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PEGAGA (Pengaga) leaves or better known in English as Pennywort leaves are a kind of herb which the Malay people

love to eat as salad together with their main meal. Pegaga are creeping plants, rooting at nodes, with sometimes significant tap root, cylindrical and glabrous stems. The leaves are fragrant and consuming these leaves can act as an appetiser. It originated from India but can easily be found anyway in South East Asia. Easily grown as long as the land is fertile with moist soil. Anciant people believes that by eating Pegaga, one can have long healthy life. But now, thru scientific means, more benefits have been found by eating these leaves. Dubbed as food for the brain, this herb rebuilds the energy reserves, and helps to treat symptoms of nervous breakdown. It also helps to combat stress, improve reflexes, and increase mental and physical power. Pegaga can reduce high blood pressure, senility, slow down ageing process, and help the body protect itself against toxins. Pegaga has been proven to be particularly useful to people who are inactive or confined to bed due to illness. Proponents of the herb also believe that its beneficial effect on circulation may help improve memory and brain function. This herb also has an important role in gynecology. It has been used successfully to promote healing after episiotomy, a surgical incision of the vulva performed to prevent tearing during childbirth. In fact, a study reported in a French medical journal in 1966 revealed that women treated with pegaga after childbirth healed more rapidly than those given standard treatment. And the above is true from my own experience. I had used Pegaga to help heal the wound cause by incision during childbirth just by washing the area with its juice. All you need to do is to wash clean the leaves and boil them with water. Use half of the water to wash the wound and the other for drinking. It really works!!My wound heal very fast. Besides acting as medicine, Pegaga can also be use as part of our daily food intake. You can either eat it raw or cook it as part of a soup.

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