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Lesson Plan

Class: VIII
Read text Activity types complete a gapped text reading of specific information Grammar Focus Past continuous vs. Pas Simple Activity types Gap filling Matching Constructing sentences

Date: 07/09/2011

Oral feedback, written feedback using a digital tool Crocdoc

Anticipate Problems

Stage 1. 2. 3.

Estimated timing
5 min 10 min

Homework check Revision

Students read the activities assigned for homework and one student writes the answers on the blackboard Students revise on the forms and use of Past Simple and Past Continuous Students do three exercises using Past Simple and Past Continuous. In the first one they use when and while for indicating how long has each action lasted. The second one is a gap filling activity. They use both past Simple and Continuous. And the last one is reconstructing sentences using either when or while Students do an online quiz on for since and ago.



Short Quiz

4. Homework
The teacher shares a link of Website with additional exercises

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