to
be condemned. The mind set opposed to corruption is the key to
a succesfull battle against the hydra-headed monster, called

5 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

Reshmi Pillai says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 06:25 PM IST
Disagree (0)
You said it Sir. The examples were bang on & like Anna you too Recommend (0)
touched a cord. We all must have gone through atleast one of
them. Super write. Offensive

Sachetak says: Agree (2)

August 30,2011 at 06:10 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Pritish, thanks for initiating this debate. Adulteration of milk, Recommend (2)
cereals etc, fake/duplicate drugs and hoarding etc are CRIMES
for which the Parliament should revisit the punishment. First of Offensive
all, the punishment for such crimes should be harsh from 5
years in jail to death penalty. Secondly, the CORRUPT officials in
the Govt Deptts, who have failed to check and control the quality,
rather under whose patronage these rackets are flourishing,
should be put to rigorous labour of 10 year to life in jail and ALL
their assets be confiscated. The NETAS, involved or associated
with these offences should be made to face the bullet in full
public view. You and all your present MPs are aware of the fact
that all police stations, prime postings in police, IT, FCI etc etc
are sort of auctioned and the CM/Ministers collect the booty
through their agents. If our PM has the will-power, he should
immediately go on air and announce an end to all such activities
and warn the defaulters that they would face the music for any
misconduct - simply ranting of himself being 'honest' is no good.
I call upon you PRITISH NANDY to write an open letter to the
Prime Minister on this and lead such a movement. We all are
behind you and shall support you with the same vigour as we did
support Anna. Jai Bharat!

(Reply to Sachetak)- Rajkumar Gunnala says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 07:51 PM IST
As correctly analysed by Mr Pritish Nandi, we are able to
Disagree (0)
survive just because of a strong moral minority, consisting Recommend (0)
people like Shri Anna Hazare, in a population of 1.2 billion.
As announced by the Team Anna, the battle is only half-won Offensive
by getting the Janlokpal Bill sent to Standing Committee. We
can imagine the anti-reformist forces how strong they are
that they could with hold for full thirteen days from coming
into parliament an issue which is so strongly backed by
whole nation and not opposed by any political party- the
ostensible reason cited was that civil society is not
representative of the country and laws are not made in
streets. Of course both these opinions were proved wrong.
The next step is to see that the standing committee does its
job in as much urgency as the Parliament sent the draft
Janlokpal bill to Standing commitee. If it drags feet, which is
but natural considering the man heading the committee Mr
Abhishek Manu Singhvi who expected to rely on parliament
procedures and technicalities when not interested in doing
the job fast enough. Because he is the man who relentlessly
adhered to the Parliament supremacy ignoring popular
sentiment. In effect, reluctantly he has to take up the matter
for discussion in standing committee. So, there is every
possibility that he delays the proceedings on one pretext or
other. In the absence of pressure Govt is not used to work.
Team Anna is requested to follow this up by immediately
entering into a dialogue with standing committee to hurry up
the proceedings. The Team is also requested to take the
Nation into confidence in this regard. If it finds any thing
amiss, again there is a necessity to go for public protest.
For any genuine social reforms, not politically motivated, if
any upright man like Annaji and Ramdev Baba takes up the
cudgel against the rulers, sure there will be mass support.
Congrats to Team Anna particularly for preserving the
movement so steadfastly.

Vivek Goel says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 05:55 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Very well said. Corruption is eating into the value system of our Recommend (0)
society. In general corruption is making people liars, distrustful,
cunning etc. Everybody has to spend so much extra time and Offensive
money and on top of that lose his values. Overall price paid bys
us due to a corrupt system is very very high.

6 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

Vijai Singh says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 05:09 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Which ever place and what ever be the cause ,corruption starts Recommend (0)
from the top and percolates towards the bottom.Now this has
become omnipresent and almost permeated into every section of Offensive
the society. This has to end now, and can only be done so from
where it begins-THE TOP.

Raj says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 04:40 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Pritish, What you have written is so banal. Who said there aren't Recommend (0)
other issues worthy to be taken. But corruption is an issue
affecting all and most of us seem to agree to Anna. You are Offensive
talking of Fake medicines yes they are there should also be
tackled but there is adulteration in milk and petrol as well. But at
a time only one issue can be talken. Have you ever taken up
issue of fake medicine earlier or you just got up from your
sleep? For God sake support who is doing something rather than
try to divide public opinion. Thanks

Su says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 04:35 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Sir, You mention in the first line "we think we have won the war Recommend (0)
against corruption". Actually, no we don't. We haven't even won
half the battle for passing a strict effective law. And of course, Offensive
winning against corruption will take more actions apart from the
law. But what I don't understand is why not take the first step in
the form of a law?

shobha says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 04:30 PM IST
Disagree (0)
We should first define corruption.Are persons who pay bribes to Recommend (0)
get their Building plans which violate the rules not part of this
circle.Bollywood supported the movement,forgetting that Offensive
Bollywood thrives on black money.How many actors can
truthfully say that they take payment only by cheque.Do they pay
their income tax ,customs duty etc.It is a well known fact that
doctors & hospitals take partly cheque payment & partly cash.A
contractor who builds buildings & roads using sub standard
material is also corrupt.Some how people seem to have the
impression that it is only politicians & Govt servants who are
corrupt.This malady afflicts all sections of our society.Business
men who default on their loans to the banks are also part of this
vicious circle.After they default they try to find a dishonest
official to make their file disappear.At a smaller level.persons who
bribe the traffic policeman.when he is fined for traffic violations
is also part of this vicious circle.

jagdish joshi says: Agree (4)

August 30,2011 at 01:38 PM IST
Disagree (2)
There are two types of corruptions prevailing in India. 1. Recommend (2)
Compulsory Corruption : This is mainly faced by poor & middle
class when they are denied their lawful rights & do get those Offensive
rights one has to unwillingly - even if he/she can't afford - he has
to pay. What way out is there to abolish this kind of corruption
than to implement strict punishments which is not happening &
thats why those who are affected are getting frustrated. 2.
Willingly done Corruptions : This is mainly done by higher
authorities & ministers, politicians. Here there is no compulsion
to do corruption but just to get extra crores those people are
practicing this. Yes at lower level by general public it is done
after breaking any rule & to avoid stricter punishment & higher
fines. So main culprits are at higher level who instead of doing
their duty, indulge in all kind of malpractices to loot crores of
public money. If they stop doing this than they can morally can
impliment laws to curb corruption at lower level. & as said by
many - something should start from somewhere so why not from
higher level, because it involes lots of money.

7 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

(Reply to jagdish joshi)- RSC says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 06:20 PM IST
Excellent!!!!. We call the first type as extorion, this is like a
Disagree (0)
ransom being asked for no fault of you. This is prevailing for Recommend (0)
simple reason, there is no citizens charter in our offices. If
you visit some western countries for anything that is govt Offensive
related i.e identity card, car registration renewal, you will
find two windows. On windo one you submit an application,
the attendant looks at your application and tells you if it is
complete, if not complete then what else you need. Once
this is done, you go to the other window where you pay the
fee and get a receipt with the date your document will be
ready. If this can be implemented in our offices 70-80%
curruption will be done with. Can this be implemented in
India? Yes it can and is practiced at most Indian
counsulates in foreign countries since 2001. Hope Govt
starts with this implementation of Citizen's Charter first.

Ramesh Raghuvanshi says: Agree (5)

August 30,2011 at 10:57 AM IST
Disagree (3)
Making law after law is no solution to finish corruption.On the Recommend (5)
contrary en-crease more corruption.Indian corruption in
unique,natural tendency of Indians is break the law.Indians call Offensive
law-officer thief.Indians are afraid terribly to break the code of
religion but never afraid to break the government law.

PARINITA says: Agree (2)

August 30,2011 at 10:13 AM IST
Disagree (0)
The vengefulness of common man should actually be against Recommend (1)
,'CORRUPTION',not dwindle on who is the perpetrator and who is
the victim.Its a welcome fact that people like anna are Offensive
considering it.

Hema says: Agree (3)

August 30,2011 at 06:20 AM IST
Disagree (0)
Yes, the corruption is a vicious circle. But this should not stop us Recommend (0)
from breaking it.. Someone has to come forward and lead us to
fight the corruption. For this purpose, some people no matter Offensive
they are in minority are coming forward from time to time. Anna
Hazare is one of them. Fighting any battle for a good cause is a
long haul and we should be mentally read for it.

Surendranath Bhattiprolu says: Agree (2)

August 30,2011 at 12:23 AM IST
Disagree (0)
Yes. I agree with you. The next is to change the system. We are Recommend (1)
following the system which are designed by Britishers when we
are slaves. I am surprised why the systems have not been Offensive
simplified by the Government since independence. There is a lot
of scope for change of system. Like single window system,
where a citizen can apply his ration card, birth certificate,
passport or any other society needs. The system it self have loop
whole, in turn allow people to give and take bribe. If common
man has to fill lot of columns in an application which are not
related... he thinks it is better to bribe some body get it done.
The next should be change of system, make it more transparent
and ease to the citizens of India. The commentator rightly said
that we survive because there's a strong moral minority in India
that still stands up for what is right like Anna and many others
and I am sure this community will increase if the system is
transparent and simple, we can curtail the bribe to a large extent.

(Reply to Surendranath Bhattiprolu)- ashish Agree (0)

Disagree (0)
August 30,2011 at 06:38 PM IST
Nothing surprising, the Govt. realised that the system set up Recommend (0)
by the British was a good, yielding milch cow to fleece the
public. Systems will NEVER be simplified or rationalised as Offensive
complexity is what gives the administrators their illegitimate
earnings and enables extortion from the public.

8 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

Laxmi Lobo says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 12:03 AM IST
Disagree (0)
Don't forget that the JanLokpal bill has yet to be passed by the Recommend (0)
parliament. Then there will a trickle down effect, only later will we
be able to address the day to day graft we citizens face. The Offensive
good effect of the JanLokpal bill might be a generation away

SCL Premi says: Agree (5)

August 29,2011 at 10:43 PM IST
Disagree (3)
Strange is your logic, Pritish. You possess a good Recommend (1)
communication power, the french cut, too, is OK. But so what?
One day you declare " WAR HAS JUST BEGUN", the next day Offensive
you cave in to say "FINDING THE WAY OUT" to devote the
entire blog to curse the main opposition party which incidentally
was the only party extending support to Anna. Now you say that
wars are fought and one on the basis of war cries and also that
wars are first won and then thinking takes place to find the
reasons and rationale of the war. This is prehistoric thinking.
Battles may be one on war cries but not the wars. Wars can only
be one on the basis of CONVICTIONS i.e. when the fighters
think they have the righteousness on their side, and the feeling
of being right in deciding to go to war comes with your getting
first convinced of the reasons for going to the war. You are living
in the dangerous nuclear era, please don't ever go to war on the
basis of war cries only or else you will soon have to resort to
"Finding the way out". Anna's war was based not on war cries
but on convictions and that is why Team Anna was able to last till
the other party surrendered. You are right about the prevalence
of the corruption at the lowest level, but the public was well aware
of it and it is also aware of the fact that the share from the day to
day low ticket corruption goes to the highest level in politics. This
type of corruption hurts the common man and its cummulative
size far exceeds any mega scam uncovered so far. That was the
main reason why the ruling party was so opposed to bring the
lower level officers under Lokayukta and Lokpal. Any how,
please do get your basics right.

(Reply to SCL Premi)- SCL Premi says: Agree (0)

August 29,2011 at 10:50 PM IST
PS: Inadvertently, the word 'one' got used instead of "won".
Disagree (0)
The error is regretted. Recommend (0)

(Reply to SCL Premi)- SCL Premi says: Agree (0)

August 31,2011 at 09:24 PM IST
NEXT STEP: The next step should be to fight for the right to
Disagree (0)
RECALL the the elected. The right to REJECT or the RIGHT Recommend (0)
OF NEGATIVE VOTE seems to be superfluous and
unnecessary and is likely to lead to MPs/MLAs getting Offensive
elected with still lower percentage of positive vote. Voting
percentage generally varies from 45-60%. With right to
reject all, around 10% votes would invariably go towards -ve
voting which would be shear wastage of voting power.

NARAYANAN V IYER says: Agree (0)

August 29,2011 at 10:27 PM IST
Disagree (0)
Also add to this list, how people working in public offices look at Recommend (0)
people of different race/case/community coming to them for a
service. "Yeh apna admi nahi hain" and refuse/delay the service. Offensive
How Strong (physically) men look at people not so strong or of
opp sex.

Ashok Gupta says: Agree (1)

August 29,2011 at 10:17 PM IST
Disagree (1)
Probably the readers will like to learn more about the next step Recommend (1)
from a senior journalist like you.Because it is true Present govt,
being the biggest loser in the whole show, will no longer succumb Offensive
to the pressure. Already reactions have started. Regards.

9 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

twerp says: Agree (4)

August 29,2011 at 09:23 PM IST
Disagree (2)
We have actually not yet won the war on corruption! But the Recommend (0)
issue at hand is the JAN LOKPAL BILL - let us not loose track of
that in too much debate & verbosity. That's the first important Offensive
step in a long, long journey that all Indians must now make to
redeem our destiny. As has been so aptly been brought out in
the current piece, the entire system lies corrupted - top to bottom
- eating away the vitals of an ancient civilization. The JAN
LOKPAL BILL is only the first step in an arduous & awsome
process. If we succeed, it'll be another first in the whole world;
an internal non-violent cleansing, a quite revolution! For all it's
flaws, shortcommings, the Indian civilization seems to stand up &
make history & give the world a lesson or two! BHARAT MATA KI

Shekhar says: Agree (2)

August 29,2011 at 09:07 PM IST
Disagree (2)
Yes,you are correct when talking abt the truth of life in India.I Recommend (0)
dont understand why you have said that you backed out of
Anna's movement.I dont want to get into the argument here but Offensive
read a blog of mine at What I want to
add to your article is,its high time that our country and the
people need to see some action (to fight corruption and bring abt
strict laws) rather than the same redundant speech by the
political leaders that "We are working hard to fight corruption".
Does this make any sense? Havent we seen the adamant and
arrogant behaviour of the Govt in the recent past when dealing
with Anna's movement? Haven't we seen the lies spoken by some
of the Govt ppl in the media? Havent we seen the false promises
made by the politicians? Havent we seen the Govt to blame the
Annas team? I strongly believe that Anna and the Indian public
do respect parliament otherwise the movement wouldnt have
been peaceful. Why do you think that Anna is blackmalining
Govt?People of India got vexed with the Govt's false
promises,corruption,lies ,manipulation etc., and at the same
time, people decided to follow Anna's path of non-violence to
make the Govt hear their voice. Its not Lokpal bill alone,but what
we have seen is a psychological victory of the people of India
over the corrupted Govt. Now, Govt shud rebuild their faith
among the public by not just merely speaking, but acting. Results
and accountability matter now rather than dealing with egoistic
politics. Please think abt it,Anna's movement's success is the first
step in making the Govt work and act towards bringing strict laws
into the country. Dont you all agree?

(Reply to Shekhar)- shan says: Agree (2)

August 30,2011 at 04:37 PM IST
Don't blame the Govt. The Govt was very accomodating and Disagree (2)
acted in good faith. All the intransigence was from Team Recommend (0)
Anna's side. Where was the need for Hazare to go on a fast
unto death when he was given a very patient hearing by the Offensive
Parliamentary standing committee? Several other good
suggestions have also come from Aruna Roy's NCPRI,
Jaiprakash Narayan, Seshan. Bahujan samaj have also put
forth their views? How can Team Anna be so adamant as to
say that their draconian bill alone should prevail and nothing

(Reply to shan)- rakes ray says: Agree (0)

August 30,2011 at 08:31 PM IST
How many people's lives you want to be miserable. How
Disagree (0)
many lives you want to be lost in darkness. Look around you Recommend (0)
will realize that its already too late.

Amit says: Agree (5)

August 29,2011 at 09:06 PM IST
Disagree (0)
We fought war and we won.Then we did reexamination of all Recommend (0)
those points and facts which were the ground of our battle. The
title suggest NEXT STEP...but you haven't prescribed any step Offensive
towards curbing corruption or future actions of Lokpal.What the
actual intention of your blog emphasize how crummy and
toothless our system is?

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10 of 11 01-09-2011 09:25
The next step? : India : Pritish Nandy : TOI Blogs

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