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This study approaches the learning styles issues and pleads for supporting the education student-centered in the

academic environment. The core of this study is based on the learning style concept, understood as an umbrella concept, over-ordered, where cognitive and affective processing of the study object, the metacognitive adjustment of learning, learning concepts and orientation in learning are strongly related. Starting from the studies developed in this field, the present study wants to be a review on theoretical, methodological and empirical level of the stategic concepts and as a leraning style in the universitary environment. This study contains 8 chapters. First chapter makes an incursion in the literature to introduce the learning concept. In the second part of this first chapter it was achieved a systematization of the main theoretical perspectives of learning. In the second chapter the accent is based on the learning styles, insisting on the relevant theoretical models formulated on these issues. At the end of this chapter weve sketched a synthetic picture about the actual phase on the knowledgement field, underlining the elements that benefits a larger agreement between the authors and that they are well sustained by the developed studies as well as the sections that requires additional investigations. The third chapter contains the theoretical model of the student-centered paradigm, assessment methods and synthetic analysis on the specialized studies in the field. Fourth chapter gathers 3 studies that concerns to validate the research tools on the romanian population. Second part of the study (chapter 5, 6 and 7) is allocated for the experimental steps and involves the results of self investigations which are proposing to bring clarifications in an actual field and to provide directions and recommendations to follow for the exegetes of the learning process. Our research investigates the involved concepts from the following perspectives: different academic specialization, specific university courses and highlighting the relation with teaching approaches (chapter 5). Also, it was conducted a longitudinal study on the strategies and learning styles of the students during their academic route (3 years of universitary undergraduated studies chapter 6). Seventh chapter wants to demonstrate the efficiency of a training program of learning, adapted by us, starting from the existing models in the literature, training being the efficient strategies and learning styles in the academic environment. The final chapter is dedicated on the final considerations on the main brought contributions and foreshadowing some directions for the future investigations on the interest theme. So, our approach contributes on the scientific substantiation of some of the concerns that is for adult education. More certain, the research follows the studying of the implication on which, strategic differentiantion and learning styles, driven by individual observation on the students needs, has it on the educational practice, from the ECS perspective.

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