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What were your most significant contributions on previous (current) jobs?

(go job by job)

What are your natural strengths?

What do you like doing best?


What are some of your natural weaknesses?

What do you like doing least?

Tell me about some of the most important projects you have ever worked on? (You can go job by job.)


What was your most exciting work experience in the past five years?

What was your worst work experience in the past five years? How did you contribute to this scenario?

Who is the best [manager, sales person, copywriter, etc.] that youve ever met? [If they identify someone else ask this question: What is the difference between that person and you?]


What is the greatest challenge that youve had to overcome in your work career? (Or, go by job history.)

What is the greatest opportunity that you blew in your work career? (Or, go by job history.)

Please describe something that felt unfair at your previous places of employment? (If they tell you nothing chances are they are lying. Dig deep into this question, as it is quick to reveal peoples character. Ask them, Is there anything else that felt unfair at that job? and then continue to ask the why questions until you get down to the essence of their personality.)


How do you handle situations when someone else says youve been unfair to them? Give an example.

What do you know about our company? What can you tell me about our products and services?

What do you perceive our strengths and weaknesses to be?


Please explain any dealings you have already had with our company. Are you personal friends with any of our employees? Have you ever purchased or used our products and services? Do you have any potential conflicts of interest?

What do you think you can contribute to this company?

What support will you need from co-workers and/or management?


How do you know if you are doing a good job?

Did they do performance evaluations at your previous places of employment? Did you save any copies of them? Would you be willing to request a copy of same? (If they have signed it most states require former employers to provide a copy of such document.)

Do you tend to work better alone or on a team?


How do you handle questions and problems that exceed your knowledge and experience?

Have you ever had to bend the rules to get a project done? Please explain.

How would you describe your phone style with clients/customers/vendors?


Describe your communication style with clients/customers/vendors?

How do you handle a demanding or even rude clients/customer? example:

Please give an

Do you enjoy after work activities with co-workers?

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What books or magazines do you read that relate to your career or our industry?

Describe your negotiating skills (orhow you get what you want, when you want it).

Why are you leaving (did you leave) your current job?

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Are you currently interviewing elsewhere? Where?

Have you signed any contract, trade secret, confidentiality non-compete or non-disclosure agreements with prior employers?

What software programs are you familiar with? Have you ever been skills tested? For what, when, etc. What were the results?

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Do you use a computer from somewhere other than work? What type? Did you use it at home for your last job?

Please describe the typical workweek at your last [current] job? (Duties, hours, etc.)

What kinds of things do people do that rub you the wrong way?

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Can you focus on the task at hand and also juggle other projects and problems simultaneously? Examples?

Have you ever worked for a company with [number range] employees?

What advantages do you see working for a [small/large] company?

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What disadvantages do you see working for a [small/large] company?

Please describe your career 3 years from now? 10 years from now?

How would people who know you best describe you?

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Who can I talk to that knows you really well? (Friend, spouse, significant other, parent, co-worker, former boss, etc.) What is their telephone number and when would be the best time to reach them?

What classes or seminars have you taken on your own during the last three years to advance your technical or communication skills?

What efforts have you made at networking to advance your career?

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What volunteer or non-profit activities have you done that made you a better person?

How do you keep yourself mentally and physically prepared to perform at your best?

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 5 being average and 10 being exceptional, please rate yourself in the following areas. (Add, delete, or change depending on job function. Expound and provide examples, where necessary.) Leadership skills:

Ability to motivate others:

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Telephone skills:

Written skills:

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E-Mail skills:

Face-to-face selling skills:

Cold calling skills:

Customer service skills:

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Computer skills:

Internet skills, to use it as a tool, research, etc.:

[Additional skill sets, traits, or character related to the job at hand]

Is there any reason why you cannot satisfy the attendance requirements of the job? ______ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Do you have reliable means of transportation to work? ____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

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Please describe your needs for: Financial security:

Job security:

A sense of belonging:

Ego gratification:

Work that is in alignment with your spiritual values and core personal beliefs:

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you that we havent covered today?

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Do you have any additional questions or comments for me that we havent covered today?

Please add additional comments here:

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