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Patio Homes Friends and Neighbors.

The story of guile and manipulation by the majority of our Board of Directors at Patio Homes over the last few years is as timeless as human history, and can be told most simply by just a handful of familiar clichs: Where ignorance is bliss, and knowledge is power, in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king. And there are none so blind as those who will not see. Below are links to an in-depth expos of a few examples of how the general apathy in this community has been controlled through a clever campaign of misrepresentation, half-truths, and rampant confusion conducted by the majority on our Board. These investigations are deeply rooted in the official record of the Patio Homes HOA, which is complete enough to speak for itself. You are encouraged to check every cited fact from the record, which is open to all homeowners, and available at the offices of The Sunrise Companies in Jupiter (561-575-7792). The Board would have you believe that it operates as a democratic republic, in the familiar style of representative government at the state or national level. It does not, because something critical is missing: We do not have a professional news media to report the actions of our governing board directly to an informed voting public. Theres a name for government operating without effective public scrutiny: its called dictatorship. The Board is entitled to its opinions, but it is not entitled to its facts. What it does with those facts will be very revealing: address the message, or attack the messenger? Observe carefully. After all, it is much easier to allege conspiracy than to engage a legitimate argument. Anyway, whats past is prologue, but our future is bright: the truth shall set you free..

Irregularities in the Roof Repair Policy at PGA Patio Homes. (4 pages) Irregularities in the Rules Enforcement at PGA Patio Homes. (5 pages) Irregularities in the Dual Roles of President and Property Manager at PGA Patio Homes. (6 pages) Irregularities in the Rules and Regulations (2009) of PGA Patio Homes. (16 pages)

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