SCH 3u1 Outline

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Stamford Collegiate Science Department Evaluation of Student Achievement Course: SCH 3U1 Teacher:____________________

To receive a credit in this course,the student must achieve a final mark of at least 50%. There are two parts to the final mark: 70 marks based on term work and 30 marks based on the final summative evaluation at the end of the semester. TERM WORK............................................................................................... 70 % Tests...................................................................30 % Labs.....................................................................20 % Activities/Assignments..................................20 % FINAL SUMMATIVE EVALUATION................................................... 30 % Demonstration of Investigative Skills.........5 % Written Examination.........................................25 %

You will be required to bring the following items to - 3 ring binder - pen - ruler - lined paper - a positive attitude - an open curious mind

class every day: - pencil - enthusiasm - a scientific calculator

A computer at home with internet access would be very helpful, but is not mandatory. While your teacher has a website for posting work and other items, and you will be using web based videos and simulations, the library has computers which are available at lunch time for student use if needed. If this presents a problem, please discuss this with the teacher early in the course to work out a solution.

Student Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the student to attend regularly, on time, with ALL required items, participate and behave in an appropriate manner. It is the responsibility of the student to complete all work missed due to absence from class. In the case of legitimate absences, missed assessments will be completed at the teachers earliest convenience. Students who know in advance that they will miss class due to school activities, family obligations, etc. are expected to discuss this with the teacher to make arrangements ahead of time. A mark of zero is assigned for missed assessments (tests, labs, etc.) due to truancy (skip). Students unable to meet a deadline due to extenuating circumstances must speak to the teacher prior to the deadline to determine if an extension is possible. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. At the discretion of the teacher, appropriate marks may be deducted for work not submitted on time. If an assignment has been evaluated and returned to the class, it will no longer be accepted. At the discretion of the teacher, a substitute assignment and deadline may be offered, but failure to complete the substitute assignment by the deadline will result in a mark of zero. Plagiarism is taking credit for someone elses work! Only original work will be accepted. As per school rules, the use of cell phones (including texting), facebook, myspace and other non-education related websites are NOT permitted in class. Students will be assessed and given feedback on their work and progress throughout the semester. In addition to their own self-assessments, they are expected to use these opportunities to consolidate and improve their learning and their work. Students are expected to review their teacher's website on an ongoing basis for due dates, work, notices, etc. Visit

Stamford Collegiate Science Department Safety Guidelines for Science Students All students who take science are to be aware of and follow these Safety Rules AT ALL TIMES !! Students who do not practice safe laboratory procedures during a lab will be removed from the lab and a mark of zero will be assigned for that activity, with no possibility of a make-up.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Maintain quiet orderly behaviour during experiments. Read experiment directions in the manual before you perform the lab. Follow the directions. If you are uncertain about the correct procedure to follow, ask the teacher. DO NOT attempt unauthorized experiments. DO NOT begin an experiment until directed to do so by the teacher. Stand up during experiments, unless otherwise directed by the teacher. Always wear saftey goggles or face shields unless otherwise directed by the teacher. Have on your desk/work area only the equipment and notepaper necessary for the experiment. Know the location and correct operation of all safety equipment. Do not wear contact lenses in class when corrosive gases are being used. Loose clothing and long hair must be tied back when working near flames. Never leave a lit burner unattended. DO NOT remove or insert glass tubing into a stopper without teacher supervision. DO NOT throw objects in class. DO NOT participate in horseplay. DO NOT touch chemicals with your hands unless otherwise instructed to do so. DO NOT taste chemicals or drink from science glassware. Wash your hands after contact with chemicals. Allow enough time for hot objects to cool down before putting them away. Rinse skin burns immediately with tap water. DO NOT hold your face directly over a container when detecting odours. Instead, fan a little of the gas towards your face. Properly dispose of all chemicals as directed by the teacher, using the proper waste containers. Flush sink drains thoroughly with water after using.

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

DO NOT dispose of solids, matches, burnt splints or garbage down the sink. Use the appropriate container as designated by the teacher. Report ALL accidents and injuries (even minor ones) to the teacher. Check the labels on containers carefully before removing its contents. Do not return used chemicals to their containers. Clean glassware other instruments and your work area after the experiment. Leave enough time at the end of the lab to ensure this is done. Report breakages and spills to the teacher. Use the brush and pan to clean broken glass, DO NOT pick it up . Place it in the broken glass container. Advise your teacher of any medical conditions which might be aggravated by an experiment. Do not bring food or drink into the laboratory or classroom, unless directed by the teacher. When lifting or carrying a bottle containing chemicals, always grasp the body of the bottle never the neck. When heating test tubes, keep them pointed away from yourself and others. Add chemicals to water, not the reverse. When diluting acids, always add acid slowly to water, stirring constantly. Use a water bath to heat corrosive liquids in test tubes.

Student & Parent Acknowledgement Please sign below, indicating that you have reviewed the safety rules and student repsonsibility sheet. If you have any questions, please contact the teacher. Please return to the teacher for their records.

Student Name (print) :_________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Student Email:________________________________________

Parent/ Guardian Name:_______________________________ Signature:________________________________________ Relationship to student:_____________________________ Contact Phone Number:______________________________ Contact E-mail:_____________________________________

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