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SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QUALITYSPECIFICATIONS CrudePalmOil(CPO) FreeFattyAcid (IntoPortTankInstallation) DeliverableGrades (FromPortTankInstallation) MoistureandImpurities 0.5% Max DeteriorationofBleachabilityIndex(DOBI) 2.1% Min TRADING ContractSize TickSize TradingMonths TradingPeriod TradingHours LastTradingDay ExchangeDeliverySettlementPrice 10MetricTons(1Lot) Rp.5perKilogram(Rp.50,000perLot) First 12 consecutive months followed by 6 additional months of theFeb,May,Aug,Novcycle MondayFriday 08:00AM05:30PMJakartaTime Trading ends at noon (12:00PM) on the 15th day of the delivery month.Ifthe15thisanonmarketday,thepreviousBusinessDay willbeused DailySettlementPriceontheLastTradingDay +/ 10% from previous daily settlement price with a 15 minutes Cooling Off Period to be followed with an expanded maximum limit of 15% above or below the settlement prices of the daily previoussettlementprice 10%(subjecttochange) 30% In case of additional volatility, a special margin of such other percentage, as deemed fit by the Exchange, will be imposed immediatelyinrespectofalloutstandingposition 1lot(10MetricTons) PortTankInstallationsattheoptionofthesellerat 1. PortBelawan,Indonesia 2. PortDumai,Indonesia 4.0% Max 5.0% Max CPOTR CPOTRMMYY


MARGINS InitialMargin SpotMargin ExtraMargin DELIVERYRELATEDINFORMATION MinimumDeliverableSize PortofDelivery

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