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B.A. HONOURS ECONOMICS SECOND YEAR, Batch 2010-13 Third Semester

HOME WORK: - 1 MEASURE OF CENTRAL TENDENCY 1. What is meant by measure of central tendency and discuss the characteristics of an ideal measure of central tendency? 2. Which average do you consider to be best and why? 3. Under what circumstances would it be appropriate to use arithmetic mean, median, and mode? Discuss 4. Briefly explain the role of Grouping tables and Analysis table in calculation of mode. 5. Explain the special area where use of harmonic mean can be recommended. Also, justify its speciality to some other averages. 6. Prove that arithmetic average is greater than geometric mean and that geometric mean is greater than harmonic mean. 7. Prove with a suitable example that mode is greater than median and median is greater than mean. 8. Explain the empirical relationship that exists between mean, median, and mode 9. From the following series find out the arithmetic mean
Marks below
No. Of students

10 3

20 8

30 17

40 20

50 22

60 25

70 30

80 40

90 50

10.From the following series find out the arithmetic mean

Wages in Rs.
No. Of Labourers

5-8 5

9-12 14

13-16 17

17-20 10

21-24 1

25-28 0

29-32 2

11. From the following series find out the arithmetic mean
Marks above
No. Of students

0 12 0

10 80

20 60

30 45

40 30

50 15

60 10

70 8

80 2

12.From the following series find out the arithmetic mean

Wages in Rs.
No. Of Labourers

5-8 5

9-12 14

13-16 17

17-20 10

21-24 1

25-28 0

29-32 2

13.From the following series find out the arithmetic mean

Marks less than
No. Of students

10 7

20 39

30 95

40 201

50 38 1

60 545

70 631

80 675

14.From the following data find out the mean

Mid values.
No. Of persons







1 7 2 3 5 4 8 15.Find the missing frequency from the following distribution of which the mean is 17.
No. Of students

0-5 5

5-10 15

10-15 20

15-20 ?

20-25 20

25-30 10

16.Find the missing frequency from the following distribution of which the mean is 11.09 & total frequency is 60.
Class interval Frequency 9.3-9.7 2 9.8-10.2 5 10.3-10.7 ? 10.8-11.2 ? 11.3-11.7 14 11.8-12.2 6 12.3-12.7 3 12.8-13.2 1

17.Find the missing frequency from the following distribution of which the mean is 47.2.
Weekly wages Rs.
No. Of workers

41.5 31

44.5 58

47.5 60

50.5 ?

53.5 27

18.The pass result of 50 students who took a class test is given below :.
No. Of students

40 8

50 10

60 9 2

70 6

80 4

90 3

If mean marks for all the students was 51.6, find out the mean marks of students who failed. 19.The average dividend declared by group of 10 chemical companies was 18 percent. Later on, it was discovered that one correct figure, 12, was misread as 22. Find the correct average dividend. 20.The mean of 200 observations was 50. Later on, it was found that two observations were misread as 92 and 8 instead of 192 and 88. Find the correct mean? 21.The mean wage of 100 labourers working in a factory running two shifts of 70 and 80 workers respectively is Rs 284. The mean wage of 70 labourers working in morning shifts is Rs 290. Find the mean wage of 30 workers in the evening shift. 22.The average mark for arithmetic in a class of 30 was 52. The top six students had an average of 31. What was the average mark of the other students./ 23.The mean age of combined groups of men and women is 30 years. If the mean age group of men is 32 and that of group of women is 27, find the percentage of men and women in the groups. 24.An examination was held to decide the awarding of a scholarship. The weights of various subjects were different. The marks obtained by 3 candidates (out of 100 in each subjects) are given below. Calculate the weighted mean to award the scholarship.

Subject Economics Physics Chemistry English 4 3 2 1

Weight A 60 62 55 67 B 57 61 53 77

Students C 62 67 60 49

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