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Hallways Playground Cafeteria Bus/Bus Line Bathroom Assembly and Field Trip Classroom

Follow directions of adults Voice Level 0

when walking in line

Follow directions of adults Voice Level 0

when lining up

Follow directions of adults Voice Level 1 Keep hands, feet, and

belongings to self

Follow directions of driver &

bus monitor

Quietly wait your turn Voice Level 1 Keep eyes, hands, and feet to

Follow directions of adults Voice Level 0 Eyes on the speaker Keep hands to yourself Use kind words and actions

Follow verbal and written


Voice Level 1 Keep hands, feet, and

belongings to self

Voice Level 0 2 Raise your hand & wait


Voice Level 1

Take turns & share the



We are

during arrival/dismissal and small group work

Keep hands, feet, and

belongings to self

Use kind words

Raise hand for help

Kind conversations

Listen carefully Use kind words Allow others the right to learn
& be heard

Walk in single file line Play by the rules Give quiet helpful reminders to Pick up & return all equipment
others you use

Clean up own space Be polite & use good manners Stay seated until dismissed Taste it, dont waste it

Keep backpack zipped Walk in line order

Flush Use only 1-2 towels Keep bathroom clean

Respond positively Represent Parkview positively

Help others cooperate Follow the classroom contract Keep space & belongings

Stay with your class

Line up promptly Keep playground free of litter


We are

Hand waves only Keep hallway clean Take care of your belongings:
coat, backpack, supplies

Be prepared Stay on task Hand in work on time Do your own work Take pride in your work Four legs of chair on the floor

Walk at all times We are Stay to the right when walking

down hallway

Take only playground

equipment to recess

Walk at all times

Stay seated Report unsafe activity to driver

or bus monitor

Walk in & out of bathroom Wash hands with soap & water Open & close doors slowly Use facilities correctly

Enter & leave quietly

Get help from an adult when



Stay in designated areas Use equipment properly

Face forward at all times

revised 8/2/11

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