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it pro- really rable 1D? Asthe base emitter voltage of the bipolar transistor QI in Figure 132s increased from OV, sketch the voltage at the output node, Ey Figure 13-2. tka Vo > Vin‘ at : loudspeakers with a passive input filter are shown in es 13-3A and 13-3B. Which one is the woofer, and which is the tweeter? iode and transistor are a matched pa, diode is 0.7, what is the. appro he ni-eurrentT0 is fed into the diode connected-transsor QU shown in Figure 13-5. What happens tothe output vokage Yo temperature is inereased”? 13-64 and 13-6B are comets, RI and R2. What is the closed-100p ? RI = (Qf. Assume tat the op amps of Figures 13-64 and finite gain A,. Now what isthe closed-loop De ‘The capacitor of Figure 13-7 is connected switches. Switches TI and’T2 ae altematel frequency f.. What isthe average curent fi node 2? What is the equivalent impedance 1-68 have ‘gain? with wo ideal Mos 1ytumed on with lowing from node 110 fom node Ito node 22 1 12 a wt r @. The regulator of Figure 13-8 hasan input voltage of 8, a bias resistor RI of 10082, and 10mA flowing through the 6V zener diode. Calculate the value of beta of the NPN transistor Ql ifthe oad current is 100mA. QO. Assume that the diode DI of Figure 13-9s ideal. Sketch the ave form of Vo. or of Figure 13-10 is biased 40 the yyy A al AC nz ape ot escribo what tho Vollago altho ou "A.two ole spies found to have an open-loop DC pan cf © 1006, a exin-bandwidthprodoct of 1OMHz, and 45° of pase the Bode plot forthe open-loop amplifier, som: (phase, and location ofthe poles Pair Of NPN transistors QI and Q? in Figure Teach have a carent gain of B. What isthe approximate PU ook, Vow 15, ACMOS amplifier consisting of PMOS device Qf and OF evce Qs shown in Figure 13-13, suming ha ty ba have the same gate Oxide thickness, what isthe i nope? spproximate gin Frome toa, Vnoffh co we-r U6. You are probing square wave pulse th ab hatha rise time of Sns and a fll time of 2ns. Whats the minimum band- width ofthe oscilloscope needed o view the signal? QU. Whats the thermal rms noise voltage ofa Ikresstor t 300K? QUE. A transistor dissipates 25 W in an ambient temperature of25°C, Given that the thermal resistance ofthe tansisor is 3°CPW and the maximum junction temperatures 150°C, what the theme. sistance of the heat sink required? Draw the equivalent circuit of an exclusve-or gate sig nly inverters, nand, and nor gates Hey, even analog guys ned fo ‘now some digital stuff) ©. You are offered the following jobs; which one do you take? 4. Hacking C++ code for Windows 4.4 windsurf instructor at Club Med inthe Canary Islands ©-A roadie for the upcoming Rolling Stones tour 44 An analog design engineer Us,

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