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Creating a New Document

Open Photoshop 2. File >> New 3. Set these Details

1. Name: Document1 Preset: Size: 1024 x 768 Resolution: 100 Color Mode: RGB

Saving a Document

File >> Save as..

Filename: Document1 Format: .psd

Save this in D:/ or E:/ inside your folder with the format Lastname_Firstname_315

Creating different document sizes


Create photoshop documents with details below:

Size 1x1 in 2x2 in 11x17 in Name 1x1ID 2x2ID Poster Resolution 100 100 150 Background white

8.5x11 in
8.5 x 13 in 1280 x 900px 1111 x 1111 px

Letter Image1 Image2

100 100 150


Save each document with their name as their filename. All should be in .psd format

Activity 2

Opening and Saving Images in different format

1. File >> Open 2. Locate any image and Open.

3. Save as

picture1.psd picture1.jpg picture1.gif picture1.png

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