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Contemptible Little Armies Army composition Commander-in-Chief Staff officer(s) Mullah Snipers Infantry units Cavalry units Camelry

1 (free) 0-1, some 0-2 (foot 50 points, mounted 60 points) 0-1 some Muslim armies (50 points) 0-2/as army list (T + M, as best infantry unit in army/as army list + 12) 0+ (8-18 figures, T + M (-1 if not equipped with bombs, -2 if equipped with carbine or single shot rifle)) 0+/as army list (8-18 figures, T + M + 2 (-1 if not equipped with bombs, -2 if equipped with carbine or single shot rifle)) As army list (8-18 figures, T + M + 1 (-1 if not equipped with bombs, -2 if equipped with carbine or single shot rifle))

Stubborn +2, Ferocious +3, Marksmen +4, Lewis type LMG, flamethrower, light mortar or anti-tank rifle +12, Chauchat type LMG +6, bangalore torpedoes +4 HMGs Field artillery 0-1 per 3 infantry or cavalry units (T + M of crew x 8, obsolete T + M x 4) 0-1 per 3 infantry or cavalry units (T + M of crew x 6) (Including French 75mm and British Mark IV 18-pounder (T + M of crew x 8), light infantry and mountain guns, anti-tank guns (T + M of crew x 4), trench mortars (T + M of crew x 4), obsolete field artillery (T + M of crew x 3) and Schnellfeuergeshutz or revolver cannon (T + M x 3) )

Off-table artillery On-table artillery observer Fighting vehicles Ground attack aircraft Anti-aircraft guns Armoured trains Gunboat Point values of games Other theatres including the Western Front 1915-1918 (Main fronts, 1915-1918) Scenario Prepared attack Meeting engagement Fighting retreat Ambush Attacker 1500 1200 1500 Defender 600 1200 500 Western Front 1914 and Eastern Front 1914-1918 if involving less well equipped armies, e.g. Montenegrins, Rumanians, etc, East Africa and the Middle East 1914-1918, Central Asia 1919-1926 (Other conflicts) Attacker Defender 1000 400 1000 1000 1000 333 1000 500 0-1 (50 points) 0-1 per 3 infantry or cavalry units (Tanks, armoured cars and unarmoured mg carriers) 0-1 from 1916 or 0-2 British, French or Germans from 1917 (fighter 150 points, bomber 200 points), (armoured ground attack types British or German from 1918, (200 points)) 0-2 from 1916 (cost T + M of crew, as army's basic field artillery x 4) 0-1 Austrian, Russians, Germans if fighting Russians or Chinese from 1918 As army list (100 + 2 HMGs or field artillery, any mix)

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