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The Internet 1.Internet Terms: *Internet-a vast computer network which links many other small networks together.

*Intranet-a computer network with restricted access, as within a company, that uses software and protocols developed for the Internet. *LAN-a system for linking private telecommunications equipment, as in a building or cluster of buildings. *Ethernet-a local-area network protocol featuring a bus topology and a 10 megabit per second data transfer rate. *Online-being connected to a main computer. *Offline-not being connected to a main computer. *Modem-an electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data to or from a computer via telephone or other communication lines. *Web Cam-a device which allows one to upload pictures or videos directly onto a network. *ISP-a provider of internet service. *Cables-a strand of fibers which is used to transmit data. *Scanner-a device which is used to copy an image or set of words from a document. *WiFi card-a device which allows you to connect to a wireless network. 2. Different types of Internet connections: *Dial-Up- of or pertaining to a terminal that links to a computer by dialing a telephone number. *Dedicated- made or designed to interconnect exclusively with one model or a limited range of models in a manufacturer's line *DSL- digital subscriber line: a technology that allows high-speed transmission of text, audio, and video, usually over standard telephone lines; a form of broadband transmission. *Broadband- pertaining to or denoting a type of high-speed data transmission in which the bandwidth is shared by more than one simultaneous signal. *T1-a speed of a connection.

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