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Hollingsworth Biology Exam 1 Study Guide 9/06/11

Chapter 1 Biology Biological Literacy Superstitions Scientific discipline Can scientists change their minds? Steps of the scientific method Observations Hypotheses Predictions Theories Laws Placebo Echinacea example Experiment Testable Scientific theory (and how it differs from the common use of the word theory Controlled experiments Double-blind study Treatment group v. Control Group Why do scientists use statistics? Anecdotal evidence Branches of science Systems of nature What cannot be answered using the scientific method? Chapter 2

How many different elements are found in your body? Atomic number Atomic mass Four most abundant elements in the human body Ion Ionic bond Covalent bond Hydrogen bond Molecules Why do certain chemicals have certain tastes? Importance of water Coastal climates v. Inland climates pH Acidity Base/alkalinity Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic acids Monosaccharides Insoluble fiber Hydrocarbons Cell membranes DNA sequences DNA RNA Nucleotides Youtube Videos watch them again! Review your notes. Chapter 3

Element Atom Protons Neutrons Electrons Nucleus

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