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Mass Transfer (2009)

List of Symbols
a A c ci ci0 cii d D E E(t) f g H j k kp kx kB k0 K KG, KL l M MW, M i surface area per volume area total concentration concentration of species i bulk concentration of species i interfacial concentration of species i diameter (e.g. of a particle) diffusion coefficient dispersion coefficient residence time distribution frictional resistance acceleration due to gravity partition coefficient (e.g. Henrys constant) diffusion flux mass transfer coefficient based on concentration driving force mass transfer coefficient based on partial pressure driving force mass transfer coefficient based on mole fraction driving force Boltzmanns constant mass transfer coefficient without chemical reaction equilibrium constant for chemical reaction overall mass transfer coefficients characteristic length (e.g. film thickness) mass molecular weight Avogadros number number concentration flux of species i relative to fixed coordinates flux of species i at an interface pressure radius rate of chemical reaction gas constant characteristic radius time temperature velocity mass average velocity volume average velocity molar average velocity velocity of species i

N n ni Ni p r r, ri R R0 t T u v v0 v* vi

V Vi w xi yi
ij i, -i ij i

volume partial molar volume of species i width mole fraction of species i in a liquid mole fraction of species i in a gas bed void fraction interaction energy between colliding molecules forward and reverse reaction rate constant mean free path dynamic viscosity kinematic viscosity stoichiometric coefficient density collision diameter characteristic time average molecular velocity mass fraction of species i angular velocity collision integral in Chapman Enskog theory

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