Chemistry Scientists

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List Of Scientists And Their Research Work

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Name Of Scientist
Roald Hoffman Lavoisier Lavoisier John Dalton Joeph Proust Dalton Micheal Faraday Goldstein J.J. Thomson Chadwick J.J. Thomson Rutherford Maxwell Max Planck Huygens Albert Einstein Neils Bohr James Maxwell De-Broglie Werner Heisenberg George Uhlenbeck, Samuel Goaldsmit Schrodinger Pauling Hund Johann Dobereiner Dmitri Newlands John Newlands Henry Moseley Glenn T. Seaborg Harold C. Urey J.L. Thenard Joseph Aspidin Friedrich Wohler

Scientists And Their Research Work

Research Work
Definition Of Chemistry Explanation For Element Law Of Conservation Of Mass Atomic Theory Law Of Constant Proportion Law Of Multiple Proportion Studied Electric Discharge Discovery Of Proton Discovery Of Electron Discovery Of Neutron Model Of Atom (Plum Pudding) -Particle Scattering Experiment (Gold Foil) Electromagnetic Theory Studied Particle Nature Of Light Studied Wave Nature Of Light Photoelectric Effect Atomic Model Dual Nature Of Matter And Radiation = h/p = h/mv Uncertainity Principle th 4 Quantum No. "s",Spin Quantum No. Wave Equation Exclusion Principle Rule Of maximum Multiplicity Law Of Triads Periodic Table Law Of Octaves Modern Periodic Table Discovered Mendelevium Separation of Isotopes Of Hydrogen Obtained H2O2 by reaction of By Reaction Of BaO2 & H2SO4 Introduced Cement Prepared Organic Compound Urea from Ammonium Cyanate

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