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Disciplinary Problems among Students

Indumathy Kasavan KJCP109008 EPM 5523: Management of School Discipline

Why do we go school?
students attending school is to learn the basic knowledge and skills which will be necessary for their future personal development. attending school is also the first step for accomplishment of life value to every single person attending school is because of the limited condition of their own, and they have to attend school, besides no other choices.

Is there a connection?
school always had connections in developing the students mentally, physically and holistically.

Is it a smooth ride?
As what people say Easier said than done as a student they face all kind of problems.

Disciplinary Problem.
Through the years, the number of students was being referred for some type of discipline involvement has been on the rise. A lot of studies were carried out, to learn and study the reasons why this problem occurs among students.

What is Discipline?
Discipline is about teaching children appropriate behavior and helping them become independent and responsible people. Discipline is the training of the mind and character; the exercise, development and control of the character, intended to produce obedience and orderly behavior. discipline as "a process in which students learn to impose reasonable limits on themselves".

Cases on Disciplinary Problems

The Malay Mail Online (2010, December 27). Malaysian students discipline problems still under control. The Star Online (2009, October 4th). More counsellors in schools to curb discipline problems Berita Harian Online, (2009, June 24). Kes Juvana. Bernama Online, (2008, September 25). Discipline Problem among Students at 2.03 % Average.

Statistics Report
No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Details Total disciplinary issues caught Secondary students involved Primary students involved Crime Misbehavior Truancy Pornography Vandalism Amount 11,484 72, 557 or 65.08% 38,927 or 34.92 % 17, 595 students (0.32%) 18,346 students (0.39%) 19,545 students (0.36%) 3,031 students (0.06%) 5, 2212 students (0.1%).

What are the common problems?

Truancy Cheating stealing Physical fights

Truancy or running away from home comes under the behavioral disorder of an act of criminal behavior, which is almost as bad as lying or stealing. students are absent from school because they are being bullied They are normally the cause children playing truant in very wealthy families

According to Wikipedia, cheating is classified as an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture or imposition. The major reasons why students cheating in examination are students have stress, lack of confidence and students have poor study skills. Besides, in todays world people are growing lazier and always looking for ways to do less work and technology as become the most well-known tool to cheat in course work.

It is form of taking peoples belonging without their permission and hides it from them for personal intentions. STAR on Monday, April 18th, 2011. Secondary students are being lured by easy money, are being used by syndicates to steal cars. The students are paid between RM300 and RM500 for every car stolen and some can even earn up to RM8, 000 a month

Physical fights
typically involve two or more teens who have chosen to use physical force to resolve a conflict or argument physical fights are so common, many people dismiss them as a normal part of growing up

Violence in the school: The YouTube posting showing the girl (in black headgear) after having her headscarf ripped off in the fight;and the two boys going at each other while schoolmates stood around egging them on.

Why fight occurs?

Someone insulted someone else or treated them disrespectfully (54 percent). There was an ongoing feud or disagreement (44 percent). Someone was hit, pushed, shoved, or bumped (42 percent). Someone spread rumors or said things about someone else (40 percent). Someone could not control his or her anger (39 percent). Other people were watching or encouraging the fight (34 percent). Someone who likes to fight a lot was involved (26 percent). Someone didn't want to look like a loser (21 percent). There was an argument over a boyfriend or girlfriend (19 percent). Someone wanted to keep a reputation or get a name (17 percent)

Disciplinary problems occurs

the individual attitude that lack of faith and self defense to avoid them from getting influence by unwanted element to them. acting just by following their gut and feeling lack attention neither at home nor school

can influence other students discipline. If the friend values like ignoring the hardworking, responsibility, cooperation, respecting teachers, and abiding rules then thats the attitude of the students

availability of internet, video and VCD more or less can give the social impact to the students

Students from broken family, whereby parents divorced or daily being physically abused, lack of parental involvement and interaction also an added factor to students disciplinary problem in schools. A bad tree does not yield good apples.

lack of facilities also determines the disciplinary problem among the students.

Over come the Disciplinary Problem

Ministry of education
focus on to visit the schools that record lots of discipline problem Counseling enforcement such as suspension, warning and expulsion should be used as a last resort

should emphasize on giving a continuous motivation to discipline problem students, to strictness school rules and regulations, and administer loving school campaign

give a systematic advice and good examples for students in the development of well behaviour. For example, as teachers begin their classes they should begin each class period with a positive attitude and high expectations. Friends Club can be run in school under the administration of classroom teachers as a mentor.

close parental involvement and interaction through spending more time with students, build well conversation and give continuous moral support for them.

It is not an unsolvable issue. The cooperation and attention given by the Ministry of Education, schools, parents, communities to the students is important to generate more valuable efforts in solving this problem effectively.


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