Nida E.A. Taber C.R. - The Theory and The Practice of Translation

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HELPS FOR TRANSLATORS PREPARED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE UNITED BIBLE SOCIETIES ‘THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TRANSLATION THE THEORY AND\ PRACTICE OF TRANSLATION sure et EUGENE A. NIDA Dips CHARLES R, TABER fe ej am, 1982 Helps for Translators prepared ander the onspics fi United Bible Scie Volume 1 (to Testa Taasstanon Paoatens Votume 1 Vote HL (to Tesrauest QuoraTions tax New Trstsuest Yotune Srenox Mesos aso Rasenayce Sys Votune ¥ New Tesruwes Ines Vote V1 ‘Busts Taassamoss rom Foret Cat Voume vat Tre Taroxe xo Practice oF Tesgstarion “This volime was Gas publ a 1969 et rea 1976 inh 88 by. Br La, Th Narn ised So, ft ok my Me ada li yt ee ‘ae mt ial ade pas fl pli TABLE OF CONTENTS A Nese Concept of Translating The Nature of Teeslating Grammatical Analyste Refeenial Maing Conaotative Meng Transer Restructuring Testing the Tastaton Appendix: Organisation of Translation Projects ‘Bibliography Ghesty General Fade ical Index or PREFACE, “Tis volume on The Theory ond Practice of Trenton ste logit cowtgrowt of the previo boa Pes a Selene of Praag (2364), ‘thik enplore smo the Dri aetors contingent proach {otransltion, Tue scond volume presents certain ofthese same theories in 2 pedagogy created orders deed to ast the wanlaor 9 net the thereat ments a al fo gui era pacts! ils [Beaming how fo carey out the procedures Thovgh tit present base feats the problems of transdating primary in terms of w soente ‘Gna Bui uct, ts rat a ratn thant scenes: Ii eo a Skandia the ulate ana uly se {sete tranaaton aways a art Tite vise the trative daa. ar dawn prima from the eld cf Bile ransating, The refects bath the made cages of those fer'whom the boa bas ben speiealy prepared and the tacked {xptreneof the authors Thee ar, stever cere ways in heh this fiuy bee diet advantage to tie render igerested the broadest ps aspects of raclting for Bible Wanslating ha longer tendon [Eben tthe tied contary tic, ovens fr more langanges (393 Hguages by the end of 1968), is concerned tha erate vit of ‘allure (Bile tranaatora hav wnt nll areas of the wari) and Ipciaes 4 der range of iterary types (om le pty a henlgeal Sheeoee} than anycomparsis lind of exneting. Acconsngy, even {tough the istasve das tay sce smut iesited, he total ge of background experiences unesusly wide, ad bene he bass for Ssnerations the ental problems of semis anaes, coarse ‘Rtsrares an eltral ransters ie prtelaiy va ‘The tsi two chapers are esemily ttrodctery, fr the deal with crt the bead sue and atten to oan he reader wilh espe {ote total tak The foloeing chapter ake pine systemic ode te fendi pede of tating oy ra, ett at testing. Barely paced onsdestone’of commie organi Sod procedrs for carrng ont the morko ransatng ae eae in he ‘Append, gasary of tent erpsis azo added, os 9 Mind of nde. ‘arene fate words oe billy dened The ease te ferred 3 {hat ei ethene hee ie eae ofthe int dats. prepared oo 0 period ol appro our years, and used nvaveng orn number Ghtranatle netics and Seminary eld vaio place tought ‘he worl thas seo benefited rom the ace and counsel oft namber ef Topo Cn wong tr hep oh Dad Psi Tenino acs sce reh set era iy racer a Huonse A, Nips and Cuamizs R, Tape ew York, 1969 CHAPTER ONE A NEW CONCEPT OF TRANSLATING eet tlre the Mtr of he word be ths es 0 many sso: engaged inthe Uansating of both stato eligons ater, Frist at fat fon Ret ded ta ta tine to such wee, and ofthese at ast 3.09 ae engaged pinay the translation of the Bible lte some Soo langues Seprenting aout faypetent ofthe word's fopaitons . ‘Ecfortucatat, the wndeng tiny of translating bas not caught wp withthe developmen of susan i ecgons taps, dope co spn lt He untaiy re acne he ae the seule fed: One spelt in tamsatng slime or vation industry conmeated that ns work Medi ot et ep fhe prints itn felled ty tansaoce of the Buble “AUih ds betta Gomplete teins se matter of ie and death Calor ‘nately, Wanbltos of fogiows materia hav somtimes ot een prompted by te vane eig of ergeney to make sense. ‘Tur Oto Feces asp tue Nev Faces Tie elder focus in tandating was the form of the mesage, and sels fot fla deh ig AE ec Sate Seca, hte tyme, pts on horde Chacon, paraltom, ‘Sunita satin Hen try hoes sted ‘hat one mist determine the espana the receporf the asad Jpesages Ths response me shun be compared wih te Wey ie ek the ergnal receptors presumably raced tothe iesege when it ae renin onsale "Bronte old question: Te chia cogecttranlation? must be ane fm terms of another question, namely" For whom: Cornetess mt be determined by thvettent in which the average wader fr whieh ‘arta nde wie undated oc Maree ie are not canerned merely withthe poset of suerte frets, but with the qerehelning Uvcood of i in ther wr fee ave tot content inert to trate so thatthe average recep Iie Uierstand the tessage father we am to tke outa that Sch a person ie reryely to sssndertood i ‘Posag the quesdon of coretnes in this taser matrallyimpleg that theta lb dren translations whieh abe allel Soot act fete scholar vos nel wel aon ith he oa fen the mas inbred, tera txplaton wl be “ance fot he sal ‘sot isunderstand i On the other and, ta ost ange Ug ee munity espacilly when they employ salle international languages Rati by Billo of people thee ae a number of sodaeduedngal FEAL" Tpeeh and coplekenson, This means that seveta lees [eves of tanation in fete of eoeabular and grammatical structures, ‘Nevreqused fl people are to have exentally equal opportunites to ‘asistand the mesage “Fis cat of comprehen concerned primary wth dcovering and lasting two ifernt types of eapreslons ) those which are {ity tobe ssundertond und (2) owe ofc sa "heaey” (Whether In cabulay or gamer) bo dacourage the render lem atte {5 comprethd coment ofthe metage Soc ios as eh a ‘he brteckamber" (Mark 229) and Theap cole offre on his bead {Rian ts 2) are tsa of te fist catogor The average person un {Sioned wih Serge dome spy ot ong fo endesstand that ih hdren l the bedeshamber” are the Ids f the biegronm, or ‘eading geste and that "heap col of fre on his head means to make SNe thir he ar ad o's nay fete pole ‘iren3high prcntage of people minunderstand a rendering it cannot ie tsardel ers legate auslaon, For example, Romabe tp tos atest testes have “the ehteogenss of Ga revealed om uth to fat" and most readers tral acme that this 3 feferene to Gods Gn petsonalrghenusnese Most saat are aged fovea hat he ot Gos on gare, tthe prae F Ink God put men sight th hima Todas Engl Version Tubs the act tuum” to et feeb and eperlly isander- oot word) and oot the carter of ghteasmess Buta Cation ‘rlgh laste on tendon the Gre tral at the nyhteousess of ‘Got isp vsatng the meaning for the Sake of pressing formal Sammut covepontince, Tedtion to beng ute mishading, a translation may als be so sale haat cee tor ee For ‘iene te Asseeau Standard Veron (tt), 2Covtibans 3°10 Scape ery a wich ath oon ade ine bata bee {fade lars mh reapect, by season of te glory that surpass ‘The wards are all Engh tthe rntene structure esentiay ree. ‘The New Ensish Lie Gute rghiy retractor ths pacsage to ead, Made, the splendour shat once Wag now ho spetour 4 all 1 ‘utshont bya aplndour greater Prose 1 Evaluate the flowing sets of renderings of Biblical assges in terms of how rely and contcly an rdar)rader o Reaer key to ‘inde then 1 Mat, 3e1ge) "Then (Joa steed im [emts]” (8 ‘So John agreed” (0) 2, Join 124° “And the Word ny made fs nd ek among ands obese g, the yal etl git ia Bah Taha ge and i "te wd of ol eae nan ie an ft ater ois fal paces a iii “he Moed best han ing a ned among wrists Seg a gee ae AE wee pony EAE NETS ake Pines Sai Sin 4 Rom 3:21-22; “Dut now th gears of Gol wou thee isngdfed,tg etnced yc sad Se fein eve hedges of tod when that bebe! (ny). 7 ‘atin hese days, G's way of justification bas at lastcen bronght tight oe wich ene tested by {he nad te prophet, stands par rm th law; Gods way of yutieation thaogh fat [enis Cet meant for everybody and seat dove ros) " ut ow God's way of puting men right with timaelf has been ravecled, Gnd has nothing to do Ith awe The Law andthe prophets gave thle ‘toes to St Got! pute mon ght rough ther Ishin jus Ch 'God det th tal who breve iChat” (re New Armienss wuou Respect to RectrTon Lasousers “eRe bean a eed he lise dnler languages Hane, opine ons whack al speciiate ‘Sets sRtaa lit sett Tne ae ee eee cee ee a SEVIS el ee dor ene ee SLB eae er en “ean of oes fetid er Baa an Sh ero ach engage has eins. In the ist place, ts esentil to recognize tht cach language has ustoun gents “Thai bo say each Inguage posses eral state characteristics, whieh ive it a spell character, eg, word-building Eagucbee, nique potters of place order tehaiqier fon ning te ai atts at of dia, a pal Scar ps of pcre proverb, and song Each lnguge i lh in vocabulary for {hares Of clara focus the species of the people cattle {nuaks in the Sudan), saree (Pomspeane i Merona hung and {hin (Pros in Pee} or eehnlagy [ihe ester vor). Some angeazee srerichn modal pris hers see partculalyadepe inthe develop ‘ent of gurativelnguage, ad many fave very ich Hterary resources Te coma cy ot mi a eis of a nag Rather than bemoan the Ink of some fate ina language, one mst espa the eters of the ecto angunge and expt te olenitas ft Toe language tothe giestent posale eaten. Calortunaty. snc Instances transtors have actual teed to “ronae” 2 langage, For sf a say ati Ame selon ng aide (Of cure, this wae not sce) One sua simply acepe te fact hat there ar’ any languages which dn ot have’ pase ice. They "father than fort the formal structuse of ube language upon another te eecuve traps is quite prepared to make-an anal formal {anges necessary to reproduce the swage inthe detcive struts forme of the rexptr ings Auything that eae said one lngnage cone said ans, anes ef sn sal ea ee For theaveage peso the potential andactal egaalenceoflangunges ispethaps the nest detatd int ana ramon He doesnot xe he people Who have no snow cm understands pusage inthe Bible that pete sei onthe ple at kw st ow an ‘hp nave a word for its Ad they do sot haves nerd fore then how fai the Bile be eastted" The apes to hi question fs oth comple fe tard. In the fst pace, any feope have word for stow. een iC themes ett Ta hey ave heed abst {he phenowopon. Second nother neanos, pene donot hao sow Save de ave "ost and ther speak abut the to wih the sae om. ‘Tir, many languages have lle lems es whe ae fee ters Mer Tube ge er et ye hit as tow sui'ar ‘tay, vary wile’ Tie pent tal tor asuan object eat cuca othe meng, _ Some persons at sbjot, however ist that anes one has @ word fr now, the tannin eno segue or tying wie does Sot commits te prec neai ofe cgea 9 Soron, OF {ours no cammaplestan, even wit a sng languages ever abst Iter n't prope ever understand word exaslythe same manne, ad we certain cant espct plat match between ngage. tn fact, we do-not Have suc 4 mate even in trnstng from feb oF (Gree ito Enlich wih ae eralth of vocabulary fore ata lio Sons If ope ican athe thule! teminsey) When the etree Word cers transatednto Engishas "Tove kinds "ar accent Inve there i mh lft enue, for eis Hebe fers implies whe stl srucare of mates ovat and support beeen She tal tet Spd lwo gli tere 4 aon ttn fe fe many prope similar wen the Gospel of Jan see the Sree word fig Wo” in the pring, thers Spe Englehart Ge eany na to ll ich camo te tote tet 8 iit be sald, however that te fm in which 2 message ise pestis an outa element oe Hgianee, thee ise ees dene Ettinger tele to Shother. 1s stall impossible to epanduce ths tye of “arn Fovestnpe ig the tied ehapterof Jo Jes spent the wind sad afte "Spi In Greek x ainie wot, fsa, aed th bth ce Sings Thi ecules ve snicane fn om words, but exsot be Feprotuced in Enalsh The best we cn do under sich eames Blouse a marainal note salle tteation ofthe fe ert the las that fn the eure language one andthe same word fe Wah meatagy Ina similar ua te cannot reproduce the thf Htoe poet shat iar omy Ra Se he uct Iteration. At thi pont, angubges jst do not correspon sae ust be prepared fo slice ceri formal meet frthe sake of the To reer the cnet ofthe mesg he form must changed 1 all languages dein form (and this ls the esence of thee being aircon ut may th rs mas ed ion Eetopreserve the coment For example in Mark 1 4 the Gra enplouts Sola brain, "ipa eens acted Re into Engle the resulting pre ral dows nit convey ie mean 8 {he org The average pers Spy abet Gescbe deny hat [8 the tlalonslp between “baptien” and epentance Moreover Ina heh percenage of language terms winch exes vents and os ‘option and “repentance ae eves not bj ate capstone ore pata a verb taer than s oun Even ths Geek nod espreston [Brealyony'snomivahaation (or aeaptation of what sees ta Ate 36 in'terbal fom, tama, “repent and be baptized langnges ich titer regute iat such events beeaprened ae cris or nol st Serb sather than non phrasts, is ot only Hehe but esata: tat {he mia frm of tus Grek phrase be ching ato enespoading ‘etal expression ‘The extent to which the forms must be changed onder topresave the meaning vill depen upon the Ungwisticandeltral tage betes ESsguages Gute natrsiy the ensesttanstions foe wah the Tere umount of formal change), oocor when one translates from a nguage S00 ache oo enna op Fant tant ly raed (itu ching, Weer echaolagel ad Pune a Shan eprseat See ial peo Mean Othe tir han Woe formals are geter, or Hangarian nove momar of the Gene brane of the Tado-Eropesn ily of languages, ut trong to a sth ale fay te Fn gad Hab an Pal ‘he sane cultural setting ts Ensish, and Hause aed Flan belong to {same aie cuitural sting ere the ake are not so extreme Td however ove baste tansate fr Eagsh nto Hind Oe fora changes see seater than trom English to Hungarian, for eventhough Ele and lind itn to the same ind: European emo anges ‘he cutal concent, tnuing may dferenes of wold ie. Bre 90 ‘ere that he fom structore pater, bth grammatical and Teed, frost be altered ore extenuvey in order ta praeve the content Fini in tani irom s Language sock a Eva inta Zatch toa othe sae Bantu feof langage and represents quite ‘lien cultue, the formal odfeatons must be sl move extens Proton 2 ‘er investiga thecal mening ofthe fllowing expresions, rca them in leon fr ich betes conveys the mang 1 “ihe pas the Gower of her ag" (4 Cor. 7:38) Ede ooh terete tuts inet for epentaace” (Math 58 5, “etch devour widows honsee (hake 30) {oie‘father ho roceleed th ively ores fo give onto os" (ats 738, New Armrenss Coscensite rit Sovncr Lanoune ‘ree atte concerning the resptor lnguages inevitably imps a set ie of the Source lngages~Greek abd Hebren™an for sme fever a new atSinde fat socondary souree languages, sg 88 Eneich renc and Spanish ic are ten ws as se Bs ira ome pepe fave an exageted wow of the Ba languages Hct niga se 9 special coterie tongue for he Tepne and Grssk 9 ster." othe finest istrement of aman tHougt ever devised by man "On the conta, Grek apd Hebrew ate Jesetangangs witha th execs ond abi tat vey Tengusge tea to have, The are nether the language of heaton a it the Hly Spat To sesgase ths fee worth and near oe important to understand three oor, tele rte implications about Greek and Hebrew and there aves of Beal a Sew CONCERT oF raassLattse Fi The languages of the Bie ave subj the se onions at any ober A a i sk and Hebrew are simply languige, ike anyother languages, and they ae tote unerstond an naive nthe same manners sy er Lilet toa’ boll pee xin ele mean of femmmuniction, eve a al Hanguages do, and they aso have thelr Sabu, even af all angus do For enarpi, in the Greek Goole {hers are Sse suo grammatical and iva aig, i of aes 57h most Tanguage, high percentage if thee are essed bythe guise contest Bk what ls aly important tht these languages, Se ne Bie enpliy wee whl te meaning ely ns ‘hercultural contenir which the langtages were use That to lieth message ofthe Bible to voters id at invent wholesale eer sl dnknow tem Rather, hey aed words carent st that ie, They {i however, often se wordt ery epi waft one ay {nan anguge hen he wants to communicate soe ne ght at tore BI Nace cet tee, Ou grb that ‘pany ofthe caltsalconteats of Bible mes whi provided mesningt for tho wort no longer ext and therefore we often cannot deerme jis what a'word masts: Nevetheles. ll the vocabulary was fae ote the fie experince of ten and women, andl of the c= Bjeece at aletnd n esn p e tipe uf tego. abonlue character of ambls;and vad exes, chat iy reconsrucing ite‘communicatin event ith a it mplestons, bomes nt Tonge posible The writes ofthe Bie! books ested 1 he onder \Wating tobe understood might soem to be tl, but for ome pe sons cio staring revelation, foe many tains have stad Chat ihe Bible nota boot tobe udertond. One person, for example a0 began to read Tose» English Version ear, "This mast te Bille Pe understate spelt ote i arming hel dint toe Issue Tes not alnate posable forts to wrdestand preity what the Were meant, huts da iajstice to them to seam tht they wee Intentionally eying a be bere. ve secre thatthe writers of che Bib expected fo be undertod, we should ato assure that they tended one eaing at several il ctl amos ieee Of ct esl inated bs contest and ti important thet the trast ‘ther epraduce the amiga inthe same evident my onexpla st fia arena notes fut one does aot do fustce tthe tet the ‘tert he testo “ide the fence nthe cae of tho expressions heh fn hae vo or more meanings among sien he esta sas decile ® sew coxcerr of rasstarise simply tesa he cannot reonstract the eltura setting in which the ‘ong fet tok ace, Tn hese instance is better for the trator Tose the meadng bleh seen best supported by all the evidence Sato pt ths te fae we pacing the oer 2 mesial noe iter he wl gee hs Smpmeon fo the render tat the oneal Soler was Constantly dodging the ste apd’ was uning make The tanto nua emp to veadace the mooning of @ posage as Interv byte rier ama The pte of stempting to reproduce the meaning of » passage ae nln eer nn st tenn a thew in ‘perons ist thin seating the Greek ol the New Testament one Fee go back fo the Aramaic aad understand Jesus sors terme of that he mist have sui in Aram Dat the tanelator i bound to ak Nis Wena ar ae iin i ed derstand the [Gospel this what mt be oar sewpuine Otten el a ony te'bwvolved in interminable cntgovey bot we wil inevitably end ward avarranted harmonisation Bor extipl a the Lacan fos ot shew gor ae we at a at the tik let exe och ec se opr poe ‘bu atther pute tintoa mote “spnteat content To ty toes the Arai and to senterist hath ke st Mathew on the base of ths eeostacio, notte tale ta Sry mam ofthe Prin have insprtant rite parallel, and rch ca be umderstond inte Bre ate rel of sack san, ot tne des not Wola these Pele se though they were Ug rital Sings a pons eed i he temple woh of Vaheh ‘Sok ony met we acd ing Sind the weiter, we musta avoid going aeaof te er xesing ad ondertanine Hage. content fat” or "eee in the tar prt ofthe New Festa and especialy nthe wetings che eats Chg Fathers, Butt would ‘ete wong to read ths teaning back into tbe Gospel, 8 It Euat'tS.¢ Sie we not ot real bnek into the Genel vont of “eaten oor nn ond wi" aq transite the dave as pelt Beer ee ae cone tuned io Eg as Pricricat Dineicartoxs oF 4 New Coxcert oF Tasstane The pactal imps of pow ene of tng aye co ate eta aS ea as Sv: “through whom we have recived grace and apostlship to bring sBout te obs of tho the ae of his ae amen al Ee: Through wT recived the privilege of commision in his ram to etd to fate and obedlenge tain noi Soe ees ara The nse represents a ce formal corspondenceto the eign] Greck text refecing af oss the der of te Ce sends an pros SES ehe Conespondig word daa ht ifo say nm tsa ‘tous a vere at vse For he avenge rad cee howrees Some prolens in sestunng thew ee 1. "We" quite ambiguous: Is Pas actully peaking abot hil ie nce" ould beard pl tnt Oe ugh “vei the grampaticl subject of “eceved grace” te eee te eee fhe pe ad scr Ea Rp ere RES, Ga 4 Tne tv "race and apostle” wosld sem to e to coneinate act raty the seman fal fae the faint of blag an apart bat the Englch cooripate phrase ‘hse this nee apa 44 The obedience of fih is gute mideading ig Engl, for we do rot have n Bgl ths tye of eonsrutisn ivoltne two furs ‘faction (ve wll be elit em by. the more general ett “ett sone ammo theo ici enlace, Seis in tri hos at 5, The ateelent of “smog al the nations othe phrase “obedience at ith” icuncer oe "athe nations or Peter.“ ation) Ssactuaty the staat subject of both th obelience ad theft 6, The poston ofthe phrase “or the sale of he name” tdeding Suntali efelated eo the acts of eine an apse a ietefore sould’ be placed lower tothe words ih ich iis pains comece, tie seedr wo unecstand Ya wht Both te wn and the vey attempt orestructre thie gesnge in onder ty pre esting of he al. ath aan, ce hangs “ne! fo ore Both bave elated grace’ to “apts Sinlsy, "tor his name's sake" se shied in poston, so abate at re tare het kr. ser 2 9h Sar ata teins” (th ra eh espe, “bebe “The ve has gone smebat further han the We in certs respects 1. God i inteduced as he sige of "gage," forthe makes le ‘hear that "though hi ees he scondary agent ‘ei ace the gammaccal ao well a5 the senate go ‘The rater highietel wo capeclesp" te etructared into che sal "beng pestle (Oa of the actos wh "comm om ain Seer 'that it Can be miseading for to many. Pople [Recast sats anita comin 4. "Borthe sted Cini” iemplovedinted of or his name's sake: since mera English doesnot t= “ame” i the Seite wae a2 “Smbole sabstitate forthe pesaralty Ta order fo avd confusion {So whether his ene for Gn ae ae for Cheats ae the fev has wed the noun rather than the promis subst. Ts {eof soaye, made sblgntery because Unde trogen nthe Sivjot of the enue 45. Thesehtonship between the sats of “bing ax apostle” and “the shcence och on te paren ll navi ead exit by Introtucing the pase “in ore to ead {The sath race “babove and sb" chosen ty place of the cor fespoting noun plese see fe more normal i straightioread ieee och ve ae ha et toa et ‘hij te event of beiong and oberng hse mde expt ‘nibe ta by he werd ade ad Wr the sujet preicse ewer, {reasons no fall edt nthe Se, “ oth the xa and the rev rial restractore the forma elements of bern det ate hy ot inti ae fetres not clay implicit nthe Gren. The ls cucued ppt themssage ofthe Grain a form fr mor omprebentse tha the more teal enatonof the me Tes the topo asset he test tthe snore langasse which results i ierations of fon in ote ¢ preserve the content Tn ight ofthe principles stated in this chapter evaluate the following set offending of Bilal pong: Te Matt $25 “Yr ths i rcmeth ofall all ighteousns [eI wal to conform in this way with all hat God spunea). Hin cs wy we shall do all hat God rr cm, 2. Lake 1:13; "Foretieh ap many have tae in band se forth inorder declaration of thee thinge hich are mst Sey beloved tne, even ae they delved them, tous which rom the beginning were eyenitneses Le te ts ahvaa ‘Many people have aleadewten an ao:ount of the rents WEN have sppened among Uy base thee sho the edn thie woe hws wee pewienesses au lat teaers of the esage Bites _ an iter ave undertaken tp draw pan account lth cent that have happened anny a lowe the trains handed dane to or be the orga ‘fewer and servants the Gonpel 4 Gal. 2:6 “And fom thse who ware reputed to be something (ota her werespakee no diferene tome Gad shows fe faethe ae ed ind tc af a the leaders of the confrese were conned (I either Snow nor cate wht the sack feat woo imped eh as fie) they hadoothing tad gnpe (Pal ‘Bu those who seme tobe the Seadoo sy fe ea mates micas et ty oe for God dos not judge by outer appearanes host leaders, 1 say made'so ow suggestions to te" (IE) By comparing two oF thee vesons find five adlitional examples which itbate ke pols made fn ths ete. CHAPTER TWO ‘THE NATURE OF TRANSLATING Trnating come npg the ceptor ane he ‘punt natu squivlet of foe roueeSnguage mestage, st ters leaning and Secondly in tenme of ayes at thi atively simple ‘stementfequre earls evaluation of Sever seemingly contradictory ‘Simens Remmootctss nim Messase “Trasating sustain pray at “reproducing the message" To do alg de Bently ae toon tay tar, Bf rode the message on must males good many grammatical sn TeRfatadjestinens or example, the Hebets dim "bowel of mercies” (Gok 12) cant be iealyredred into Engh iene telly tants tate te meagan uc we are {he words “bowel ud "ees" in Eng, we spl Ont ergy Ee Sonata A seanghal gv tenet compan ad Iti precy inhi manner hat many easton tempt to reproduce the Suede of ths source language expression geivstaxce Renter Taax Toenvers : he translator aut sire fr squalene rather than Sent. a ses ft anoter vay of Unpaaathe tpeducton a he ihe otis in eet tthe tr ol he tera ba Fnfgces the ood for sadia alteration of a phage see art came to sn wich ny be que ranges ak en mismdesod, nce in Gre ons happene often ny "wanna Wo Gist ete fa pene sate a ea {ein other stances one matte ime more haute anions nd then. non late, Tn Sask 21 th Grek his ovo, erally, “in house” bt the zal meaning of this pvase "at omnes” and esa rendered in many “Manaaon.Ths'mean lao of ert omen, tn not tansating (esas “howe” aeuya in tho sume manner, boone amply canal translate im a completly concordant mannet abd at the aime tine ceuatly repent the meaning ofthe source anauage eX. In French ever te Greek phrase ohh consting of prepestion abd a noun te mort diormatieal render ace a proportion anda. pron inehien ene ces cases the scmantie component of both keaton and Pwo dveling. Such retueranng ffl fated for iti the ‘oer nator! equivalent ofthe source language txt A Nareeae Bgurvatesr The best trantation dose not sound Uke a translation. Quite materally ‘tHe saToRe oF taanstamise B one cannot ond should not make the Bible sound ast happened inthe fext town fen ears ag, forthe hbtorcal context of the Sepa te pert ee abit eae Se Phares ab Sadat io {eomuch the steal ctng of he ingaranton, In oe onde a soot franltion of the Bile must ht bea “eaitorltunlaion Raber ies Minpuitie tandation Nevers thes Gos tot meas at Should exhib ints grmmatcal and style form any trace a ewe ‘ardnes or stngenes: “That eto aay, i sould studiously avd Tranlationeae formal dat wth esting ain, 0 he content and he impect of the menage, Tur Cosesr Eouivacese 4 copectins ator wll want the dot astral equal ths been argued, for example hatin preset-day English» tara uulelent of Sdencompesece® woud be “gentaly disesed hes Imig be tegarded by some aos uate equity, tects not fhe clei” Srey mena deel” Seer eae oF Bila ne: ore wl be idle (p39) aout thea Ereces between = nguitie ands carl tandtin Hs St ee incre nc Tue Stextneance of Smite cogah snr ten aretha ipriat Imatenal ob though i were salght namative, Fe encmpl: the fee Iovig, beak syfeo Marke qultaterent em the much mere polished fd stserared stout Lake Stns the Fis Epi a!Pees tes sone tthe most elaborately oratied plence srctae of the New Tet Se le the Sond Ee of Pr on Sh ct apa ts usualy quite Inpouable to represent sone ofthe slate ol {aie the tila. eg plays on woe eas the means feta Toten es, te a a See Herat tice Geile ee Seat Soe Snip onc ae uot ine Gack fa tha accurately eles the contopenaing Serena eoanea ammeter a teapot lh et at acre n fete et a a a aca om hs A Sverem oF Proxmiss 4s «bass for judging what should be dave inspec instances of tusntvingt seen to suabish cotta undatvental sts of pe RISE" Satesteal consttney hse pounty over etal eossteny (ernment art [rma sortcapontcnee (esa (er) frm of angoage has port BaP Thc aaken for {foray ta ae aed by and aeeptale fo the tilene or wii tasaton se itended ave pion over for ‘Hat may be teditinaly xe restos. Tes four peters reflect BEE lent perspectives the fet ews the transition in tem ths Tinga ors The sand based pon the reactions of the tert Te hd ne th he pe couse of com NesTand ib eps appliade to Eble transition since he Bible Esneraly betas tor [athe eet of beng readin worship series) [bh Steed personally The forth piers wich const oF 8 comple st of actors, eg, age, ses, education, and background experience, Spee joe anton hon the Spon of te pet and since ferent languages the semantic aes of coresponding words ‘fet isntel it lowe nthe Shee ect So in A rhage rue ord te sua el Speake TE een ays thal sp of ath Cnt Sit, Fe ateas aning tn od ae Soe fgtoge ys Sarg ind ate wegen gine Ts ca beara SiGe eterno te CRE Sita esol ae team "bd seve pasa ete fae Saba ee fet abate your body Spb: clothes to ever your body {Br cts oa oh ao oc ine ody Sy Re Soe ane fee de Moe (line hers 3: Toke 3 . “ He Sh he pat Eu Ste th tar. Thor toes dd bedy 4 Ron. Se Merde 3 Ghee {St png of the body of eh Xi: divested of the lower nature 580 ed om he poet hs inl “The contrantiveasages become al the more evident if we range these ey tems pal slam “ " 2 Nas 6:25 bay ey aaa 2 Mark 5:29 body ferslt erat Sb ht cope Een bay pn? ie feasts foal, ‘0 ay eee an we justly diferent renderings, departures trom verbal cone stone, ha a foun in Sa ad >not uation, must ask farther question: Is the Herd seri (the verbally con {Eten ong) fly adequate, of ii pony nnatorl or masking {fe Some cates Doth unnatural and mised)? in atthe 6:25, the rendering of "bode git adequate for there sgn ofercqutaat tem im Engin ln lark $2, however, the yea nd seme rather uonatral for one des ast “fel nthe bol” bat “fetin oneal tn Lobe ty yy, Oe enderng of “body” can be mie [ending, andi the ia i sa the moreso when the second eae has age ietead of “rune” (hough the later $i the mar) Ta Eomane 121 the wee of “body e gate miseading arden eae tron sage frit ihe total pesto and mak meray the pia Bar fan shih soe fered to God in Calany 11 the pase Pay fess unnatural din the conte alo reading, Homer, 30 Foul are the Gtr paseo ere ays ee 3) aban identeaton of humo vatare, wich promt to ai (2) 8 {Getimernature: incongar ich maa’ highee nator Thniser iow ldclended by mann scholars, but les vegarded by otfers as refecting 2 Gros ew of human peri (info lower and hice eats) Inowe than a ele Beal ne at cused af the sncepetatin te prefer, he fact {that a er Tender both ata Sd ‘The contrast between contestual consatency and verbal consbteney sete alte foe en nate he Grek om rs ‘eon (8), the, sad he FEE 1. Lake 24 1S" apie hath not det and bones Sev nage sh and bones SEC fost does have Neth and bones pater 75, Sap: thereon stl no ree for thi pose body of ore ter yedkdnochaveany at Rom. 104 > Sat? provoke to jealousy ther that ate my Desh Sty Kotiremlstion the men of mes ace EE. make the peopl of my oun face Jets ur oot tp ‘ + 4. four ut ste Spat upon all men 5 Rom. 5 (ST whit the law could not do, in that it was weak through the ‘hah, God SEB: what the lw could aver d,bactst our lower nature robbed otal potens, od hae dine sav: hat eh La ecu at do, because human natore ws wel, Goa dd 6. 2Cee. 20:3 {S507 tor though we wal in the teh, we donot war aseoding to fhe fea “ sex NGO in we ay Be, bat oot a tc that me ht sew: la tro we lve in the world; but we do aot it fom worily ocver Gon 136 [got many wie alter he flesh See: fw yoo are men of om, by any human standart er! few of you were wae! int Ge human point of view “The contrast beten these diferent sets of renderings canbe seen mort ‘deni by placing tet pra aan Laie Beye 4 fetezgr' fea Serene aa 8 2Gor. 10:3. ech weak men world wordy Ap apalissof Ue eral renderings ofthe A a8 good, unnatural, riseadng produced the folowing tet fused on the agsesas ls oup of approximately fy fle taste who were Sed to age {se rendetings, Though some persone may not agree ith oe oF uother partisan jamment the problem’ ie nevertel.eodent ‘ood; Ennatura: 2 Miseadng: 5.4.0, natural andmiseading: 47. "The tex question Wemust ak aiener, wh one react uniarad to the esl carsten ration in contexts tunel 7 Bascal ‘he megatee actions ae thereto sensing tht ei ie peer ‘ay Ends doesnot hee context, sce for met poreons"ethas al ee rani (ent ch sy Se prance ae Bee (but tics ghey obateeon 2 the est ta person, cg. "sbe as put fafot of fesh,"or "That pets sesh and (se wich bec ing inceastngy central soeaningOute sbviony,thereore, ony the His context fae meaning of sats which paral a preset toe of ‘esi in English andi for this ers tat the average pton eat rate sucha tapaiion as "gon" fort ace o Sin examination ofthe trnaston of he Gea fer dbo x cetin| ley passges inthe New Testament farter Ulster te poe of tht entrust between verbal consteacy and contentaleonsieey 8 ‘tue sarene oF raassnatise "ARTY sour wd oy wl be till, nd by sour wr tl telnet sen WY SO of Sources eu gon wl be cited; oat of sei Sane ane sev: Fates ile edo fade ou, cierto ete 1 Soweto tn ou ea * RIL, peop phe tcc ted Go $l, Ske Pol, hae eters a SEE AIG Weta a cia hea ny ny woe OPO dats Gos actos demons a tates ES So tn wi ly ours teas men SEL ESAINESSASS apes oar once wits yor sev: Ga Te who make sous ok gt e's ama + PN hoe map be tiled iy wre SS, Mii tpate beh Gate SEE SOPRA ?anon tole tht she ou sok Renata ES Se ste oy a cea lt Sen: de je by Gee grace hone Ser BY HGISEGR cob gnc tea pt gt th in The comparison of these readerngs in pale columns is Hee justified acquitied declared innocent Er itste 7225" (ustiied prased God) obeyed (God's) ight take 738 ‘hus demands 4 Lake 26.15. jostify pres... with make yourselves look, Beheouace pte dhe “4 Rom. 3:4 juied Undated be shown to be ght § Rom, 3:3, jumites justia Brews put ght In shee posages verbal consistency in rendering dad always by sity gue ending ogre lan he vf is nes earings fo popular usage, Tis, ene ay ny, ABS justia dug tha” log tat wat he id may ave sr toby ong, but tas coret or ight despite such appeatanes Boe may se yh He is aay fasting wate dng mpi sha i hes ing ado erie ee cde omabett appear alight Socond one may speak ol justin {Ere coluntisof pe thor mang them bob the sae eng At, ‘ie saTene oF aasstarie 19 but very ted, usage of thi term, may be found in the expression, “He sll esistence re dd something world omer AStmmane of eompetatig te Wald foe hs prseee, But bone of thse ‘vam cnvess the concept of an change state relate Sled in Romane 9-24 or of Requital s Matthew #2 yy. Corsini ‘RP Riadees mendool fo Lak vst wee ating how a thus mere somocent ih Tec! theologians the term jai dacs Bane ih specialized ening burn ths spc thecal sen, ahd a6 aed ih ‘ain tadisonal iandatons ix Eaabshy tb esentiaty Angad Latin ti pee aeepratic fn 3 trandion being made fr persons sielaned ow Gk ct ta and anand Tange of meanings That tose fs may serte the purpots Trg dacssons between thcloga, but leo not adequate ae {eum to be ge ins ranon for pesos wh are expected to oder ‘Sind the tase Sanente of the New Teseament metage from their Eowtedge of Engl lone, ‘Tue Keasoss rox tHe Patontry or Coxresttt Coxsixever oven Vingue cosstereer 1 sone thing to demonstrate in a practical way that stit verbal ‘oniseney mare rl i sertoaeSatton of the meaning, but gute Such ting to understand presi why this etre Basa the riot of cenestul consistency fats Upon two Important Ite ec) ac agtoy covers ao arn it ne of ra fk ngusde sient fom a oter Langues ite wae in wit {her ste of enol sols nosy the varus clements of experience Each longege cones the tality of experienc with syns, ‘One ma ten the totaly of experince 19 a large ce segmented complete into vatous pa eth Comeponding ten partir Word Wich sees symbol of at aren of experees ae Figare ‘This mens that people can always about soything that fia vai experience, fo thee Set of 3 “ort [cover that orl eo. Baw language ie much more complex than a sale “map of experience, for {oi gtnenting of experince i several layers deep, Por ample ane nay ue the te "erber in epeting of partes howe pet ute 53 peo pena ie ie ec a dog Cr a, ltonover, eer lr ore terntory than ter, for i ielodes tet, oodles boxers, hounds shepherds, te, Buta dog may also be seferd ge a nanmils teen whieh lacude hundrete of diferent series Dut isin fem tmphblans. Finally ne ma alsy spe of «ter Sap Saal aor ic bes wy ide age of meaning ae {He totangetcs ofa puole ne woulda des sumer eve hen eatfllyangrnted into larger ad larger sections, ta tale fates of dadon and excoson nein Figure 2 4 fal ualgy is that ofthe map ofthe pote divisions of country ‘Bach Meher oer dst includes 2 uber of lowerordet vison: {hati ttaeinchaesa etn nmber of sone, acho whieh tay ib in inl cea bor fae iy oma ee ‘pean that cen locality abe eeepc to as bing in Chicago, ot ‘Eso County or ital or evem nthe United States of Ame depend {ng upon the perspective, eh tenguage has cx syste of symbeicing eon. As lang as one is dentin with merely ome language, Ue problems of seinante eas ar ots ait, What makes te probs ney more Eifel hat sac language har dtintve way of eopmenting esperiene by means of woud Moreover, the ways in whieh thet words edad to ech oer are seo tery dlleent For on thing her tena one or maa’ eatontipbetvecn Lnguages. The Engl on) ferns trated into Spanish so eavona(an oad carer) and et {anpside cores, hie he Spanish word vais eeresponds i pat to ERE rf. raion a alin Ata hceve b as Erapish conespends to two ferent Spanish aed, rer ale tos seni in ng ich lot nye cated Oy ker felatonship, tht would ot be to eet, but In fea one wally {counters any-tomany relationships, it almost sndss chains of ‘sted meatings ei he followings is aoc heyy oltin) code ore) code eg Spann: Hine ie ae Se ee schon with difrences of clasieatin. For example, some lngaagee gered asteen Gaia 2 Gstoway ot costed x hd or tag dvs tae fathers Sears ads Sune iota [ne'er ie wis ef dinguanng i cls he np nee ‘Eee ir ut eats eer tec dtes ca enone ote, Geeta eye etoaa ats ‘oats hich hey share, whe eacaen in wach thr fer ate ged attention upon he way inch pete word are tiated: Da ode icalmdr aul anaticre teeta iy fel atc tae oun i nouns and ech eb, Allf hese formal estore combine tee ti clad al espe of i ser Proties4 For each ofthe falling words, iv one word which sun higher vel and anater which so 4 fuer nore spi) evel fog elven ren, Tater money sno, hi al ath ot ‘Tue Priory of Dyson Eperesassce oven Pomc Consessosbevce terme of thelr esqectie forms then we intnace seer pn oe the inceligity of the translation, Such intel i hot, bower tobe measured nea interns of weer the words se uedtandaDie impact the message hae onthe one whe reste ritioaly the way in whi anlations nee judged may be di grammatically premted y Faure =H] Pues ESSN cr an caranacss aha Sane APN oer Both the (valor a he schlaly odgeof the tanstaton combine Ze Marke oF Teast Tse 8 both types offstrs. nthe past ctl essination of x transation (Ch aly eated at by srbeane wh spy ean the te the ‘ge (nd and compare ther formal and meaningtl structures {kfon the cof thi deded whether the traslaton ae hl "Thies of course, one Way to je trations fut eee nvave a wat peble, tr the shay prune ote ton fami th he Ste aed tiny oes the no Mn as tat Be aleady Knows about My Tl however, we fous Stenson fe upon the formal cmespondence a judge by te cae ut up the nhl het eacr Ry an ce fandrsands and on ths Wasi sn = nga Ente pnton Co (raleate the dyaaine yullense ‘The ee unt compar the tell OF Frese compechension of My by Ry th the comprehension of I be Thevaverage receptor Ry as diagrambuciealy tepreseted sa Fire ‘O—)-@: ie re oe The fst message (Ih) was designed mot forthe igus person (he UUblatar tbat fete monolingual Ry and ie he capateaston Weick fo be esmparod with tat of. Misoves, the semper Sono i By whach must ultimate serve asthe entenon of Comst ness and adagusey of Ma Iie Saree of mgreement betwee te original suce and hw Inte ecegtors fr 4 ‘te Sarone oF maasstane to which the rcepors ofthe mesmge nthe receptor language tespond to pplovmucamet Acectetneven vacate ceasscaeae tarts Teach tate repre ‘Ector eminent merely rai an so Tae Isgonsariee Foscrios “The informative funtion in langinge can oly be served ba tala tionnbich ir horoughlyuaderstandale This means that» pase sack st "je God of pee (Heh x3 20) mast be sendeed 2 Cat pple wall melee tut thea iene to "a peat God,” bue tor Cod a ate ne case pace" Sine opened eth Sd TGuekt fhe mutase” Greibew 523) must not te inerpeted a sme SE yo spaking i he mon pe teil tendo Weim: Tren ml mate Sra ta’ ie ely ‘kes she prope sence Yeh aw” mean oly to do presely ta the Liv dematded, then ister trae of Jesus mney not Tata nt ones feue content iit many a he Stal fferpretation of hein. A more contextual justiable ended SMG ive tbe Law vel meaning” (1). Proton § Hove efetvely do the flowing renderings fall ther informative ‘lon? 1 Heb. 2 “ever transgresion apd dssbediene eesived a just, rsconpence of read” (9). ‘rer transgrstion or Gobaence resived a just revnbutisa” Ur). "anyone who dd ot follow tthe message ven bs te ‘nga arabe it tsosived the pismo he deserve am See Ralmecne aerieotie mee ngaie ‘SE'SGuti us doube have sai he sume ings deren and the {te Narene oF taser 5 2. Jule 8b: “despise dominion” (x3), eject aathonty (A), 4 1 Gor. 213° “Peng dared we enteat” (gh they sander and huntly. make owe appeal ee ‘he, we are insulted, we answer back with kind won” fer Tue Exenesave Fexcros Dynamic eu atence in translation fr tote than mere core eo syniatign of ilemation Ta fat oe te net el sad eee ere ih hie ort fel aswell a desta wnt fa The pocig of she Be shad ead like pect or ike a ‘dll pros account Smiles, the lets ‘Paul said ett something ofthe eshnes of «Eeneal lee ek ot sound ke «thoi dasertaton ‘One of the mt ineesing “expres” problems of Pile teenlation ie the Hebe tetragrarumazon (erly! our eter’ via ee Soe fy oe eps Yate a tran we Presented ac five The Jewish pele themelseatearted eee fetal (i too. nthe techn ene ofthe mow Eat wasp i nerd dept atthe mot sahie ascone For the orl ad of the Seriprars, ther tual sabeteuted don, "Lot" ar lace Inter vowel ofthe tent by the Masorate terns ofthe exprestee ‘alse of language, the use of “so meant» much tore ina eon and et elon In the Greek ration of the Old Testament, made a couple of features Teore Cis, fenishsttols aed the Grek tem Ser 6 ‘ener bth lds gad Yuu This ts scared over ite the Goss ‘vs Testament withthe rere that thee is kind 2th ages in the we of the sme term to apply both to Gad and to Tests Chat ie itereting thet in te Etch tudiin, the ten bono" fas guste teen peered to “Iehoval fee toe of “febovah in toe Rein etl fie Ameren aed Vira ave pened ‘Spesally popular, and the tev haw retard tothe Kine femes eof ono. ErFrenth the rorctant Wein hat wed Pie tema,” ot mone sean tetas bern a tro movement n the Aireton af Sugnear “th Lond” ta Spun Jeet bos Bag tae ‘sal or many seas inthe Protestant csitigy, butane of te tsk ‘om tasatons wage Ser, the Lond ute heel hea ation of he Od Testa ‘pent, have in many instances erated vu by personal yee 4 (and nected forms) wt vite the eeakers EF apd fled orm) when he ferred to: the intimate Di (and tateted for) when he addressed. Thee pronouns spect Br, vee the ‘ery Petaonallatonsp between the worships and He God ‘Gepte all the arguments for a begs proper name, there has 6 sur Sarent oF raastarse nevertheless bn this persistent “fing” thatthe mast be something ‘how intinteand person moreeapreste," han seommucated Era strange posal name Proton 6 Evalue the expressive effects of the fllowing sets of renderings of| pila psages Bo tiny ce the sme imp a he orginal” x. Aets 20: Thy money prs with theo" (7). “You and oor money, nn vy 700 come to 2 bad coe (es) So fel with you and yoor mones!” (Philips: see guna mt Say you and sr ey 20 to hel” (rE. 2.Galearg: “let him be accursed” (2). ney he be darned!” (Pips) “fet hen be oats!” (SE, fay he bs condemnel hel!” (18). Jon 2:4: “Woman, what have ¥en do with thee?” I) ns ‘oar conan, tothe, neta sth Je thnt sr conce mine (Pail) ‘Yon hit ot tell me wat todo woman (TE ee aac Pat er ene Oat ee et ee (easton wee es See aa ae stg ita imperative ction oe cmmneatn has Proton 7 ow wel would an ordinary epeaer of moiern English andertan wat is expected of im nth folwing pases ° 11 Peer 2:12: “Having, your conversation honest among. the Sens” (3 "Hainan goed conduct ameng the Gets” (9s). ‘Let all your belawiour be such ne even pagans con ‘eeneive ts goo (se. 2.1 Peter 3-4: "Witte adoring, eit noc be that outward adoring of ating the hatred of wearing of od or of pasting on ef ppare EN rate she” be dependent on an fine ether (Pion sere A CouPatisox oF Fort CopnesrosDesce ast Desuine Egewareser Phlippiane 2:3-2n the mv andthe EY strate quite wel sme of| ‘ne stent differences benseen a forta-emespnene, anaaton (Fichande d)name-equivaenttranlation (BE) (s) So there is any encourage Pot in Cha ici Spe, thy "afeeton tnd sym iy, (2) complete me oy" by ng of the me id, having the same. ove beni fal ord and of oe ma (2 Doyo Cit mae Soustmng” Bows ui oneconiot fone Do sou fells ith tte Sat Be al is tnd compasson for one another (Bie than, ae np happy be nang tne thigh charg the are Tove, a being ne i soo and mi, Geran dstintive features of thew two tranations ae astra of ‘he contrat between formal eorpandene snd dyaamicequvalence 4 The ass employment of ¢ single eens males de tera seu somechat heater and sore oral than the ces Te teandton, Which ha five sees. rang 2 The yor phrase "eneragement in hrs," “incentive of love," and “hantepation inthe Spi are sometha vague and eerar, fer thee ts clear tndeation of how the sce tis eller 3einvaved In contrast the fpeated se of sur andor te ‘He make these relationships specie sd pers 35 Words sch es “flection sypath in he Ry lack some= 8 ‘nie waTeue oF TaAsstatiNG thing of their expresive and imperative seme, for they do not inde Sm sh te ete s 44 Tuite nv the ue of some simpler expresons, eg, mae sg en, oe rn folate ect ee com mer pon ind fe theo. 5 The mst parses “complete my jos” ("make me completely Inpor') eld being ma second tne of one mi” fe eg one eee admit) seem semevbatserunge and atic hind {hraneltionese, On the other hand, the fey expressions ot only eeumunieate the lnrmation equal as wel Dut provide ome fing svi eau ca, of course, be argue hat the Set pat of his Greek sentence ope snot have sce of questions This ers, but there ea sees Peompanetionss caning “flowed by fs or some any” ale very sing style device actall: ot inthe ey sae. ey estonia te revue neempt tad greater Jostce 6 ‘Nether empl sees nary tn ‘Fhe parper of cmnparing this pata fn the Kev and the TEV soot so ele to ee Ine tne oe i he ence ‘elves a femal eorrspondence Gansation avd a dynamic equivalent Unndation, Of ence: pocone may atta hy es ere natue dyna Inicequiaien rnclton alse “accurate ralatn for depts ‘tic Uo the fps ofthe xin To agus as aanet, howe, ‘Stowe eee" inal wera era co ‘eich determined by jiging the exten fo wich the tsps of the Pecptor is subetantiayequlvaleny to the reopene.of ie sil Fetbtts tn other words do the dynamic equ alent. alton Sereda aml eng to hence rep hich a ‘nitany equaien ro thee experienced Dy the opal eeeplors? Peaaesey" to be fudact tn the bebe then evan the dyeamic yivakenttanlation i not only more reaming to the receptors ost ‘Ro Spore accurate Ps sesso cous. that both the formal cr eyendence tansation andthe dynamic uate teanlation do tot ‘Tue Prionty oF te Hane Laxocace ovER zur WwiTTES Lasctace “The preity of the beard form. of ngwage over the purely written tors Byala yprtat for trasatena of the Babe. In the fit plac the Holy Scripres are ften wed trgiely, and thi Jean! that many moe pope al hee the Snipes ead thn Wl ead em for temeies end the Sen een ea aod To ops tne of gy eng uo eel of ed ople employ a kia of ora reading Thats fos, te people te Beta easing lou, sid Teten fo what they hyve eu sh ‘Maton, Ie paticlsy mpertane that people understand she Bile corre fom te oa frm, Lat the Seiptres ate employed ne rcnngi sch tat estes Uti mene hs Seg fons moat te fly hcg te sues ay eampben Sune prone cue that teadatin whic i wel date he aspect of pred fom ll teed aba seca ays tan Tne ne isolate the lens ‘ieee tb meay 0 tari ind 2 su’ of Sep eal iat af chin i Sete ae avira nese ag Ser nice Urcueate i camara he med a defond Po the sling to comet Brite mideading For qxample, int Chroicles 29:1 the as¥ cea, “prophesy wth dyzes" "ba pele wll simoetnasiibly think of ts and tok re since the faster isch an uncommon tet, The prblas of We water fern of language ever acts the ence of Cisse in ich writen {ext Begulecarbu a pen ten of thee nage cane ey Tar ich re sgn in ronson shold wal eased in tf ‘itn teen ibs et ae For esate, m American En the wot ot Goes ot stem oar ina ponte text but in pronunciation he team cae stony alae she comotations “ The ction hl nt be mlned se a ebitary mae fe core ere miadngponmatil argent “The connections of words shuld be clear rom ther arrangements an decd ene shal not have to ely arb afpeteton a bar nay to ea ap anothers des combat ef oda ite orci mesa cpl eo” St iterpetation rater than fo nator People stl Jey elle Scion punctnto nent spp what ead The celene grammatical stucare. They seta donot ok to he ‘anciuaton fo comet nat others ending. Py se arene oF rasenatie Sat iin ae i vee Eee dere or tie aston, "Who sal ring ang ehaege Rc a et ae tar aca Se ar rte reas Unstone uns shoud be caeily aside mame langues eg, Portuese, fe quite common for pele ta itt for coins sounds fas the endings of words combed 1 sel portions oflloing wor) which hate vulgat or obscene i cans hat one mus ental’ ead ll ansatons ofthe Bites ave any contain of sounds teh can teeter Eden and anacerptable ord. Cees i ee rt vero ofthe transition show careful avoided Tra anion eat ea (aol comeapondnce ae tao ikl ta be overloaded to the point that the Uslener Tem deta as rapely 42 the rede speaks This perticlaly ‘lh the cas of expository mated, For ths tenon #f Not only legitimate but ako necessary, t9 sce thatthe rate a EN now Sa Sema nnn tan wil ot Be to ls rte ‘One ofthe desided advantages in giving pity t the bed form of ‘aaage tat one eam alate ert hat ean be unertoed {eeSrge esr bon ly to ahead Iterary tradiuon and in hich he Scrpeores hve cher Seu Bee ce ‘considered for lnigunges with long Hteary tradition anda wel st ‘which is kno toand used by the cmmoan people, kno wie ote Same time sccvptable asa standard for publidied materials Ecorse’. ie peek hit explaining some'inportant matter of ‘priorities the following are usually of primary consideration neue NouChreneoy Chistion hat i to say, the Suptues ste inteligble to non-Christians, andi they ate, hey wil “une intligibe to Chrstans Not only 1 {is pend niportant in aking the tsnsation of the Bible efecive [fan instrument of evangelism, but fr als nessa Ifthe Language 2 sue arene oF ranstanixe of fh church fo be apt from booming an steie dineet symbol ‘Sr Rlongng und denidacton ee semimgeal means poring God, The ws flange by arson ted to thirty yes of ae has rity Ti he bape th lar bape of chen Because of the rapid changes affecting sp many lngages in the wor the forme scythe oder people fe becoming obsolesent. I Teetlting, on st on neing petal the spec ofthe elders mi ‘Pike wots and expeens af ay f be unio oF to peat ot Witte Sten jeans Moreen, puting them in te Septures ely ther to potere auch forme nae fo resurrect them One cannot 0 faa eva try. Ame te. a Be ikapuage of Sunen or teenagers set ur forts dows not have ‘Rien sna fo be fly epi, Sah torms ite indeding ‘Mang and ad wd ae gamely rected iy che young people tharslves, uenay be oflendad ly beng sddresed so syle hc seems sab ‘Randard oe putea retin situations the spac of women should ave froity ex the ‘esl of el ” “Tie tee i pce i which men have mans move advantages of tiguisig contact than women rg they Day go aff to work In mines an tons wh tin linge tet sehen, tere tor a heal fo Se the om a es a inom excosvely inthe orsgn” places of worl Te ie tue that Regetet of the en indicates dhe Groeten i which the language Is Tike te change, but ione-gets top far abead of such developments, cmprehenin by omen wif be relative Tow snd the probably of Seon eoning fo ead il be every redaced, wih the result that Tee eRulen tle ery nly to hare any sieae istartion ‘ea covet, On he oer Handy Ua those languages heh have [pedal forms of language ued by women Le. astnetive wortens ‘fet ncons il spec ta it te of oma oe “hy Known everyone i wu msportant to corel represent Eki women’ specch Whe the Senptares veport the nerds of women. Th econ fhe aa of aang eel rtd to bite tal, segerts 20 apronch to the problems of translation ite hon. an at a eon cadena employe The ppt tural cals for cutitnow techies, esac in the FEES aL aii and fontntey developments se ngutieeeence, {nike amas thf grammar and of semantes, provide ws wth some very portant too CHAPTER THREE GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS, olay the ae tv cnt fr ning The fe Stciy rer lv eget osprey hat shal bmn ‘Slee the approprinecospending form in he receptor ancge Some ‘herein have contend chat this sunoni seston roca is est Scconplshed by working though af intennediate all univer inguistie neuetre Thi g-beeneen langue into hie themes is ttansated sn fom which the shed eeslaton i denied tay be Her another nuaral language ort completely srl Inguage™ Bat Srheher or not such an intermediate stage tee hi approach ba nth apt of rales to mhat ewes call he'raeectactne ok itnewagt tht th lve tuctre which overly poker aad ard, frien and eed. Ths spproach may be dagrammed aon Fare vo In Figoe 5,8 cepresnts the source language au eepesnts the ree toe, or tate, guage. The tter Xin panetbers sands or ay Inttemodiate srwtre sich may Save been st up ses Kn of unital Sractare to hh ny andl gongs might be elated fr ore “Toeatcd system of ranltin const ofa more elaborate proce dare earn tw age) arta ih ths sate (re the Message as sien Language A) analed in tems of 0 the fesinmaielrelsoahga and (the meanagr of the words aad com tnttons af words [) tase mic the aly mater tan fered in che mind of the tanto fom language 4 to language Band (Ghvestreturne hich the trated material's restructured ie Burak tna menage uly accept inthe torpor guage {Thr approach may be agrammed arin Figure & A Gaes) perce (sea (eee) Powe 6 4 ncaa each complete and caters ‘Har the eter. at le ove inguets ear ofthe strctue of langasges LaF tnclges expres in Ung frm, the mare they celica that a Sheiecage posture fe imadequate, The eeamingly rundaboat ote sae ee nach beter the seal ature of Megas structres, and ‘eee tetocts mush me cruratety what happen good tanstion UhgTreecens'e much mow ent method [orth taser of tans tn fectqu han tbe Re spt ove. the tide oh eek'stn espostinn of Figte 6, of the istifeaton for and of the tls cedure ch ay be ieee 8 Tey asthadafcfosing «trod: dep, sare It ope does nt know fo fois dase a apna go ot Soe $a sof the ver wall a pce i ound which shat enol co Rea ed” Te ume and ilo spent wang ot nee he SAG e pot ony ot nsed; ss alelucely cael to the crsing ‘lait sone thet sy three major step nana”) dete. ee re tiath btn che errs omits Tyee tic aeerntin/ congo the words and paca combinations ot or he a an (ie cnt mening fhe hd combat hems i ts cope sal be eg nl th {22 Sea ef the meaning slash hatween Words on re mate eve Gnapian Has Meanine ‘When one thinks of meaning, almost inevitably in terms of words ore a ne generally tals gumnar fr granted since seems fe saat of bar aks stout arrangementeraee tat rust be ‘Bloved if one wants tobe undertond, but hot rales tat inthemoces ‘amt have amy meaning, or tok a be poe "Jabberwock se Fitagh ie Losing Cast wl son convince oy thst grammar does any Some meaning “Ts vil, and thes toes, ‘Di gyre sind ene nthe wabe, all miay were the borogores, ‘nd te nome rate xtgabe Almost immediatly we can decide what the grammatical clases of he pennies ors ota ef rg ay dete oun ayre one, and’ ginite (vert). lrcover, we ean Feadly ‘take ome futher sntenees, such wb te teswere ly) he ‘ef ta waa.) Tove an gyre a pe (9) ring to ei igi‘ he TA ee ple) Te Ss “ena th ganna el an mk sme Nhl poe veut about the fearenal meaning of some ofthese tems: 1) lig [fier characters a general galt of te eheumstances a whch the naspuxvica ANALysts 8 onc garcand gine, ot exposes the general into the action (2) oes aa oS ns nt) wc ce cnn ep (ett (Ghoul tsa place In which aadons can take place, () mindy iss ult ‘Sl ado desea (3) the logis ae ost ean pases etn kn ea le ca an sent rah a nigbings nd (the rasan objects which ay hake a th moe sour wah pn gh hee onset terns in the Jabbereocky poor a eninge ould me sachsen etihle Sr Sp tern ais then the deduction which we have made te ha unfounded for Be aru tankers sch ae ‘ss dnd ie dad all wit rose the necessaries’ " ‘Even a comperison of Joel Bul nd Buf it fou shuld sonvince ss that grammar has sre meaning ors the ll word wae perforin: the ston af the second ord and he tied word enti the ga te {ction specified by the second ord Te meninges faa ca tho be astrated by such contrating aura" Vatorly bei and Hei a natura, in wich are fae two ate dfeent meaings fecae ee used in tho quite dlerest grammatieal eonsractins, Eve thecombinaions Du or go ana Yow Sif scan be uted th the sve fetocational potter. but the gramatial dieencs af ede prov ie ‘ie eileen meanings ue Sour Gevon mien Coseavenos My Have Mass Distenest Mss The fact tat what gene egaded ae the same grammatical construction may repre sumer oie eats tas EUS ae he rn mensngs ne trae any the sama enetreton costo to mune of roa cy ‘gi oy fT ving ses vn ny) are plead oe of ere velar cxpeacd yeh rcone "ka 4 the wll f Gat (Eph 2) 8, the ake of Genneaet(Lake * en erg Be ts nea {John 3 the Cbd ot peace Rom apne Totem eh BB sane a 10. foc of he anh 4 thst hate Spine of promise Glas) (pn. ta) 1x, fhe day of he peearation ee a ee ee eel 7. Jesus of Nazareth (Matt ag Nee es ‘ 2 6 censanuaric ANALISS 14 taptam of repentanee (ark 15. the remsion of sins (Mask ra) rs) In order to determine preiely the eltonsip of the components A and iin ehse phrases, fe sek ouanoas" Just what fs the ean, ia eamplsbetheen God and wl nthe phrase te ill of Go? Obe ‘Mou & Gods the second element, high wl" he Ast eee Bree ay agit eb abieh doer Ayer "God wile Ie he eae of [ond of thet () three am rnediate contason, for fovrdation oom ieatiges an obec. the foundation ofthe house, bot we eo tat fis nt win nant in Epes 4. Foon can “Sn in uodem wage, ean sm organization or msitaton, especialy one Sihich gies snsyatoey fogs the Rorketeer Foundation “bit im ie of Theil when Ephesaae eh ween and the eatarl pater that pre- ‘hen te cn of cous, dasuunt tls meaning We cnclade, there Jove that fvndarign mace satan ot bea objec bat an even, UP thot foul scaly be transnted as "ecto." This inerpe ‘it is futher stony supported by the presence of he prepoation Me ri ete atten eee a een er {St str soy, the scond lament Bethe geal ofthe tat But te fst {Hemet ‘ipa subject, namely, God oo atthe entie expression {Steay equine to"(God) creates fe wuld” And an appropiate Togmall collate X dost to Bor “Dis the gecko Tn the pice te Cod of pee (3) we afo Not epeaing of » peaceful (ed, but Gad who caus: o predues peace. Tu the wana between Sake in thi stance lg nost compete the evese of whats ‘etal of Go for inthe Gad of ce A cabees Bln he Holy Spi of (promise) ie Holy Spin eth object which promised, adn ths {iStance God saat be uderstord se the smi subject But again the gies ete eel wat winnie fnadeon of te or) cel toceometasen tat the consrcton of + Nowe ca “ipean” many cleent hs depending om hat nouns aefavaled ‘Sul what eanngs eae fo the In ether words hs contion incase at oae ation, bat many ambiguous Our eflrt must thre hs Soi a then sang uname five yroccd toanayoe alo thee lrases in terms oftheir sinplest ani mot unambigucs rlatlonshipe, re come outwith the flowing iia Plrse Canmbiguoesly Market Relationships 2 the wll of Go Sod vis Ete “oundstonjretion of (od) erates the word the word she Bo of peace ed casejproiens peace loxonnsTic Asante a he Hoty Spin of promise fhe word of tra fhe ees oh race esas of Secret ihe lie of Gener the land of Jades the apa Judea ieiaatac match ee rod he Sabah the day of the preperation he day when wepare or Ge Sateae met 2. servant fs elserve al (peopl) 2 ee Phare Biss rte he ak EE bent of repentance cop) Tepe ad ave baptized 15 resto of es (Bed erie (che peoples int Soa peonised the Hale Spit Se dord i true Ie akows grace ne abandsanly Mess are fm Nazareth ihelake ein Gennesaet SNe hae a one ine oats, sad made of he ems oi wet, abate Te becomes cra a¢ thie ot ea Justa we nea Oy these terme. In the st pace. ty ler to baste Penal catgut cov ih ere fe ee. ‘ject, prcpentin, eth tele w grammatieal case. Std {ps foci? eat Ai ence astern: tl lnguages eventhough various newages have ute ferent ste fof grammatiel cases, tether Words, they ae ences, Ths mas ‘haf the etre une ol eaperene i dived em thle cate ois 0) Objet elra to howe semantic elses whic designate tings ‘remtdes hic nonmaliypostiate Is events gy hes eg, {Sree that we prove Gectane Enpua lacks vec pres the sonny ese sme ciate hn coche Se Tay TE pied ee CEE EE SEE emp men my bach tel mee (as dal seg Ap tere Be pa A pny ee ety 8 rinthgegersc te ele fori fontaine pee “Repeat aiisenlgg Se Satis ee gy Sag a ar s csonarica ANALYSE sa, ath at, pit et. (2) ents the semantics whieh designates fons ee appease i: oho ro did) aia Vetere tothe seman an of expen Uhh ice tbe nly elses the’ qaltenquantey nd degoes of objec vets apd ber ats te ro thing a Sits, Hi ony aunty inherent seers cect eg re ba Tet ht. Eat hat bce ay vl atte nd Thad ac it had aeporte existence Sip gnc 2 at vain eves such aor uch, bu tan be canepially abstracted Shdvnamed. lists of quantity inode few end te, aay fn ‘Bor eT sna HN rv ome dae fi a ‘Sincts, eg too and soy, blag this oneal cabelas, (9) ettions iri alot pmatn ten here oF eye Otten ey are exesed be parties ba Engloh any are feepatons sn tonjatior} sone languages make extensive ise of [ea such a ence eninge, fr sme purpeses! abd many ang Indi el aoa ereniel au penta ‘isto. egy ihe subject aad the predate fob le the puoi Fa sangeet hd i ea theiruies ons towxpress ations, abn teense, Jo aa ‘fn hess drat ot in" tat tome to Ged ma bbe at tee Shei ere afetene Hogs word isto be uvertond, that what category i wl bea signed, Spe atily apn cach pares ote or xa Ue Satees he pad fa one, ine repesnte sm object in ey ‘Tecan futon as an vats and in wo wont deaf eres FP\Spovant to elie hat there is a kindof “We” Between these seri tego and certain gratiatia eases For iatanee, jets [fcimetfgpcaly express Dehowme or promo, events by ser sad Patocts by adcnes and adverb: le the igus fee Ht" that {ove ttt frac seman deintone ofthe gramme! gare Specht fa pga alo pos apf hie fincas memterhip of tar (og expensing evens by hou) ets etl hese eadidoelSctatonsand takes pone for ‘inl to place an = sgn betworn fhe to set offer, Prot 8 ‘Compace Philippians 2:12 the wo and the E¥ ‘Soifthereisanyencouragement “Does your life im Christ make in Chms‘any mcentive crave, you song’ Doce his love eom Shy partcpation nthe Spt, dort you De spe have fellow Sn) Secon Sad emtiy, ip th be Spt? Boy ea Sonplte sey Joy by belng'of the kindness and compassion for one SShltnind having estelove, Stother? Tage sou, then, ake ing jn oll accord and of one me completes happy’ braving mind ‘Ses hough sae he Sine love, sod biog one soul todd Compre the following coresponding pheses (f. dscston of tis postin the pesos chapter). 1a. encouragement 1, make you stone 2a ncenice of foe 2b. lve comfort som 5 partayadon eke Spine 3B uae est he allen 4b. youtekindoes £ Seey $b. Smparsion for one another Answer the following questions 2. What makis the verb expressions in 1, ab, 4, aid sb lesrr than trespunding noun expression int, aj td 3° 2 What the sate of the tse of pronouns Soi, hi and one anther ie pases ofthe Fev sea 2. Wat the estieavion any for wing thee ves and pronouns? Kemsrt Sextevers Seale examin cally what we ave done in order to sate the relationships between words a ways that ar the leaest test am [gua we aan dncover that eave siply seat he expressions 2 that events are expresso as verbs, objects a toane,abetret (guns pd qualities) tc afecives or adeeb The only oer terns ae rlaton 2 LE the prepa and conurtons ist estrrtured eapressions ee basally what many ngs all ere a Sa hee tet eane o o voieh the Imguage bas eiabrate surface stractses In ack oe the mat importa sights coming rom eatoratina gana 1s the fact that nal languages thee are bal dove to sen sie ficuctares out of whieh allthe more abate formations st ooeeuted bg'means of socalled “transtomations In contrat, back taneore Mion, then, the analyte pres a edacing the sree stu fe tundeiving Kero. From the atandpont of the taster, howeve, vit ive empress kr a ete level ofthe ore eatoratestrutorex The means tat i one cu Telos ‘roti structures to the here fevel, they ean be tented more MIN snd wih's minima of distortion Ths isone jasiation or the atu it ue WSR ae heat eae cE lnm that the tnge-stage process of tranatin i preferable, andthe tapers goals On cere mia estes canbe conetraeted const ofthe oo = : 1S nae 5 Jamia i Jon a oy 5; Jo ge Bl bad 2 Joh he. Crain estates of thee Bere! expresions should be noted 1 The subject Joly stands Jor any object word which can serve as {nije fd subjetprediete expreion ‘The Adverbal ttutivesoeh ae gel. can of course be a {bute to any Leva een, eg Joli Bi guely. 45 pase te fone be sepesetitiee, of an Spe of pepe torkt piace expression neaving an object eg th atch hough fens ae over he wont 4. tase er openly a predicate adjective and emai. digested toc char o ie aoe ap Steely permis the ataaci of hs quality to. be made the ‘eSatneleal priate of the sentence, contrat wth ch Jo Rest cand ch apeae ver cae are ely profoundly ‘ierens Ti fact ean perhaps Hast be Highghted by contrasting Solr ter and fob ta ny ftir the fst ease Ie pe ete nxn th te eter, detente dso wich ‘he subject oa enter among thes and ts impouble to reve6 the"setkene: ane canto ver wala. fae + ol, which Irbull evo the sols of the Seite ad indefinite references Tie {yer heel om the oer hand, bot subject and predate oan af! line, sad‘the eserves 05a identity si Deewern them Jef, ey hee of mathematica inert ya = Jon wt ng cane ening © fede ole im shez contents setantieay a tation (2 ‘ites tice ate i ech Ree Included in ous scheme in eel 6, though possibly sting, the furevhole predieaton, such seis guid fe soe. The dlerence EM ihe ture of the aoune iat fon fa proper name esgpatiagan bolstabe snd countable object and By designates Sie ins of auch egutae jects moma ped and ‘See Gsigate masies of hick one can have moe o¢ fess ith lente gratin. Close elated to this i the fact that one sos ono te foyt bat on of te ta tte ato ye ‘oye is quite distinc, since it is the indefinite plural of onc}. " Proien 9 1 In reading Jobo 1, Coline 1, and Hebrews 1 in the Jv othe sot et the mie ha spc ren nd tes Sx ee oe Hive bee tedered by verb in Se Pips and sev Bote ef treat expe ssc 4 Rewmte the following “a phrases (hom a 2 heel expressions to thow the tlatonship betwen te part mae ages of heart (Mark 35) ‘Mow ood (sees 3 the peoghet of ae B35) the washing of eps ark 73) fhe prowetsof en ark 29) fhe fomitandaens of Get (lk 79) {he eve of ned (Mark zo Sioa of ts Gig) ihe este ofthe Bouse lar the King of the Tews er 25.9)" the day of Prepivaton (Mare 1542) ten of tle fate at 825) tet el wolnee (ite 212), [Bier of men (lak eu the be i tr Ere tess ows? Wonns were Couptss Sraverenes Ae has been noted in the previous analysis of the "ot phrages in Eh oe nots compen ea le Scar Fn for exaiple iy the contexte srt fall ad fhe Lond of He seat iy th jet tenet els neh ing heo ‘nds contol the sebuah" "ne (WO) eres al" and “He cone Some pisses may seem quite sie ie stractare, but suse of terms Invi compiex structure, the ratonshipsbetvcen the pats fh ot {obs quite diferent The’ paces ur led rte lf canon Hage wot all ef be ue iff stu bat ey sctuy go back to que diferent kemel Note te dagrammatic lt thee thee pase tn Figure Inoue bed eae, te object (our performs the event (oa, tnd wich hc oth bjt ene n ar Baths ae jek Drlorms the event of rang the fast obec. sor, This ay be pace Fitted ave lve the one bo aes oy as" = img od Soot the frat obec i] ta esd to “command” oe “et” the object element in tsa, bat ths ame shject aos the subject ofthe vet of toeng te fis objec (i At che sae ae the 2 ‘omgsricah ANNs shel ur a ha scree aye mts eat eo tenn, ire eh et Cases o SrmecrenaLLy Couetes Tees ® inatins of lesents which eeu ith ran eRe ese rac eneontte ih Engh RRS eee cats alte eater AE hats lth er seen sand eon ee ee Ee esis ats ae gaan et re a ee tdert ie Ste See 0 ae kyle ac SaaS ese st andy els 1G Beto tem ae a a eee a eee SS anes ae Sesh memes tamtnanortat ope ha eect beh oh Gransrica, vacate “ ‘EA fan event with am ined reatasg) matt, econ (tac a am agent betwen mh Ine alo important co recognize that so-called event woe may rep ‘gat eiher snp events or comple opts, For example Ih the pease “an theresutetion stad the tibet esnon i eae sees but these donot eter ointranstive ation she "nga ing {sme might a ist prenme, bar rather causative fenaare even, Tecate wo rae and “to cane to lve Hence fp sentene ste al means Tam the gh who causes poopie tore in the dead and ho ies pepe tone Prolene x0 What are the conpnents (0, E, A, Ry in the tems ener, dere (take 2:1, sephora, pin water, oe, coe Fin, oan ‘Tue ReLanoxsite oF Semvace SravcrenE to Kewsets Ashshenindated meen ofthe un ctv eato deri thetndeiing rtatontpe twee enemas oF the sta stoceure by tbe pres of back tranatomation, sl to eter Inne what i the Leva Irom! wich the sara tutte te dered This ‘rows the clearest nd mort uhambiguowseapresson ofthe eat {hip But todo this soecesfllyesropereane tar ed constants iBone her yh Sch etre he aed. Care for example, () some of the pases with "a angled na peti secon With (2) the to Bak eral " Phrases with of the wll of God 2. Kerns in English Job ran picks) 2, Job hit Bt God ereater the mon (2) 3 “the Hal Spr of rome 2 John gave Billa ball, (Gos proend he Holy Spit (3 - oft hp scopes ey 2 ete eae So ey Nasr (9 pee: Tein le soda a Ste A 9) TN a Thee yr cnr pune ge uae nthe relionshiptatcen the slzments of the contraction Cm efor exanpe, the rasa he fll bet (rom 3) 4 Joh nthe Hose 4b John nak 5 John ia boy 7 Jon sy father E 1B fo te. 29 Nis: A does oe 2. Me detricton (Prov, 26): XMdestroyshim: N dows B to A o 3: ealing (Eph £38): Ne (God) calle (bm) A does B to X A con possess tera thy ftir te sah ts. 2:24: poses {ficial in ('s'-"A'snd'B see bea ‘Eiken contiguous generations © wo os Oat (Lake x50; fn) an a: Bis pet of A ° © zo, Be pote Qt. 9:7): he owns owe: A ons B caine sae eee eerie are SESE SR Se ee 1 should be noted that ip this series there tle or no diet inyottedasiongasan object rested tan eve ean abetctforhes Felationsips ave deat inieased in the conesponding eres Thee Frbiems. however, with tw objects fn ty nay be eked in ae {Enterent navn thse se tose bjels ay berated tone pote ‘van diferent event an ins» many erent manners Pte {g) tis obvious hac Bis the vay on which Atecotrnel bat esa Be eval wall pat, go, come Yr jrrney, es Smale in ay Bases (0) Amuy be so provide Bs bei mabe aden oon on onc, the pre ma he pte eins ee fore comes or this tots postive ustagshp sacs 8 docs Nat ope Rate tie ath wots B o's ll, oc “Theis tle one problem in As forse (0), for this the une eeae case ol “poses,” er “onnersip,” ht in ater) here Ts Feiprociy of relatnship wich cannot be analyacl ae mye pose Inthe sen of is hush lace sn many Lages, Kasipposeston Sexpremed quit diferent tom hing pose Snir see Shs ema cancel ohn pci, ate a at Spf parte the whale B isa par of Ain may anges tis bd ‘ol fosetion is ote, the fame nay that Lisp pesesen toy i oiigatory, and is very difent fom the pususdon of mate jets ‘Some ofthe problems of determining reatlonship between cements in pune Fam heptane ea eet ‘uted abv, rae of Go fends tobe andetstned by sone peopl the ifacaschuitterot Gratton shut he dts et no oars opi anata aan svat athe thn ar ane Sadar he fspesion te fing of God often miranderstcd: Beceem, 5 noun, people sstme epost eter oan abject, thats pace e's eprint arc asa seas (usually considered a kind of place tern used ea substitute fo (Go (test tthe Jeuih tabu et the tert lr Gd), The teeny Song But exrneous to interpret this pase as mearag “the Kegon ‘cs in heaven,” Languages dps sri pater sah sn fategory munbeshy tnd substations of oe frm fr another. Chet isa a alte pos of wat ad pete mening, ek il be diseased in detain he mex ehaper (p58, Als relted to these aifeaties ae probis esting fom those seciaiad expressions which we eal io, ders ate pay tome ‘raced on quite normal grammatieal patterns of phrase tact, bu {he meaing ofthe whol om fat mp the sumo he means a a fe onesie ai icy re ‘al fice (gua torpheme) foe words, ions ne saplecons e Sich the sented grematieat strate ae alk ieee Hence tsi to attampt to determine the “meaning weleton of he 6 cari SNALNSE cen hig lager oe mt et he i xin gna toa he ace pte be ere Fa kL eam nM ca ats me i er costan of ons sd rested express il be found henextebapte p89) Proton tt 2 cal tung of he psx om Le 2 ces go tamestauray aes ee A hats (ety ee a oe 20) ey eyed: wha ite eng here Prosi 28 ‘Dre he semantic eine the fllosing expressions erm take alert (Rom 23:0 ploy (om, 13:7) Fe ee Mela 8) commendation 3 Prete 23 ite the flowing “povesne'” constretions trom Matthew (5Y) as tat OGAW how ee eintiontitetneen the ports meta any ole Malle fos) Ting tr C$) SSaghs work (20) whim ce farce ca a cee Sgn oy reepaeers et ace pea tesco aan oa Grate Sean sd a oh of es Coe eta ae aban to ens miltepetatin abd only BY 8 comparison ofthe total contests which he gst and the prcamation Sredcuted can une ful uniertand the wats fn wih the ta past fre tabeuadcrtoal Sir npt should undoubtedly be ntefected 5 te a ee tae io Cs Chr the iststance ur the menage if the Goal News. foe cee Armen ance ad Seapine Be erie ee os bgt scar ge eo, eth Tol is ated every mi oe tame reac, seeeci penance Gee aie ee fea Se esr seo pa fama arte aed cen te ernie ie apg a ce geet ny ey at ae IE nao tr-elron ub ey) he re ea ta Ieee Nala oe aaa ice ehcroman saa a fe em ensoericn, ANALYSE munication of ie message, Iti at this pont that one gicks up any {Rporton ements la Ree we ay have bon veoked othe proces of nek translornatien, Duereeest Congraveross lay Exenest Tag Sr Mawson THecsiosswir Bervaex rae Pats Whereas inthe previo sections we have dealt with he fat Mat che sae coir whe sina ay ace ttre be led sit ileretlstonshipe betwee the conetiaent port, inthis section ‘Uishecssary tn ocr the converse ofthis stanton and to de with thlcent sac sttusce which go back to eouataly the came kere, Sear ii or deve retinal ack erm and ence of truanoration (nee thee ae snp the sme mechanism pple n paste dctons) ae hed of purapbrse, Ths the formal ier ay of sng mean then iy at“ ngage hs dieret says of suing the same thing” I the feowing sires of expestons Che Telationship between the patter the sme 1 She sings beasilly MMe bens of her staging 3 Hoagie benoit her tesco stein In cach instance te objet element is expretaed by seo iy The event ‘len ising ot sign ad he sbseet leet tilly, Paty, Hato ss serve a6 elton ‘Te base heen of the seus Shr snge Deaniily, andthe other ‘ee expen ate simply tranaforas Buta tue, the Teltionahip ‘ec teense farts bss the ae ie of te fo apuetony th event question then: What are the reason fr SEUESe licences of mednng’ Te theft place, expressions» a5 {Tier rom 2 and in tht foe former afe comple utterances and che {ater ee merely tues (ubjet), to whieh muse beaded someting to fake than eompite, Bat thee Ie pother equally agniiant spect ‘mel, the dferenc nthe foc of attention. La ie expression Sie Eh Koi the eeu supe the objet se) while He gig Sei ke ow so eight alm plas 2 {he Teas fs pon te ent even hh the contraction sien {oie andthe incomplete, bat in phrase the fcts bas sited to the gig 18 secoguiton ofthe fact that in Engle 24 wel as in al fanguages the areca ve fue tos aunber of dierent surface setae ‘Xpeesion wth deen festare of focus eon we ae to handle sar hile Sime eid aster atabegean ek ‘fry are related casornsric asats 5 sparc mates pope ina receptor langue, For esarpl, the phrases Beto of Gotan Gof fs exps sen the tine sto ‘hips beeen the cantituent forts, bat sere ae ing diferent meting. This becuse of tbe focwe In the so tf Gad the ovat fe Se rs ini Ge ols ce i The suelo. Tet hl i's esa spr of a Sale uf datstom ror smal kernel maybe rather nuerons, pemieladbnig sto a de rom fee eked Pe be Jesus eobuled Peter. er was rebuked by Jess. ou rebeing of Botte Petr beng rebuked by Jesus the sebue a Peter by fetus Rear bate ei iticns st ho tebaced Sete, Tt eas Peer who wae obedient fordiveies in sve and'it i he Sette itv tet one dels th ceptor language in nuh’ way uta pvide the sows natural eg ‘Seis sees “ Prem 5 For each of the flowing expression fom Pipa, (determine hate undsving hme se how may her arson oa dee ru exh Kesey sxpoe fe nar ote lees Stent aro tanalems ee 1 my rtembranoe af you (13) yim eh 4 Tigers an enccragemene in Chit (2:2) $ tn the oglnag ofthe gape 13) Gnaoovaricar Taaxsromisti0ss raow Reaves tn order to handle most of the problems of tack-ranstormation i the prokesss of analyst tb not neceeary to dea wi all the tee fees eed ancirtinalgiannser tempat henner ald proerdues wath grate pson (though one must nt be itr pede the handing of the srocurltelaonsup) Bak Inportat to havea general ea of some ofthe moe cov type of » mocuaTica ANALYSIS forward-stauformatons inorder to appreciate the implications of the aan te wayoin which cin be apped tthe problems elaton- Sips eto wa = eine ‘guard rantrmatons are czntally ftvo types) those inv sng Se suturing o se barel and ©) thos involving the combine iptateonmoe ete fo Ea emt wet foes pstivetoneatve, ob Bl to fon dd aa ‘EMail sterement to gueton, gy fon hit Bl to id Por ht Bre Ae te Same tie ete, both alive and pave contractions eae hegatiied, Both sete pave and ponents om {fase can or canged rom statement nto questo, ‘fk pes of coutinng voor ore Herel fess in two Kinds of sata aye Ho ih al he etl Fe ret et aay a it cee the Gores i pas eter in Enc, tere are tre eof combination wich ee the cafe structure il of he elements of he Ler (a home serch th latin besa the ta bern marked Dy a conjunction, mets ete angry it Toe Roe ae we fhe hs Hide el thle hid gos () the meh the elon of oe Eeeitoa part of anodberemties by atc pronoun, cg The ja Sette Fd tacy and ound he ba eh ts an (6) those BeGu one of 12 Keres been Urnsormed ato = "dependent ‘Beprithout a conestive mater, eg. ess hn go (rom we say Ae Ere teal gad Mis eaong hd erson Co he ita ls ed Sa intr othe her adn of tt he ee andege thes ne or moe ite parts then wa kunels ae co Meeps sractre, For eample, te sentence ving fe near ‘Retna ese fran the kere he and he nei eared: and He ‘abu of esting ort Svive rom the kere ee bck Sed ctatela fone snarl nthe sentence Teg sche cid on ate he hates sel dh aed on nts ype of embe ‘boner the os” i aca only apparent, ste a hat happens Beat Beh Meret hae the sme enbjct component whieh eee 8 De eet tien he Tesuling suracesteactge one vet exprsin Sli or hand fg ona ror ah Eresadden jemi the unambiguows recovery ofthe “Tow” element, SR i a can uy thatthe Lue onlyappagent- But Its nt only 3 see abe Set whee fe Ih el a Enviada sheen of essere de Bi ie rab Eecaue i dential we that of the rnc late SUSAN RC one nso sen combine to emesis sticate ie song, all sha emai this inte seed lass Ee preform a Hoe rre eis rangementsof kerelsae by no means the only types of transormations, hey provide atleast some ofthe more nortan clase, Sci easel wi Ec cine insees toca conpoe tie Avatss or Sens or Kensms “oe anatysis te pont tonite onan! be seated tcp conbtanione of nerds eine ones athe Savightunrboilin ae riers ua nected is Tanai ty ee Sine Sate esa Spe cores, wh vot ite tne he Sse Pfu analyzing te reatonships bs a eng th dtionship bewzenvrds nthe sentence Joa ac i eter te pts Gar a {fee are ive baci steps in procure: 2 denying the bake atractoral esto i ged Eo gp int i ital hp ny mph tel eee he eel Sait er (htc eats cot nlftieie sacs untae s he tees gouge ke Sue an ag the le enh ‘eoptimal for ttansfer ino the receptor language ween “Fe eet dnt cel be nda slows wap ok ER fo Roof ge John... Gpeteedataptsm of repentance for the forgiveness of Sins ‘Te base Keble which make up this sentence (ep 3) te Jol ached X fn whieh X stands forthe init icon 5 Joke Rpts a pope. few 5 ee peoble pet od Fogives 3 The people In determing the reonaip teen the eee ep 9) ie ceil co nane not oly he cp mater sche ost bak Soe posal rnunahgs Hve doth ne nd the fag Se of reo: * 1 Th ul of rch hr 2, may gag te nnd byte ab iopreach) 2, Kemal precedes Lerel 2h Une, 2 to rated events combined ypu Tae f true heen “eet SRO a es la 9 tea a Tie ett am Eee ES USL sat oe fp of tem yaa Seg ACA ea mel 9 ere rg SBRES SAA eee tte ea “The mannerin which we formulate a “pearserel” statement ofthese ‘nets and eatonship (ep 3) Spends in very lage ease onthe ‘SA in uch we know tot 2 patil expression ean be efectively Trnteeed sta th ceptor nguage: For svample, we ma ow that Sie langages peer dace decsucinwachene dceadlvansteable ‘Sateen might be Joba preached, Repent and be baptised, ao that {Gad forgive the eel pouthave dane" Such a restacenen of ene rsumesthita psc ay be wel or ins, chow the ng EiSto such potive formation, may berneceqary to employ El pce son oro i ee pti‘ hee che rb ‘afeias for the poste espresion) Hf the veeepiorInguage requtes St indieet fn A scous, one cow aee""Jabn preached tba the Shou repent and be baptized In onder tt God mould forgive Tektite nthe ell they tad done "The parler form whith the treton wil tae in the receptor language se sourse be geatlsmedifeem the processes of trocar {ago toconorm fo the iste ruements fr te various language "S'Fpe same five steps in procedoe, namely, (0) identification of the coy, tnt, oll i tac re 3) ape ‘tuntn ofthe imped element, () statement ofthe Kero (4 deter {ing the stostipe between Keres, and (3) emt ot mete femelle tay ale be applied to's more compet pase, such as Ephesians 2570) sup RO 0 £ Ro oF roan ih whom we have redemption through bis Hood, the forgiveness of E BA ROE sit, according tothe riches af his grace” Sup 2 Impl items which ee ob ded Gf he bet ordain al firgiones) and we (as the sbjet of 3). Sup 3 “The basic Keres conti of: 1 he nite Mere a the sl er Gd orgs sins of te pope” ‘ceaaetea, axe 38 1 God redeem 22 Chi es [ei load). 5: Gea toes i Wea Gaal ahows grace ihly Sep s 1 Ketna 215 the means ofthe event of galt, bat i may also be ausocaed wth the cvent in ere the si 2 Ker sisuplectry token! psy even in epptin erie i the oat ofthe event in kernel 3 Resets and may be regarded Se appistion to Kanal 2, but tig more ed that this an aepienon rhe th 4 ap oni: Hence seedy connected ithe pee Bs 4, Revels mater the bts forkeme! x anditampiatinin keel Sep 5 “The eartere statement of Ephesians 1:7 may be givens ols God redzened us though Ci's shedding of hs blood, and Gos fecgave our sins AU this dates low seh God showed ie eat, The tens of nia token ons ono aca hs posage Sich as Episians 2 (kh, im vdh the este fetereace i comples td the nee for solving imple pastas i buch greater thas fama ones Sepa FR Eo Ea aken incl LE Bl “Fo, By graceare ye saved thenugh ft ad dha not of yourselves @k ERO ARE RAS OE St is the git of God: not of wor, lest any nn shoul best {Certain features inthis marking of basic tructral elon shoal Be te ms 1 Expressions sch gar. seed and mld Bas ate conser to ‘bens, and sre dantied merely by E 2 Thssibel() inieates that the tera question eles oan event indicts The words that ‘and sre pronominal rerenees £0 ‘rent ian by anather ord a Te word ot cam be comer part of the negative transfor aud geeated by T However, oy ejay wel be aed ot aero ath ac fe oe od SAAS "Pat who oy ec BBS SE sls 6 lnssaricat ANALYSIS Siepa Seva implicit ements shoal be added Gt as subject of gre and Soh go fer subject of fat) weal (a predicate with sonrsates SS Sab Eco sgl ot tnd asset of wor). os ea ages LEE ecte & You did not sor tort on {Becesh i hemes Seer Sep s "Go showed bis grace to you, and hls way he saved you through Sour costing in Vou Youve ia ot save soureves: Rate, EU gave you this salvation, You didnot ear st by what you did ‘Taedlove da one ean bast sbout what he hat dome In many yass i instructive to compar the tranelatign of Epis a-Si the Nov Enelch ble for a 0d be noted immedi the i ‘ovat advantage ofthe trittan over the sg onan the extent Pe'whuch some othe tape elements pei certain partipants, hive bee supple "For it is by his grace you ate saved through tasting hi Te ot your vn dung: fee Gos st pot a reward for wrk done, There ‘noting for anyone to boat of Several features ofthis ae translation should be noted 4 By sing hi before grace the implied subject of this event(s 2. Tring in class the mening of ith," not only in terms fs se manga te (ory fing contrast with fl) ‘ul ay by the ation of hin 35 te goal of the rating. aasnaricatasanvts 8 3: Your esa doing supplies th component of the Keo, which are aot fly repeat sm nf of ours fu 4+ Betas of al ge an fe iting nce i cout be ipeeprted se obetie, but by reversing the Ser and cae the construction, God Ws deal unpled a the subjre ofthe een 5. Peds bein add order to hight te Cort between ings wrk don fort orl hh Sands in et eas 6 Hota nics he ate of event more eat, tan mately ovina has such a aifeent vow peels Engh {gu elsor gaccorte, a orks ofa 7 ‘he avoidance tthe obsaesent ta kt rakes che tranlton ‘ometthat more coatemporary ad sen makes the heel sructare ‘howe evden. Protea 35 rales fllonng page treo he 5 steps of precede Bequaert wins hope dk acre 9 je Cte gat bien impr aaS s, Id he se strut of ech won 0, £, oF 5 laa any St acta lente 5 Eatin feet a psa 2 Gip tena ie meal at, sowing the ein ‘between the kernels. a 5: Rea pss sch fr pW ea te ak ‘Vou may use the fllowing tanlations as bass for comprisn SEB: "who in his mery gave ws new ith nt a Hing Hope by he supe eas Cs he att Th aia fo {hither It kept for you in eae. “ sev "Beenie of his get mazes, be gat nee by rasing Jess Chis fom Uh end hfe ge witht ving hoge ut 20 tne leo florea fo poe te ick estas at Go ke or Tis prope He hupe them fay you ia heave, bere they cannot Ac apa a fade aay. Prot 16 Fo ute pact i ell of pages van eae ‘onmples combinations of tern elo he five sep of pocnare for Ie olowing passages: Luke ars Lake ror, Satie 5/67. Matthew Psa Romane ict, Hebrews Yn eth these plage he oe liter encouerd te ult lees, CHAPTER FOUR REPERENTIAL MEANING Having agar he mingles etn wide now sly te sang ofthe word Hague uit themselves Such ‘ody nt te vie oto two part: (2) tae wordy a stmbols hich tele Sect evn, tain eal eg 1) she gorda proms actions of the parepants ic iunleen fe sonnotative meaning, tated in Chapter bani tail tne ane EPERENTIA Essie ” Manxise oF Messise ey tHe Sextax Jn many instances the meaning of terms i ler indicated by the sgyatatc eonsrations tn which thay oor Compe, for exanl,fhe ‘wing se = ee 1 He picked up a owe ‘They wal oe hi, Se ela ld te oe 3 Hevea the Ser Plas cetr the arn The distinct meanings ofthe terms oe, slo, fe, ante ate very iia by he enc le rt gute ees Stiactions nag anane in contrast wills vest, hs ase the garg ‘al pots & the eect intended meaning “ Tn tome instances, however, the sence marking isnot simply a iinet in wor cases Fa exampe, the erm fr may’ ace be iwi contests, wie que decent ea 1 [bisa fox, 2 Hele ato 5) Shel om, fn the ist sentence, the prsenee of gets fox ae an anal, because Abat the only ste of or for hich dos egimate adbeor Its sens teense io the same grammatical tacts vimalvi the Intra casng nt mana, he scan sntene, the presence fhe forees us to fake a sense of for at apps ton peson ite fe this construction, ae an anaphoric sueeeete for ame hua” lepine setfote on fora eae of terms nla ee ose fils i ptr, tes whieh identify le persons; and th oni fense‘of fu that apes fo peso is "cong person? tn he rd Sentence, fo isa rb. as can be seen fr Ie poslon between the $sliy il and the object pronoun Ie the seal sence of for deceive by cever mean ‘other tequenly curing grammatical marke of meaning isthe Iniranstve fans comtaet- erates vas how Cats rat ‘atranstve verb fas quite diferent meanings trom thos shanti ‘hich occurs ae rape tha ul Hecome even Carin the cae $a th orb feowing secten) ‘Asan te sen fom the above examples, the syntactic cases which sy ie ston of pe ene woe deen jective animate ar animate, transitive ir intrantiv, eley e Fee Mee epee, a dey cote th ar fe Formally marked, ay for example, by the presence of cata ead ‘piel of sich gaiamatet clas of word 7 8 sarenesrias MEANING Probie 17 Tn Matthew (6) sow how the sytactic marking dsermines the acting a met oe (os 29), sand or a5) rapt (8.17) ses 3 Danuise oF Sizanine BY Sexorasis In altion tothe syntactic marking which has been dessibed bons in an ances the sempsactc envionment of or as el Sgehuste meaning lene we are dealing mot wth fnetional eran ‘aattal eases but wa etegorie of meanings wth canbe sid fo be atau or incompatoe,snl whieh mutually sector einnat cach SEP petaut we ave deal th seman, whieh far more tres cn grammars the cemotacle casera very nonerot ft SORE Shall evenacttaey, often veiap in tensonal wat SBN sohdum orally masied. A good sumber of them are gy ‘pel awesome ate pro ect th Sree Asa te fact ute fer the syntneti andthe enoaeic meee eauact to ppt spe meanings Bot they rean Ik Seen que cnet. Ri Wtinction between syntactic and semotactic functions ill deo event ap pera esamples and problems ate studied onnpare Tor esampl, the fellow sentences: 1 He ct is han 2. He St off id of bananas 3. Hand un the book Sentence 3s cleary dings rom the ther sw iy ayia ath SUR ese ars sero assrn fom the presence of te ect ing ae objet) eens the other eww are toth pouns, What ‘Elie thre tho In eenence te presence of Hs makes i gute ‘Sect e sbsenc of ny cntadetoy fetus heen ronment that ‘thou estan he ommonest ce of hand sp of he ody Brno oe arm. However, fenonay gute spectcaly marks the fewer davai in which hai beng weit he quite sere one T5EuRe Ge atanas in whic nud means a aber of baanss 8 Sige dot a ten ach th cairn homber of diferent contests He bouaht clara the rite store He wastnemne to ie (et) he. Pleas address the la. Hei ae tig Hees appotned tothe olay of plilosophy at the university, In these sentences one standout fom the et by static marking: in Hotta ease baer assum bythe presen of sje an Oe fenerete object, but the pesnge uf condemned and apollo sit ing Inert ‘ete nice eth anti fan be andeatd nly hen thc ene meat eto an 1 my father, the ater ol Tim Stith, the ato the git 2 tue athe heaven, the heavenly aster 3. Bitter Mnghe 4 father of he ea, father of the inenton, father of bis cosy lec gags ese nea og ind’ hese stand nm begieal and soi seats of congas ‘intonation for prayer) marks the meaning. i Aes tl he th rca cet Comply Sst nse 2. The water rns Ths tap rune ‘snot rns & seraresrias MEAMING 4 The vine rons ove the oor, ‘The motor suns ° “Fh in suns soapy up on this graph. The bins ams eo aie oe, On teh ions herein eoamer eg cit ieee aac Win sesonctdat same grt ata Wir Ses oette wane alot ata shee rpc ee an nt aed ee rear hem Wie eme tn ty 5 1 He ran the animal inthe fst 4, Me used the animal to 2: She'ran the water into the tub, £2, the water did he raning 3. Hersam basnes well ho cased the bushes fo fanetion fiat “4 Hetan The ine over the tres, 2, be caused the vine to grow ‘verte els In some ats, the ete comple of the set of semotatic ass satel gterae fo selet the nan meanings can be convient sh Tpettcl means of forma, hich may then sare o explain some of Ue educd but diagnose entres of contests marking particlar ‘eats The Engi verb charge latrates a numberof the problems ‘Steed wth such comps peters 1 He charged the man ten cents forthe pene, He cated the Satter 5 He charged them fo do thir duty 3 He Grgea ic the mas secant atthe store $ He charged into eb ener Be Garg the man th murder, “The foals for thee assnings may bested a flows: 4 ane a ose, umber of aia pi ce fe ‘exec Shecie'rm the ser enpesions, tm preterit tale the SENS tay RUE ae amin tapatom EFERESTIAL eae & Sujet Verb Fst Goal Sent Goat Price Phrases 4 person elugs person ameant for abject or event 2 peso oe NT Biers gu, ‘it power, ‘ech etd ‘dylan’ te > parson pero soSialy approved ‘eed ffintive oe 4 perm purchasable open ee ‘moving peron thing obec penn 6. person peta ‘it (epretenibe ‘as ron Gr het ‘ela flora sae tae ye Sefer an ively then oe nln ne ane names the ii wih dyn. The predate pitas any be ntrued yo, “lara is crncnaytea angsmcmra pee ta eee The eth ela cont of» pron or hanan tin a ab Ure sgeatatin ofthe person olved, node by fo folned eet Theses charged te ney), a aval Phe fg charged lo Fee nee an ror thing which cational fai to the subject. Past stop, he Ses ire eee ite ee abe Pear nie aly ar ‘Seat word naming some repreheniie tehavio. this aspect, the SS eet

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